Definitely need to make sure this one gets seen.
Somehow I missed the obvious option of moving the names to a new memory location.
In Temporal Flux, the Mem.PCNames needs have the end changed. It should end in DCCDC1000000A4C9C8BCC1 instead of A4C9C8BCC1, and write to Mem.7E2900 This will store "8th" before "Epoch".
025BD9 - Pointer for Epoch's name. Set to 3029 for new location.
Set the following to 0029:
02E3EC - Write from naming screen.
02E48A - Load for naming screen.
025FD8 - Pointer for PC Names.
028872 - PC names for menu?
Edit: It's not loading names in battle right. x_x This may be something else I did, though.
Edit 2: The names need to be loaded one letter at a time. Strange, and very annoying, but this may give the means to extend names in battle. Here's what I have so far.
$CC/E61D - Crono first letter.
$CC/E623 - Crono second letter.
$CC/E629 - Third letter
$CC/E62F - Fourth letter
$CC/E635 - Fifth letter
No more gold problems, and much easier to do. XD
Edit 3: Some of this may need to be moved around to work. Get me the latest version you have and I'll fix it in that.