Author Topic: My Chrono Series Thoughts...  (Read 33550 times)

Dark Angel

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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« on: September 16, 2004, 03:37:54 pm »
(Warning! CT and CC spoilers! PLEASE Play & know BOWTH CT & CC VARY WELL before you read this...)

The purpose of these lectures is merely to display a few thoughts that I've had the time to think up about the Chrono Series. To get straight to the point, here are the theories that you "may" find interesting.

(The Entity)

Strate up... Lavos is the True Entity IE everything regardless of who did it ultemintly was working in Lavos' favor... Lavos has the power to controle Time Absolutely... That means he can controle everything that has to do with time... Like Time Splits (Diminshonal Formings) Lavos was Able to even infuince other Timelines though it never did to my curint knowlage... ((FATE did & Sence it just used a fracton of Lavos' power I can only asume Lavos can too) The Dragon God was most likely fourmed From the Black Tirano that Aliza bread to Destory the Humans in CT... As Mentoned in CC the DG came from a world Lavos had never touched... But Lavos did Intergrate it Just like he did the Apes for them to become human... VARY sudaly... This change probabuly took place during the corse the Dreagons where in our own Timeline...  Anyway... The plainet brought the Dragons into Another worlds Time Line to battle the Future Humans of Chrononopolus... Who where beings purely under Lavos' influince at the Time... Becuse that piont in time Lavos had not yet been slayed by Crono & Co. ... Lavos, FATE & the Dragons where existing all at the same point in time...

Bowth FATE & Schala as the Time Devourer Where most likely responceable for What happend in CT... (They bowth Existed alongside Lavos in the New Lavos Timeline (The rezule of Schala Mergeing the Timelines back into one wich happend before as I will latter explain) Schala Wanted to be destroyed as the TD so that she would never comit the hanus acts that she forsaw herself doing in the future... FATE was actuly Bethazars creashon that was made namely to find Schala & stop her... FATE though as I will explain has alot more to do with future events then it should have... The aria of Serge's berth was not FATE's only doing... Zeal was too... FATE just like Lavos (Haveing poseshon of a peace of him) was Able to Fully Controle Time as well... It also had the ablillity to see into woulds it wasn't in... Wich is what mainly leads me to think Lavos could do that Same... As Lavos was far more powerfull... And yet it would not alow the re-serchers to see into Zeal... It alowed them to see other Lavos'... But not Zeal... Why?

Becuse Zeal was it's Futture... FATE had Devised a plain to bond with Lavos... And it all Began with Kid...

Just Like Wazuka (Serge's Dady) FATE was able to acksess Kid at a emoshonaly Criticle Time in her life... FATE as Lynx did more to Kid then just ruin her Past by killing Lucca... He Tainted her future by controlleing her mind with thouse vary termatic thoughts... Just as FATE derw it's last breath it transferd itsself into Kids Mind (That was curintly being torminted by FATE to alow it to controlle her as Dark Serge) just as it did to Wazuka wean he was strickin with greef over Serge...

It is made aparint that FATE did so wean Kid jumped atop the Frozen Flame & began to speek of things that even the Reserchers did not know of... Kid then actuly Used the Frozen Flaime to attack Harliy... Wich then seemed to knock her into a even deeper state of submishon under FATE as she was Bonded with the Events of the past & her Mind could no longer go past the day her home was burnt down by Lynx...

Serge was the one who broke FATE's hold on Kid for that point in time... Thuse Serge became VARY important to Kid & affter Kid Merged with Schala as was sujested by CC's ending diologe she weant out to Find Serge Travaling Bowth Time & spacee to find him affter She Used her new founf powers to Merge Serg'es world back into the Anotherworld Timeline...

As seen in the photo at the games ending & fully seen in Squaresofts Chrono Cross art book that was relesed latter in Japan the man who was standing next to her was Surge... This means that they did find eachother & probabuly where Maried as the dress in the photo would sugest...

But as we all know They where a speshal cuple who where bowth able to cross Time & Space... Surge had the newly completed Chrono Trigger to Travle bowth Time & Spage useing his Gift the Frozen Flame gave to him... The Power of Lavos...

Kid too could do these things now sence she had adopted the powerd of Lavos as the Time Devourer

No where yet is it stated that they qound eachother & then founded Zeal... But there are a few good resones why I beleve they did...

1. If Kid was still pozesed by FATE she would have evenuley targeted that Point in Time or atlesast close too it... Probabuly subconshusly affter or during the corse of Finding one of the saterd remains of the Frozen Flame (The Frozen Flame was destroyed by FATE in the dead sea wean it tryed to reastablish contact with Serge...)

The Frozen Flame's shards where called Dream Stones... For the reson that they had the power to make dreams real... They wehre also called Red Rocks... The Tear of Love told Serge about it berefly before it shaterd... It mentond that Apes evold into humans wean they made contackt with the "Crimson Flame" In referince to Lavos... The Frozen Flame to be persise & we made that contackt through touse stones In Ayla's period... (Our Fist REAL contacked with Lavos was the Zeal Dezaster)

Note also we did make contacked with the stones before Lavos arived on earth becuse the fragmints of Lavos' Frozen Flame where scatherd all thruoght time wean it was Blown up by FATE...


2. The Woman known as Queen Zeal showed all the sighens of being FATE... She demaded absolute controll over the pepole of Zeal & she was everybit as unforgiveing as FATE to thouse who dissobayed...

Note also that the Mamon Mashin seemed to distribute the Power of Lavos to some & not others... The Pepole of Zeal couldn't figure it out...

The Mamon Mashin Probabuly forsaw the future just like anything else useing Lavos powers & saw wich pepole could be trusted with power & wich ones needed it for it's own benifit...

It is to my belefe that opoin its contacket with Kid the Dream Stone was able to slightly re-awaken FATE's Mind... Sence it was the one thing FATE dezired most... And... Yes... It is enyerly possable that Queen Zeal is the future alter-ego of Kid... Though the fact remains that Schala Kid Zeal is Queen Zeals Dather...

Sence this game series likes to stick to things of logical sence though I kinda dissmiss that... Instead I beleve that the Dream Stone was left with the imprint of FATE from the tromatized Kid's Mind...

Thuse wean it was given the chance it inhabited a new Mind wich hapend to be a Woman who had just lost her hussband...

They where the first true founders of Zeal sence the bilding of Zeal was in there lifetime Alone... I forgat where but I do beleve they say that Zeal was Made wean the Mamon Mashin was first forged out of Dreem Stone & that was done shortly affter the Kings Death...

FATE after gaining a new voice was able to convay more to the pepole then ever before & affter the FF was reconstructed as the MM it gained the power to speek to pepole in there dreems as well as make there dreams real... (But most importantly make shure they all dreamed the same things)

3. If the preveus is true it would also explane how the techknolagey of there time was more advanced then even the Futures... (2300,a.d.) As FATE was able to show them what it wanted to have done...

Ultemintly this shows that FATE was makeing a GREAT deal of effort to contacket it's sorce of Power & becume a God like it was before...

FATE Ultimintly Got it's wish wean the Timeline we folowed in CT was split for the fist Time into (Anotherworld from Lavo's) FATE NEEDED to be here in this point in time to make shure it would exist... Eather through FATE's doing or Schala's Lavos became aware that there where bing's more powerfull thin it & it split the Timeline in two to keep itsself safe in one while it's pursuters destroyed it in another... This is made aparint by a cuple things...

1. Magus' memorys in comparison the the events with Crono...

2. The Black Omin...

3. The way Crono & Co. found out about Lavos... (If Lavos was destoryed in there timeline they would have never found out by waching a video on how Lavos did destroy the world)

FATE seeking partership with Lavos was a mutulal binefit for the bowth of them...

The Black Omin was created with apmplifying Lavos power in mind...

And It alowed FATE to continue existing in a dimenton it wouldn't be born into alongside it's sorce of power & life...

Note it is a comon misstake that Home world is where CT started from... This is not so... The general term most I've seen who understand that call the starting world Lavos' Timeline or Lavos' World... That world never was saved & the Crono & Co. where only thrown into another timeline becuse they where the sorce of change... IE... In there own history they could not have changed anything in there own past becuze it would mean there history never happend untell they where born...

Basicly this did happen one time wean Marle influinced her past so that she would never be born... But to my knolage only that once...

Or perhapes time only ever split during CT once... Never the less this is how it gows...

Lavo's World split off into > Another world where Crono & Co. finished there quest... (This hapeend during the Zeal Dezaster & anounced the Black Omins Arival)

And Another world split off into > Home world (Wean Kid bowth did & didn't save Serge from Lynx wean Serge was 7... The 50/50 chance thing)

Well Long story shot Schala did Manage to Merge all of the realitys back into one at the end of CC...

The efects of such are Aparint in how the Massamune was able to exist in the same timeline Magus did... (Remember the Massamune was created wean Crono threw the ruby Kife into the MM & yet thouse vary evints happend at the same time Janus & the Guru's where thrown into another point in time)

It would seem to be a bad thing she did thugh becuse ultemintly It leads us right back to ground one...

You see Serge served a peprose for Lavos wean he touched the FF...

Lavos wanted to make damn shure that he would be the one who won in the end... As the Dead Sea evints explained Serge was Lavos key for doing so...

Despite being born as a rezulte of Lavo's deffet in the future Lavos was still able to case timperalaly his future to be reborn in the Dead Sea through Serge...

Serge was unmakeing his own past... Personaly one can't see how this would work... Two such conflicting event's would just about make time brake apart at the seems... (Ok... Bad pun... sorry... :p )

Basicly in Short Lavos through Serge fond a way for bowth He's & FATE's history to exist at once wean Schala Merged the timelines back into one...

So tuse Ultemintly Lavos Wins... Untell the next game... ^^'

Anyway if you are wondering anything else or are a bit confused about what I sead or where I'm comeing from just AIM me... My Screen Name on AIM is Sephirath Zeal...


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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2004, 02:36:01 am »
I can't explain it nearly as elloquently as some others here, but I'll give it a try...

The way I see it, theres a problem with both ideas.

It cannot be FATE because FATE is the result of their actions. Fate didn't exist in that time period until after they destroyed Lavos, the ruined future was prevented, and the time crash was instigated, sending it back to 7000 bc.

Likewise, the time devourer didn't exist until after you killed Lavos.

Sence neither of those was present at the time, they couldn't have been the 'entity'.

I do have to admit taht the thought of it being FATE occured to me at one point, but really.. I don't see how it could be. Now I personally favor the idea of it being the planet.

Dark Angel

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« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2004, 05:43:00 am »
I just updated... I hope it helps...

I see where your comeing from but there is one flaw to that... FATE just like Lavos did have the power to transind it's powers through bowth Time & space... In otherwords if FATE was gowing to be made it would have controlle over it's past though the same powers that Lavos has...

Basicly it's the same thing as Crono gowing back in time to before he was born...

It's confuseing as hell but the best explinaton I can come to is bowth Lavos & FATE exist at one point in the same timeline... & even if they didn't FATE's mere existince in another Timeline could alow it to contole the future... Just as CC showed in Chrononopoluss... (The Two Worlds being moniterd)

But ofcorse I am also gowing under the asumpton that CT takes place atlest after the first Time Merge from Schala... (As explaned with the Janus & Massamune senario)

I could be wrong however... But I need to see how first... I did forget to menton the hapinings of the Planit in this senario but I did take them into acount...

Basicly thouse three figures still benifit from the planets actons...


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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2004, 04:44:07 pm »
FATE cannot be the Entity.

As Daggart said, the events of CT are responsible for the creation of FATE in CC; however, FATE cannot act before it has been created. The Entity is generally seen as being responsible for the formation of the gates, correct? If it weren't for the Entity's intervention in history, Chrono could have never gone back in time to begin with. The Entity must be a figure established before the events of CT transpire. Not even Lavos was able to act without being "born" - as far as I know, that violates game mechanics seriously.

In the scene near Fiona's Shrine, Robo comes to the conclusion that Lavos is not the Entity. It doesn't make any sense for the writers to suddenly throw that into the storyline if it isn't true.

Dark Angel

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« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2004, 06:19:48 pm »
Quote from: Symmetry
FATE cannot be the Entity.

As Daggart said, the events of CT are responsible for the creation of FATE in CC; however, FATE cannot act before it has been created. The Entity is generally seen as being responsible for the formation of the gates, correct? If it weren't for the Entity's intervention in history, Chrono could have never gone back in time to begin with. The Entity must be a figure established before the events of CT transpire. Not even Lavos was able to act without being "born" - as far as I know, that violates game mechanics seriously.

In the scene near Fiona's Shrine, Robo comes to the conclusion that Lavos is not the Entity. It doesn't make any sense for the writers to suddenly throw that into the storyline if it isn't true.

Point dearly noted... But your logic dussn't seem to add up to me...

Marle did just as you sead... She influinced events before her burth thuse pervinting it...

Something that CC made clear is impossable... (The only misstake I've noted in the Games)

If A Man traveld to his past his mere presints there could not be of the same time he was born...

If a Man where to go into the past history would change... For that man his past never had him in it before his berth...

For an example...

A Man go's into his past & pervints his berth...

The Man then sould not exist...

But if he never existed he could never pervint his burth right?

This paradox is solved wean to take the dimenshon of reality into acount...

A Man is born & one world & pervints his burth in another...

This sort of thing happend countless times in CT... the most noticeable being the Zeal Dezaster...

We as human beings can only experince time as it moves in one derecton... But it is completly possable that such sidesteps to acure... And it is 100% true that they do exist in the Chrono Series Worlds...

CC was the explinaton for this... Basicly FATE is born in one timeline atleast... That much we know... FATE not only has the power to govern over time but also reality...  There are multiple ways FATE could have made contacked with CT's world...

But my point is this... IF Lavos Dies FATE will arise... And in CT he did die... I understand fully that FATE could not exist untell Lavos was doomed to die... But as I explaned in my lecture... FATE is born of a differint timeline then Crono & Co.

Lavos was never deffeted in there home world... thuse FATE could have never existed there under normal sercomstance's...

FATE was  born the momint Lavos comperhinded it's deffet at the hands of Crono & Co. & only then did it have a place in there timeline...

My Point is in FATE's timeline Lavos was always destend to die... Thuse FATE would be the end rezult...

And as I also explaned FATE like lavos could look into & efect other realitys as seen in the comand center of Chrononopoluss...

The general asumpton of the CT time is it's pure... before the efects of the Time Chrash...

That is not true... the Time Chrash & Schalas Time Merge had takken efect before...

This is made aparint by one thing in each game... In CT it was the Existints of the Masamune in the same world as Janus despite what the Zeal dezaster showed us... (The Masamune couldn't exist alongside Janus becuse our Magus came for a differint timeline...) In Lavos' home world Magus was banished to 600'a.d. ... Yet the Masanue was clearly forged wean Crono threw it into the Mamon Mashen... An event that couldn't have acured at the same time in the otherworld as that was the point wean Janus & the gurus where sint off... To top that of Schala was cast into the Darkniss of Time with the Mamon Mashen & became the Time Devowourer... That  same event couldn't have happend in the other timeline becuse that Mamon Mashin weant on to power the Black Omin...

In CC it was the Ending...

The efects of the Time Merge did eather one of two things...

1. It merged All realitys back into one... At wich point bowth FATE's & Lavos' futures would exist for a Time becue if the events are repeting Lavos would go on to rule the Future despite Chrononopoluss existince...

Thuse FATE would have power over the CT timeline as a potenshal Entity...


2. It only Merged Serge's Home World  back with Another Worlds Timeline...

At wich other realitys would still exist & thuse So would FATE & as I explaned FATE would have the power to controle that timeline...

Though this seems more unlikely becuse as I sead it would not explane the Masamune thing...

Basicly put I ashure you FATE did have windows of opertunity to infuince Crono & Co...

Even if there only ever was one timeline & CT & Co. won agenst Lavos FATE haveing the power to controle all things in Time would still have influince over things pre-dateing it's birth... Just as Crono did simply by travaling thrugh Time...

Am I makeing any sence? Or Do I just need to seek help?... Cuz I sware this makes perfict sence to me...  :cry:


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« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2004, 07:46:56 pm »
The incident with Marle is generally recognized to be a fluke occurance here, if I may speak for the community as a whole. I'm sure there's a thread around here somewhere that would explain anything you wanted to know about it - but the grandfather paradox doesn't seem to be present in the series other than in this one incident. (At least, the paradox is Lucca's explanation of it. Intervention by the Entity could still be a possibility.)

Still, even if the grandfather paradox was a recognized game dynamic, Marle went back and changed history to eliminate herself from the timeline. If the paradox was in place, she should have disappeared the moment she was found (the moment history would have been rewritten!) - not all of a sudden when Crono appears.

Also - Marle EXISTED when she erased herself from history. FATE did not exist until after the events of CT, thus the events of CT have to happen once for FATE to go back and alter history. Lavos was defeated in both Home and Another World of CC.

FATE can't go altering dimensions everywhere, either. Its simply never presented as being that powerful. If I remember correctly, the only realities seen from Chronopolis are CC's Home & Away.

The Masamune could have easily been thrown into the MM by someone else or actually finished by Melchior. Its use in defeating Magus does not 'prove' that CT's world is 'tampered'.


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« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2004, 11:36:53 pm »
I don't have the time to go into everything...but, yes, FATE cannot/did not directly effect ANYTHING in Home World. It could only WATCH and nudge people this way and that using the save point-thingies.

Dark Angel

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« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2004, 01:28:31 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
I don't have the time to go into everything...but, yes, FATE cannot/did not directly effect ANYTHING in Home World. It could only WATCH and nudge people this way and that using the save point-thingies.

Guys... Are you completly forgeting the events of the Dead Sea?...

FATE not Lavos blew that place up Includinf the Frozen Flame acording the the games Diologe... FATE is that powerfull...

I do agree about the Masamune though... But as I explained that still leaves the possability of FATE existing alongside Lavos in another timeline... I don't honistly have sufishent evetints that there where multiple Timelines at the start of CT... But I have yet to see any proff in your favor eather...

You are just assumeing there was just one timeline at the start of CT... Wich would make sence to me too but I'm not gowing to dissmiss the possability that these event's didn't happen before...

And besides for that... What about my FATE in Kid theory?... It sounds outlansish saying it shure... But you have to admit it would explain a few things...

Anyway thanks for the debate guys... This stuff's fun...

I'm hopeing to reight out a lecture (Spell-checked ofcorse!) that has the most sufishint FACTS about the game... (This is only a small one sided vew porshon of it)

I want it to be the most acuret ever... So for that I must take all things into acount... Sorry if this seems anoying... But If it can't be dissproved 100% it can't be dissmissed...

As where I stand I still see a possablity that the Events of CC in part predate the events of CT... If you could just alaberate a little mabey by saying more then whats alredy been sead then I would probabuly dissmiss this path...

Thanks agen by the way... ^^


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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2004, 02:15:29 pm »
Ow. I have to say that it's a lot harder to analyze your theories when I have to spend so much effort decoding your spelling. PLEASE[/i][/u] try to use at least some semblance of correct spelling. It looks like you've never read anything and try to write every word as it sounds, giving the impression you don't know about what you're talking. Nevertheless, I'll try to address your theories here:

First of all, with or without the Grandfather paradox, there's the issue of causality. A few key principles:

1) A phenomenon will not occur if no cause is present. (Given time travel, the cause may be in the future.)

2) As a corollary to the first principle, a phenomenon may not be its own cause.

Therefore, FATE cannot have put events into motion which caused itself to exist. Via time travel, it is possible to for a phenomenon to prevent its own occurrence, but not vice-versa. It should also be noted, that in CT, the party can and does travel to the past of their own dimension. The only instance in which something crossed dimensions was when the planet pulled in Dinopolis. Your theory also raises the question of why FATE would allow itself (or even cause itself) to be destroyed.

Dark Angel

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« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2004, 03:26:18 pm »
Enteresting...  8) Whle it's true that FATE couldn't create itsself... It's also true that it didn't...

Not derectly... It was made as a Side efect of the Good future...

But anyway... You guys are saying this like I'm saying FATE was the only one with a hand in it... I'm not...

I beleve that FATE the Planet & Schala as the TD all had a say into the events of CT...

What you say is true that IF CT was ahe actule foundashon timeline before all splits then there is no doubt in my mind that it is the Plainet that started the ball gowing...

Though One could fined an odd role of symolisam in that considering that the Planet used Marles Pindent (A peace of the FF) to acheve this work...

Only affter grasping the first princables of Time Traval macanics Did Lucca find a way to opin gates vala a electronical device that used a mini-blackwhole...

This would mean that even the Planet relyed on the power of Lavos to make thouse Gates...

No matter what I see in these games it always comes back down to Lavos haveing some hand in it...

Wean I called Lavos the true Entity I meant it olny in the looseist of terms...

Lavos almost never efects anything derectly but never the less he is the oragen of all Time Teraval in the CT world...

As fore my point beinging up that point about FATE...

CC did that itself wean time & time agen Serge used FATE devices to store his memorys (There explenaton of saveing the game)

And espeshaly wean FATE alowed Serge to kill it... (It could have easaly canged his will through the shards of FATE wean Serge was Lynx & had no more importance to it...)

My explenaton is to say that it wasn't as stupid as we thought...

It intergrated itsself into Queen Zeal... And as you can clearly note before the Black Omin was destroyed she telaported away...

Thuse FATE is still alive...

Asumeing she didn't make it out in time is feasable to becuse of what Gasper had to say... But being an Imortal being blessed with the powers of Lavos I would asume that Dimenshonal Travel was in her grasp too... She was almost completly bonded to the power of Lavos thrugh the Mamon Mashin... And that as I explained used to be the Frozen Flame... the same thing FATE used before to alter time & space...

It's quite feasable to see that she's still alive...

PS: sorry about the grammer & spelling... It's been a life long problem...

I can read just fine but I think strictly with sounds... so it's immpossable for me to vishuleize words in my mind... I just hear my own voce reading out what I know out loawd...

Only the world I've writen time & time agen to where I sub-concussly know differint are the onse I can spell without useing phonetics... And even then there not always right...

Sorry... I wish I could immprove... But to do that I would need to wite each word out in the dictonary atleast 100 times every month so I don't foerget...

Wean I'm done writeing everything out I will have my best freand theroly spell check it for me... sorry agen man...  :cry:


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« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2004, 06:06:33 pm »
Isn't the Dead Sea actually in Another World though? And if it's not...Doesn't it blow up, or whatever because of the Time Crash? Because Serge defeats it's guardian, Miguel? I don't remember FATE having much to do with that part...And it still doesn't mean that FATE has temporal or dimensional traveling capabilities.


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« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2004, 07:25:40 pm »
Nope, the Dead Sea is in Home, Chronopolis is in another. If nothing else, he brings up the good point that FATE was able to affect Home, but this might be explained by the fact that it was in the same place as the Sea of Eden, and also where three other dimensional gates are found.

Back on the subject of causality, let me illustrate an important point. Given two events, A and B, B occuring after A, there are two possibilities:

1) B is not caused by A. This means that if event A doesn't occur, event B will still occur.

2) B is caused by A. This means that if event A doesn't occur, event B will not occur.

This, of course, relies on the only difference being whether or not A occurs. The result to B if A is substitued with a third event, C, has no bearing on whether or not B is caused by A. Causality is actually very simple in theory, but in practice it is next to impossible to apply. We can, however, use it for discussions regarding time travel, as it is possible to go back in time and change events to see exactly how it will play out.

This applies to our discussion as it means that one of the following must be true.

1) FATE caused the events as we perceived them to occur, which include the creation of FATE.

2) FATE did not cause the events as we perceived to occur; FATE would be created regardless of FATE's interference.

Obviously, 2 must be the case. An event can have multiple causes (as in multiple forces collaberating to reach the desired end), but what this means is that if any one of those causes is removed, the event will not occur.

PS. Sorry if it seemed I was coming down hard on you over your spelling. I understand how different people's minds work in different ways, and the difficulties it can cause. The simplest solution I can recommend is to use a spellchecking program. This site doesn't have built in, but you can copy your post to Microsoft Word and use its spellchecker.

Dark Angel

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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2004, 08:26:54 pm »
I don't have that program I'm afrade... there was this gimicky thing I used tou use called iecheck or something simuler in name that used IE to spell-check eveything selected...

Infortonetly I receved far more complaints in my spelling wean I used that vs just wighting everything out myself...  :?

Anyway... Your statemint aplys only in the events that the Dimensonal spliting has never ocurred before...

If the events of CT & CC did happen atlest once before...

Thin CC's ending conferms what I'm trying to say here...

IF it did EVER happen FATE a being with absolute controlle over time like Lavos even is it's power lasted only a momint... It would still be able to effect EVERYTHING that's ever happend...

Inorded for FATE to be responceable for CT though this cycle must have occured once before so that FATE could have made arangemints fot it's future to stay intact by takeing the aproperyet steps & controlline future events that it latter would not have the ablility too...

CC Conferms this becuse wean the realitys where merged back into one Serge & everyone else where still a facter in existince...

The Dead Sea proved more then FATE's power though... It showed the asome full extint of Lavos' power as well...

Serge acting at the Time Trigger for Lavos work was able to unmake an existing future in history & remake it into Lavos will...

Acording the the games text that's what Serge is for...

This means that if all of the realitys where to merge back into one at the end of CC Lavos would emerge the victor everytime...

Leading us right back to square one...

If as what the game sujest is true... it is IMPARITIVE for FATE to find a way to set events into moshon that would alow it to continue existing in the next time cycle...


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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2004, 10:49:05 pm »
Wait, how can Lavos be the victor at all when you erase it from time within the DBT using the Chrono Cross?

Serge is the key to opening the door to the Frozen Flame. This is what is meant when they call him the Chrono Trigger. Lynx takes his form so that he can access it as well, before Serge arrives and destroys FATE.


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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2004, 11:43:08 pm »
Before and after are lousy terms when applied to time travel. theres the idea of fate doing things before (on the time line) it was created, then theres the idea of fate doing things before (on a.. causality line) it was created. The first is possible, the second is not.

To use the grandfather paradox example (though its commonly accepted that it doesnt exist in the chrono universe, its a good illustrator for this)

I could go back in time and kill myself before (on the time line) I existed.

However, on the causaliy line, I had to have been born before I could have gone back in time to prevent myself from having been born. I was completely unable to act until my birth occured, even though my actions in the past nullified that said birth.

Fate could go back in time and kill itself. However, thats assuming that it existed to begine with. Before (on the causality line) it was created, it couldnt go back in time and affect things. that could only happen after (again, causality line.. wow this is clumsy) it was created.

The events of chrono trigger were the cause of fate, so fate couldn't have acted before the cause because it didnt exist. In the modified chronotrigger timeline (the time line after the destruction of lavos) Fate could have done all kinds of things in the past. However, the discussions of the Entity occured before the time line was modified in such away to allow fates insertion in the past.

I hope that made sence.