Author Topic: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!  (Read 2334 times)


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The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« on: April 19, 2007, 03:16:26 pm »
While organizing some long-forgotten crap on my HD, I came across a couple of flies I must have downloaded years ago then completely forgot about.  One of them was the complete MSTing of Chrono Trigger.  I remember it being damn funny and was curious if there would be any interest in my posting it here at the Compendium.  The files could use some cleaning up for the sake of clarity and compatibility (it's quite old, you understand), so I really don’t want to spend any time on it if no one is interested in reading it.  I've got my own MSTing to attend to, you understand.

The MSTing can be pretty ruthless, as you can well imagine, given the game’s translation.  It was clearly written by a fan of CT, though, and well before the release of CC, so there are a few assumptions on the part of the writer that are clearly wrong.  It’s like a roast, actually, and you only roast the ones you love.

So, any takers?
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 03:23:48 pm by Silvercry »


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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 03:19:47 pm »
I'd love to read a MSTing of Chrono tiny little thought for a fan project I had was creating a ROM that would be a MSTing, though I dismissed the idea because I can't write jokes worth anything, and I wasn't sure how it would be implimented anyway.

But yes, post it up here. If anyone wants to clean it up, they will, and I'm sure it'll be fun to read even if not completely cleaned up.

Mystic Frog King

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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2007, 05:04:56 pm »
MST? Mystical Space Typhoon? o.o

I'm assuming it's an American thing.


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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2007, 05:12:29 pm »
MST? Mystical Space Typhoon? o.o

I'm assuming it's an American thing. Science Theater 3000

Read up on that. Also, take a look at

Essentially, all MSTs you see on the internet are based around the original theme present in the show MST3K--hence the name--where the characters riffed on movies. Only on the internet, it's usually riffing on fanfiction. In this case, the riffing is being done on the story of Chrono Trigger--presumeably either a novelized form or one done through the game script, probably sticking to the storyline dialogue alone.

There are plenty of examples of MSTing on the popular archive of MSTings is

They're usually pretty funny, as they are intended to be. It's all in good fun, usually.

Mystic Frog King

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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2007, 05:28:34 pm »
So it's essentially a parody, right?

Which reminds me: On the topic of parodies, according to Uncyclopedia, FFXII's battle system screws with the Chrono Trigger Universe(s). Hmm.


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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2007, 05:45:06 pm »
So it's essentially a parody, right?
Nope. It's not a parody, at least not in the traditional sense. Really, it's more a case of inserting lines inbetween lines in the actual script.

Here, let me quote from a random MST:

>Wiseman: Emarald and Starfire, I have suprize for you.

Crow: <Wiseman>  The surprize is I'm not as wise as I seem!  Yee Ha!

>Do you belive in a joly old man delivers toys and candy to good
>girls and boys..

Crow: No, but I believe in a perverted old man that steals panties and
bras from beautiful women....

Tom: <Happosai, singing> May you panties... be frilly... and white....

Joel: Heh.

>but to bad ones have delivers...

Tom: Coal?

Joel: Paperweights?

Crow: Floam?
This is a more or less typical MST, with its resulting format. Note the > signs: these indicate the actual story, whereas the lines that are not marked with this sign are the MSTers riffing on it.

So, is it a parody? In a sense, but it's more of its own thing.
Which reminds me: On the topic of parodies, according to Uncyclopedia, FFXII's battle system screws with the Chrono Trigger Universe(s). Hmm.
Oh really?

Mystic Frog King

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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2007, 06:28:13 am »
So it's essentially a parody, right?
Nope. It's not a parody, at least not in the traditional sense. Really, it's more a case of inserting lines inbetween lines in the actual script.

Here, let me quote from a random MST:

>Wiseman: Emarald and Starfire, I have suprize for you.

Crow: <Wiseman>  The surprize is I'm not as wise as I seem!  Yee Ha!

>Do you belive in a joly old man delivers toys and candy to good
>girls and boys..

Crow: No, but I believe in a perverted old man that steals panties and
bras from beautiful women....

Tom: <Happosai, singing> May you panties... be frilly... and white....

Joel: Heh.

>but to bad ones have delivers...

Tom: Coal?

Joel: Paperweights?

Crow: Floam?
This is a more or less typical MST, with its resulting format. Note the > signs: these indicate the actual story, whereas the lines that are not marked with this sign are the MSTers riffing on it.

So, is it a parody? In a sense, but it's more of its own thing.

Ah. Nice. So, is this CR one gonna be done in TF by editing the script? Or will it just be a text edit?

Oh really?



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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2007, 12:48:11 pm »
I have no idea, though it's probably just a textual edit so you can read it rather than interact with it.

Deus Chisa

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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2007, 12:39:49 am »
MSTing of Chrono Trigger...Chisa head go boom!  In a good way.

I actually did some MSTing back in the day under a couple names, and even got up on the Vault once.  If you remember a half-assed MSTing called "The Alien Computer Virus" that featured Marle as one of four riffing Princesses, that was me.  Overall, I sucked then, and now I'm way out of practice and have very sporadic internet access.

I'm in.


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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2007, 02:29:44 am »
MSTing of Chrono Trigger...Chisa head go boom!  In a good way.

I actually did some MSTing back in the day under a couple names, and even got up on the Vault once.  If you remember a half-assed MSTing called "The Alien Computer Virus" that featured Marle as one of four riffing Princesses, that was me.  Overall, I sucked then, and now I'm way out of practice and have very sporadic internet access.

I'm in.

That does sound vaguely familiar...  people don’t realize how much effort goes onto MSTing.  It damn hard to be consistently funny ever single time you put a word on the page.  I have no idea now the actual show managed to do it for ten years straight!

But getting back on topic, seems the response is positive thus far, so I'll get to work on cleaning it up and getting it ready for posting.  See this space for further details.


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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2007, 07:25:48 am »

Huh?  What?  Why did you wake me?  MSTing of Chrono Trigger?  Didn’t I post that already?  




As promised, here is the first three parts of the MSTing of Chrono Trigger.  In the name of simplicity, I've re-printed the original text in the same manner as my Xenosaga MSTing, with the game script written normally, and the riffs in bold.  

Before I link, a warning:  75% of the jokes used by the riffers are off color sex jokes, when they aren’t off color sexist jokes, mostly directed Marle.  Its not as funny as I remember it being... I must not have been getting any when I first read it.

But for good or ill, here it is:

Word Format:
The MSTing of Chrono Tigger: Part One!  

Html Format: The MSTing of Chrono Tigger: Part One

By the by, in case I didn’t make it clear before, I did not write this MSTing, nor do I claim any ownership of it.  It has been reposted without permission, mostly because my emails to the writer bounced back.



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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2007, 03:22:28 pm »

What was that?! I was expecting something actually funny when I heard of a MST'd Chrono Trigger! That...that was just awful.

First you made the cardinal sin of not using Joel/Mike(either one or both) and the bots. You have to have Joel/Mike and the bots. It's not MST3K without Joel/Mike and the bots. Learn. Love. Live.

Secondly, far too many of the jokes were crude. A few crude jokes is alright, but what you really want is a broad sense of humour. By that, I basically mean make all sorts of jokes for all sorts of people's humour, from intelligent, complex, to juxtopositional, to slapstick, to plain old crude, and what have you. Vary it up.

That said, I do remember that this was written several years ago. My suggestion is that we redo the whole thing, make it a Chrono Compendium effort. If we can get Lord J in, at the very least, we ought to be good in business.


You know...I wonder...on very, VERY special occasions, not using Joel/Mike and the bots is okay, if we find the best substitute. So...hmm...why not Lord J, Zeality, and Ramsus? And then maybe someone else who regularly posts as Dr. Forrester and Frank...and maybe we'll have someone be Gypsy for host segments...yes, this sounds like fun.


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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2007, 10:40:49 am »

What was that?! I was expecting something actually funny when I heard of a MST'd Chrono Trigger! That...that was just awful./

First you made the cardinal sin of not using Joel/Mike(either one or both) and the bots. You have to have Joel/Mike and the bots. It's not MST3K without Joel/Mike and the bots. Learn. Love. Live.

I would remind you again that I didn't write it.  And I have read numerous, hilarious MSTings in which Mike and the bots were not used.  Take a quick trip over to Card Captor Science Theater 3000 for a perfect example.  I dare you to read any MSTing from "Season One" of that site and not laugh.

Secondly, far too many of the jokes were crude. A few crude jokes is alright, but what you really want is a broad sense of humour. By that, I basically mean make all sorts of jokes for all sorts of people's humour, from intelligent, complex, to juxtopositional, to slapstick, to plain old crude, and what have you. Vary it up.

Agreed.  It does get better, but not by much.  I remember it being much funnier than this... guess my taste have matured somewhat in the interim.

That said, I do remember that this was written several years ago. My suggestion is that we redo the whole thing, make it a Chrono Compendium effort. If we can get Lord J in, at the very least, we ought to be good in business.

You know...I wonder...on very, VERY special occasions, not using Joel/Mike and the bots is okay, if we find the best substitute. So...hmm...why not Lord J, Zeality, and Ramsus? And then maybe someone else who regularly posts as Dr. Forrester and Frank...and maybe we'll have someone be Gypsy for host segments...yes, this sounds like fun.

I call Dr Forrester!

...ah, who am I kidding?  I suck at host segments; their the weakest link in my Xenosaga MSTing.  I bet the Compendium could come up with a truly epically (is that a word?) funny CT MSTing, but there doesn’t seem to be the interest. 

Ooo, I just thought of something even more funny: a Radical Dreamers MSTing.  That game even has the right "low-budget" feel to it...

Anyway, I should have Part 2 up by Wednesday.

Mr. Molecule

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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2007, 03:33:15 pm »
I bet the Compendium could come up with a truly epically (is that a word?) funny CT MSTing, but there doesn’t seem to be the interest. 

I thing the problem is we already HAVE CT Unglued.

...and yes, epically is a word. Or so would have me beleive.

Deus Chisa

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Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2007, 11:51:57 pm »
Arg.  That was just nasty.  Worse than DED's stuff, which is rank amateurity.  I'd third the opinion to scrap it and start anew.  And yes, with the crew we've got hanging around here, we could pull something real sweet off.  But one trouble, as has been said, is getting people interested with this at the same time CTU's actively releasing stuff.  Another trouble is, if we do get the manpower, there's the possibility that this being the Compendium, we run the risk of going into Servo Head Explosion Overkill.  By which I mean, picking every nit extant in the game.  All well and good in analysis, but ugly in a MSTing.

As for the other thing, I have no knowledge of Radical Dreamers, not having played it, and don't intend on spoiling myself via the script until I have.  The spoilers I've picked up just from being here don't qualify me, at least I don't think.