Author Topic: Spring Rituals  (Read 3333 times)


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Re: Spring Rituals
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2007, 11:44:52 pm »
You have it a bit backwards. Extremely talented people are quite rare, thus people have greater reason to suspect that talented people are left handed, thus the reason they inquire.
Oh, I see...point made, point made. I suppose you're right...I always get things like that mixed up. The fate of my odd thinking habits, it seems...

Lord J, I will not submit to your foolish attempts to hold me down! I am exercising my right of free speech! As for the all seriousness they have been worrying me lately with all of their censorship...they tread further down the path towards dictatorship every day, and that's not something to joke about.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Spring Rituals
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2007, 03:28:33 am »
No way, John Howard and me are ol' buddies! I've even met him! Wow, that was three of his terms ago.

Well anyway, if things don't go my way, I'll just attack him with a giant battle axe.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Spring Rituals
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2007, 03:31:32 am »
You have it a bit backwards. Extremely talented people are quite rare, thus people have greater reason to suspect that talented people are left handed, thus the reason they inquire.
Oh, I see...point made, point made. I suppose you're right...I always get things like that mixed up. The fate of my odd thinking habits, it seems...

Lord J, I will not submit to your foolish attempts to hold me down! I am exercising my right of free speech! As for the all seriousness they have been worrying me lately with all of their censorship...they tread further down the path towards dictatorship every day, and that's not something to joke about.
Australian censorship is nothing. We aren't the ones that banned an ad for having the word bloody in it. So what specific cases of censorship are you talking about. If you're talking about all the games we've banned and such, oh well. I know video games don't influence violence that much, but at least we have a hella lower murder rate than most countries.

And Australia isn't near a dictatorship yet; the party has majority power, not the leader.


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Re: Spring Rituals
« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2007, 03:36:58 am »
I was referring to the recent banning of "any pro-terrorist" material. What exactly does that mean? That kind of open-ended law is a very bad idea, just like the USA PATRIOT Act, or any number of recent Canadian anti-terorrism acts.

Now, do not mistake this...I am in no way favoring any form of terrorism...I simply do not see what the point to this is. Hell, it'll even harm the ability of researchers who are examing radical Islam and other terrorist causes.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Spring Rituals
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2007, 03:48:14 am »
The whole ASIO scare has died down. Sheik Alhilali is the flavour of the month, constantly saying something stupid to gain attention. This time, he said he was more Aussie than John Howard. Howie reckons he's a joke and should be taken down from any power of influence. Gotta love him.