Author Topic: The World of ZEAL/Keystone  (Read 51154 times)


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #135 on: October 28, 2004, 07:35:39 pm »
It's "thou shalt SEE."

Sorry, but improper Old English irks me.  I groaned when Frog made a mistake speaking it in the original CT, especially his line before the final fight with Lavos.  It should be the following:

"My life retaineth its meaning...we hath our own will!"

But, anyway, what will happen in ZEAL after the characters break out, regardless of how?


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #136 on: October 28, 2004, 08:50:53 pm »
Quote from: Claado Shou
I wouldn't worry, ZeaLitY, about character transportation.  Vaporous Gates would be cool, but they won't exactly be necessary.  Thou shalt seeth what I mean.

I'd recommend against commandeering the fanfic (at least without asking permission); it tends to anger those who've worked to create it in the first place. If you're planning something that could greatly affect the rest of the story and/or characters, you should raise it as a suggestion first.

I figure that temporal transportation would work in one of two ways (possibly both, depending on the circumstances):

1) Gaspar creates gate from the End of Time to whenever.

2) As you said, a one-way passage there, with some manner to create a one-way passage back to the End of Time.

Claado Shou

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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #137 on: October 28, 2004, 09:15:37 pm »
I don't plan on taking over the fanfic at all.  I've been involved in too many multi-author RPs to do something as stupid as that.  All I'm saying is that with the way my character is going to interact with the rest of you guys, it won't be as much of a problem as you may think it is.  No god-modding, promise.


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #138 on: October 28, 2004, 10:40:37 pm »
How would these "vapourous gates" work? I understand their one-shot useage, but who has the capacity to create them?

As an incredibly talented temporal mage, I would suspect Argus has this kind of power, but it's sealed for the time being. (Correct?)

Perhaps Gaspar is the one who creates them - when the party members in an era have completed their task, Gaspar would realize this and could create a gate on demand.

Claado -

While I understand you don't want to give away all your secrets, something involving how the party travels through time is probably something everyone should be aware of. If it really involves something you want to keep under wraps for awhile, at least PM/IM someone and bounce it off them to make sure it won't be problematic.

Its not that I don't trust you or anything, its just that with as many people as we have participating in the project, we need to foster communication about these sort of issues before everyone starts writing too far and we realize there's going to be a conflict of ideas.


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #139 on: October 29, 2004, 12:16:34 am »
Probably only Gaspar would be able to make them. Once Argus' powers are fully restored, he may be able to do so as well. I've also laid out plans (in the character paths thread) for Backer to rend a gate to the End of Time (under rather unique circumstances); I wasn't planning on him repeating this anytime soon, but it may be an alternative once he gets more powerful. As a side note, I'm working on really long-term plans for the character of Backer, extending well beyond this fic, so some of what you'll see regarding him will be hinting at this--this particular ability being such a case.