Author Topic: Virginia Tech Massacre  (Read 12491 times)


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2007, 11:50:56 am »
It is unnerving to be able to find the victims on Facebook.

Looks like the heat is off Alberto Gonzalez for a couple days...

The Wikipedia article has been the best source of news, as editors are poring over independent sources to present them there. It's nice to see .
The net is aflame with this story...everywhere I go people are talking about it left and right, especially at NationStates where people are replying every other minute, which is extremely rare even for that place, as busy as it is.

This is quite horrifying, really...I just wonder what possessed the Korean student to do this...was there something else at hand? Revenge against another student? Was the student contracted to kill a specific person and any and all witnesses? Was the student depressed over an obssession of some kind, say with an MMO, or perhaps due to a lack of social exposure? Was it simply a mental illness or temporary insanity? What was the motive?

For that matter, where did he get the weapons involved? Why did no one try to stop him? It sounds to me like there were several instances where if a number of students charged him en masse they could have stopped him. So why did they just watch him kill? And why did he commit suicide?

If I was a praying man, I'd be praying for the victims right now. As it is, my heart goes out to the victim's familes. As I said before, I know what this is like...I know the horror and suffering they're feeling about all of this.

The one thing I do hope is that there is no backlash against any Korean neighborhoods near Virgina Tech, or anywhere else in the U.S. for that matter...the people in those neighborhoods do not deserve the blame for the act of one South Korean student.


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2007, 12:19:27 pm »
people are afraid of death, people never charge said person with a gun because they think they will die. in the end people will always put the chance of them surviving before the chance of stopping someone else kill more people.

apparently "from what tv said" he killed himself after so he probably had issues with something and wanted to die. meaningless / insanity induced / pissed off massacres don't tend to end with a simple suicide.


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2007, 12:24:17 pm »
There's something more to this...the events make the Columbine massacre pale in what was his motive? I refuse to believe it is nothing more than simple mental issues or issues with specific people...there's more to it than that. Much more. What, I can't say, but something about it just feels as if there is a deeper reason lying in wait here.


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2007, 02:52:23 pm »
The one thing I do hope is that there is no backlash against any Korean neighborhoods near Virgina Tech, or anywhere else in the U.S. for that matter...the people in those neighborhoods do not deserve the blame for the act of one South Korean student.

I don't think that will happen, to my knowledge Korean students aren't usually the ones who cause issues like this, except here of course, but most people understand it is an isolated case, not some reason to discriminate.


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2007, 03:15:26 pm »
While some of you might not be able to understand how people there feel, I most certainly can. Some of you may recall the Platte Canyon hostage situation last September?

If not, allow this to refresh your memory:

That was my old high school and my sister's class, though thankfully she was home sick. My ex-girlfriend(but still good friend) was actually there, though, and the girl that was shot and killed? She was my sister's best friend.

I first heard about the events from customers in the drive-through--I was working at Wendy's at the time--and I had no idea who was there or what was going on. When I found out it was at my old high school, I was freaked out of my mind. My two sisters go to that high school and while I knew my sister Samantha was home sick I had no idea where Rachael was, what classrooom it was in, and so on and so forth. It was extremely scary, sad, and horrible.

You know what one of the worst parts about it was? The place where the hostage taker was camping near the school? That was a favorite river side spot for my girlfriend and me just the month before...had we not broken up and kept going, we might have run into the guy ourselves.

So, I can definitely understand how the parents and families of those murdered at Virginia's not pleasant, to severely understate the situation.

Damn, that really sucks. I'd like to say I can sympathize, but the closest I can come is when Bush visited my old high school when my sister was there (I know I know, bad time for humor).

There's something more to this...the events make the Columbine massacre pale in what was his motive? I refuse to believe it is nothing more than simple mental issues or issues with specific people...there's more to it than that. Much more. What, I can't say, but something about it just feels as if there is a deeper reason lying in wait here.

I think you underestimate the strength of mental issues. This one, I do know personally. Rage can build up underneath, and there's no way to release it. Logic gets short-circuited to simply thinking "If I'm in pain, then it's fair that everyone else be in pain, too." At a certain point, reality warps, and people are no longer seen as human. This is what happens in the vast majority of these school shootings; after this warp, the extent is just a matter of how long before the kid gets caught. A greater number of deaths just means it took them longer to catch him, not that there's necessarily anything more to this.

And no, you don't have to worry about me. I can understand all those mental processes because I've come close to it in the past. However, another peculiar quirk of my mind (I call it "empathy," wish more people had it) blocked this off from actually happening. Since then I've managed to tame this beast, and I keep it securely chained up. Unfortunately many people never do this, because they never realize they need to.


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2007, 03:28:36 pm »
Quote from: Leebot
I think you underestimate the strength of mental issues. This one, I do know personally. Rage can build up underneath, and there's no way to release it. Logic gets short-circuited to simply thinking "If I'm in pain, then it's fair that everyone else be in pain, too." At a certain point, reality warps, and people are no longer seen as human. This is what happens in the vast majority of these school shootings; after this warp, the extent is just a matter of how long before the kid gets caught. A greater number of deaths just means it took them longer to catch him, not that there's necessarily anything more to this.

And no, you don't have to worry about me. I can understand all those mental processes because I've come close to it in the past. However, another peculiar quirk of my mind (I call it "empathy," wish more people had it) blocked this off from actually happening. Since then I've managed to tame this beast, and I keep it securely chained up. Unfortunately many people never do this, because they never realize they need to.
I suppose you've got a point there...I too am quite familiar with rage and all sorts of strong emotions. Sometimes they get the better of me and make relations with people somewhat strained--just take a look at the Imus thread for a prime example--and of course, sometimes I may hurt myself. (Never physically...more like a mental beat-up session.) Hell, I'm feeling a bit of it right now, though I imagine that's actually my hunger headache and the irritance I'm feeling causing it.

I've just been watching too much Stargate lately...I keep expecting some kind of odd secretive hidden motive for everything at every turn nowadays and I've got to stop that. It's quite foolish of me.


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2007, 04:04:26 pm »
All of this is just so freakin stupid :x  It's gonna get to the point where nobody except poilce officers can carry loaded firearms and then that will infringe apon our right to bear arms, at the same time it's next to impossible to stop everybody from obtaining guns so that wont even solve the problem :( :x I HATE STUPID PEOPLE.


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #37 on: April 17, 2007, 04:11:20 pm »
All of this is just so freakin stupid :x  It's gonna get to the point where nobody except poilce officers can carry loaded firearms and then that will infringe apon our right to bear arms, at the same time it's next to impossible to stop everybody from obtaining guns so that wont even solve the problem :( :x I HATE STUPID PEOPLE.

true it wont solve the problem, but it will make it harder for people to go on said rampages if obtaining a gun is harder.
as for the right to bear arms thing, why are so many people obsessed with that


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #38 on: April 17, 2007, 04:21:26 pm »
Why? Because it is outlined in the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States, the highest law in said country.

Allow me to quote:

Quote from: The Constitution
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

This is an often misunderstood piece of text...some perceive it to mean that only those in a milita can own firearms, but that's not what it actually says. Note the "well regulated" as well as the comma between the bit about the militia and the right itself. Essentially, it's saying that the People--that is, the law-abiding citizens--serve as a check on the militia--or the military--with their right to hold arms. In essence it's a way of preventing the government from being able to oppress the people should it ever turn authoritarian.

Still, I do agree with you in part...the harder we can make it for criminals to obtain guns legally, the better. On that same token law-abiding citizens are not going to start killing people with guns--especially if they're trained in the use of guns and gun safety so accidents are far less likely--and deserve to use the tools they need to defend themselves if necessary. Furthermore, if we were to completely ban the use of firearms--an unconstitutional decison, I might add--we would, in essence, be handing the reigns to the violent criminals who obtain them illegaly.


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #39 on: April 17, 2007, 05:07:03 pm »
I think that to own a fire arm, you should have to have no criminal past, must pass a safety class for use in guns along with a written portion, and you should then only be allowed to posses a handgun, no automatic guns, or even semi automatic, also you shouldn't be allowed unless your an officer, to carry them around in places like banks, air ports, that kindda thing, If you really want to carry a gun around, then deal with all the rules and restriction, oh and I just saw a news report about this whole thing, and guess what....THEY FINALLY CAUGHT ON THAT SCHOOL'S AREN'T SAFE :shock:!! :x.... we're controlled and regulated by complete idiots :?

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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #40 on: April 17, 2007, 06:08:56 pm »
My cousin and people I graduated with go to VA Tech, but luckily none of them were hurt. When I first heard the news I went ballistic with worry, but I'm glad that for me the nightmare is over. I can't express enough sympathy for those affected by this.

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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2007, 11:02:25 pm »
Apparently said shooter, who was an English major, wrote stories about murder and pedophilia. I can't remember who, but I think his teacher and his old high school where two of the victims came from too, called counselors and other authorities to check up on him, but they said he didn't do anything illegal. I can imagine they'll be kicking themselves now.

@cronopolis: Aren't those already rules? I definetely wouldn't sell a gun to someone with previous criminal activity, and I'm pretty sure you can't carry automatic or semi-automatic weapons, or carry a gun which can hold more than 8 bullets. But I think it changes from state to state; all I know about American law is from Law & Order, so basically only NY.

@Kyronea: Time for a major crackdown on the blackmarket?

@saridon: American's are obsessed with the first two amendments, bringing them up in basically every discussion even minutely related.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2007, 11:09:43 pm by Burning Zeppelin »


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #42 on: April 17, 2007, 11:26:02 pm »
@saridon: American's are obsessed with the first two amendments, bringing them up in basically every discussion even minutely related.

That's because tons of Americans don't give a flying fuck about them or can even name the five rights described in the first. Literate Americans emphasize the Bill of Rights wherever possible to combat the utter ignorance of certain citizens.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #43 on: April 17, 2007, 11:34:25 pm »
@saridon: American's are obsessed with the first two amendments, bringing them up in basically every discussion even minutely related.

That's because tons of Americans don't give a flying fuck about them or can even name the five rights described in the first. Literate Americans emphasize the Bill of Rights wherever possible to combat the utter ignorance of certain citizens.
Really? I thought it was the other way around; ignorant citizens always bringing up the First Amendment when going around carrying "GOD HATES FAGS" signs, and noting the Second Amendment when they have an AK47 in the shed. Basically a scapegoat for their own intentions.


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Re: Virginia Tech Massacre
« Reply #44 on: April 18, 2007, 12:10:56 am »
I think that to own a fire arm, you should have to have no criminal past, must pass a safety class for use in guns along with a written portion, and you should then only be allowed to posses a handgun, no automatic guns, or even semi automatic, also you shouldn't be allowed unless your an officer, to carry them around in places like banks, air ports, that kindda thing, If you really want to carry a gun around, then deal with all the rules and restriction, oh and I just saw a news report about this whole thing, and guess what....THEY FINALLY CAUGHT ON THAT SCHOOL'S AREN'T SAFE :shock:!! :x.... we're controlled and regulated by complete idiots :?

The student in question purchased both of his non automatic weapons legally, after passing background checks. The first gun, and with it, the first 50 bullets, were purchased a month ago, because in VA you can't buy two guns within 30 days. Your regulations would not have stopped this.