Author Topic: Dialogue  (Read 7672 times)


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« on: April 04, 2007, 10:17:42 pm »


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2007, 01:55:15 pm »
Guile's mom needs to be a place to figure out where to go next. Either that, or his dad, I can't remeber if he's alive or not.


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2007, 02:23:05 pm »
Dad and mom both alive.  Btw, we have a dialogue person now.  Idk if Zeality ever gave him access to the forums, but we'll find out eventually.


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2007, 06:30:50 pm »
presently here. here i wrote this:

In the faint world of the entity's creation, yet another wind was sweeping through the valley of time. A disruption, that was effecting all of civilization, Aeos was thrashed about by the most ungodly of storms, disrupting the land form that so daringly wanted piece and prosperity, but the entity knew it was out of his hands, for it was the job of a boy at the age of 19 and by the name of Guile. That day of his 19 year age, he was granted his birthday wish. Throught the landmasses he trekked to see the most fabled of goddesses, Schala.
Threw legend it showed she had been in a coma for nearly a millennium, forced by a source of power who overpowered her. This disturbing power was still at large in Aeos.
Guile was powered by the entity and soon would be the most important of beings in the small world of Aeos.
Guard: Ye have you’re five minutes with the mistress, but be warned unusual occurrences happen in this alter.
Guile walks into the shrine.
There lays the goddess Schala. Young and pretty, and most of all magical by all belief.
Overcome by beauty, Guiles mind wanders.
"How did you end up this way? What kind of person were you? Will you ever wake up? Then started to ask deeper questions. Where did we come from? Is there a purpose to this life? Can we ever find the answers to the strange things that happen in life?"
then out of sheer determination, schala pulled her inner self out to Guile, and told him this:
Guile...Guile you must help the people of Aeos. You're all being tricked! You're all being used!

I have no time, he'll know that I've spoken with you soon. You must find a way to awaken me, it is the only chance Aeos has. Please, seek the sun stone, and find a way to harness it's powers. It's possible you can wake me up with that, but that may be the only way. And act quickly, he is ruthless and smart, you won't be able to avoid him for long. Go, Guile. Go!!
A visible shield rose over her.
And Guile felt uneasy, feeling watched and excited the shrine.
In a smaller town to the southeast lay a library of sheer beauty and ancient word. Historians, readers, and just plain citizens rushed about the old building.
An old man asked Guile what information he wanted.
Old man: what do you want in the sacred library of Goliad?
Guile: the whereabouts of a powerful stone.
Old man: that fabled stone lies to the east of all land in Aeos. To get there is dangerous and very hard.
Guile: how do I go about traveling there?
Old man: to the south lays a dock, owned by a girl by the name of Kimber Tam. A human being of great talent. I trust you can make it there, the Entity will watch over you. and Schala will be always watching you.
after this conversation, Guile heads to the dock and comes upon Kimber.
Kimber: Sorry kid the docks closed.
Guile: but i need to travel to the keep to the east.
Kimber: that stone? Again? My lord every kid that talks to that old bag suddenly wants to commit suicide finding that hunk of rock, what makes you so special that you won't die?
Guile: Schala sent me.
Kimber: That's the first time I’ve heard that excuse, danm it, fine I’ll take you to that unnatural island of doom. Of course it will take quite a time.
Guile: it's worth it.

It's short but just a simple idea for beginning, i made up names for characters just for the reason i didnt know who the second character or the personality of the character. i can write more when i have more specifics about the plot.
i'll change names later. and i added several descriptions in order to help me write. i think it helps if you have a description.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 06:52:19 pm by satchel_dawg »


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2007, 06:52:16 pm »
W-...WOW O__O  That's really good.


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2007, 08:03:41 pm »
remember we'll have to tie in the mystics somewhere
i think a little later on the sunstone quest that will consume half the game
 we also should introduce a mystic charcter who'll become a PC later on, like maybe the 5th character to join.


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2007, 12:01:53 pm »
I like the location names, I just need to finish the overworld so I can place the locations.

Very good BTW


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2007, 01:05:06 pm »
Don't forget, it's being placed in 1999 AD domes and shiznit.  I'm currently trying to see if I can replace Guardia Castle with a new Shrine for Schala =O  Basically an updated church =D


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2007, 03:49:13 pm »
i've been writing more, Arris has finally joined Guile, and Schala has joined or at least one version of her, it will make since once i put up my updated version. so far Guiles only traveled to the mystic deminsion. which i had included on the sun stone quest, i'll put the updated copy up later like in three hours or so.
personally when he awakens Schala, i don't think they should fight Magus, mainly because if they win then that means Magus isnot all that powerful, if they fight Magus it should be in Zeal.


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2007, 04:43:35 pm »
we still don't know what order the characters are going to arrive, but we currently intend for Heaven Damien to be 2nd or 3rd, character. He'll be the one who introduces Guile to Dimension Sliding, and plays an integral role in obtaining the sun stone. For the plot me and Justin were toying around with, Arris is the sole Surviving Human in the robotic dimension. all the robots are peaceful and intend to find a mate for Arris to preserve the human race, and that's where Guile and Damien come in. I think it'd be interesting to have Arris know where the sunstone is. but will only tell the man she chooses at that point we (Justin and I) think that there should be a competition between Guile and Damien with Damien coming out on top (for storyline) and so Arris chooses Damien, and the group goes off to get the sunstone.

Maybe Johnny can make an appearance.

I don't know what you've written for the Arris entrance, or if you knew about the current plot idea.


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2007, 04:54:06 pm »
well i wasn't actually completely sure how the order of charaters where coming in. if someone could email me and tell me what exactly they'd like written in dialogue, then i could do demo dialouge for certain events, and so on. i'm not sure how you want Damien introduced to Guile. i can write it but i need more information on the starting characters, so i can write a intro for the demsion sliding and so on.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 04:57:53 pm by satchel_dawg »


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2007, 05:21:19 pm »
1) Guile
2) Damien, Heaven
3) Slash
4) Schala
5) Arris
6) Flea
7) Damien
- This maybe changed while working on the story!!
8 ) (If we get it playable then unknown yet)

Forgot to mention.  Silent protagonist.

Also, I think it would be a good idea to have like a small battle with Magus and Guile at beginning of game.  It doesn't make him "weak", he's just holding back to see whether he can win or not, of course, he can't win at beginning of game cause Magus has ungodly stats...

Btw, incase you didn't know, Time's Illusion represents the illiusion that's going on.  Thinking they're all 1 world that's been around for years and years, actually hsa been around for so little time.  The think they're the only dimension but they'res many more then what they think.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 05:59:04 pm by justin3009 »


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2007, 06:12:28 pm »
All the characters are from different dimensions, except for Damien, who's dimension no longer exists, and guile who was from the same dimension, but schala grabbed him 10 years ago in desperation to save her.
Justin and I are currently working on the rest of the story
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 02:10:11 am by TheOutlaw »


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2007, 06:31:46 pm »
Okay, thanks, i think i should be able to do enought dialouge with this information.


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Re: Dialogue
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2007, 08:26:55 pm »
well here's what Justin and I covered so far:

Schala sends Guile to get Sunstone
Guile asks around, and is told about a man asking the same questions
Guile eventually travels to the next town,
where he sees a mysterious fgure asking about the sunstone
The man leaves, guile follows
Man enters a portal, guile tests the portal, and is sucked in
-------------Human dimension--------------------
Lost, Guile heads out in a forein place
While traveling in search of a town,
guile sees the man(damien) reading a sign for directions,
and follows him again
on route to the road sign, guile is attacked by rustlers(1st mini-boss)
When guile gets to the sign an agent of magus is there
who attacks guile, it's a fixed battle
after four rounds guile's HP is reduced to 1
Damien jumps in, cures guile, and together thwey defeat the agent
Damien inquires why Guile followed him,
and offers to take guile into town

it's after the rustlers that me and justin started to have trouble coming up with what should happen once guile reaches the sign. So it may be subject to change.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 08:46:45 pm by justin3009 »