Author Topic: The World of ZEAL/Keystone  (Read 51168 times)


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #90 on: October 16, 2004, 07:07:24 pm »
Yes, I suggested that on AIM somewhere as well. All this information may be leaked throughout the entire fanfiction, but publishing a guide after the fanfiction is complete would be cool and interesting. Authors could comment on the project, and other special features might be included.


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #91 on: October 16, 2004, 07:50:02 pm »
Sounds good. So, do you plan on releasing this as chapters are finished, or the whole thing at once? The former way would make it more reasonable to release the guide at the end, if that's what you plan on doing.


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #92 on: October 16, 2004, 11:36:58 pm »
Quote from: Leebot
Sounds good. So, do you plan on releasing this as chapters are finished, or the whole thing at once? The former way would make it more reasonable to release the guide at the end, if that's what you plan on doing.

That's the idea - although we might wait until the end of the Toma subplot so we have something with substance to display. (As opposed to just posting the introduction.)


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #93 on: October 17, 2004, 01:26:42 am »
1. I think more of the "Ultimate" Spells of Trigger should be incorperated somehow...

Lightning's Luminaire
Water's Hexagon Mist
Fire's Flare
Shadow's Dark Matter
Physical's Grand Stone
Magic's...damn what was that Ultimate Magic attack that Lavos used? Something Star? I've forgotten...

ALthough compared to Supernova & Hypernova, a Flare is somewhat smaller...I still think it should be noted...

Also...Absolute Zero? Although it sounds cool...It's just...Not possible...The closest mankind has gotten, I believe, is Cryo-Freeze (or something), which is like a hundreth-thousanth degree off of Absolute Zero...


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #94 on: October 17, 2004, 01:45:38 am »
Shadow Doom Blaze was Lavos's ultimate attack, but the real Lavos core had the coolest thing -- DREAMLESS. It even depicted the ruins of 2300 A.D.


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #95 on: October 17, 2004, 01:53:17 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
ALthough compared to Supernova & Hypernova, a Flare is somewhat smaller...I still think it should be noted...

Also...Absolute Zero? Although it sounds cool...It's just...Not possible...The closest mankind has gotten, I believe, is Cryo-Freeze (or something), which is like a hundreth-thousanth degree off of Absolute Zero...

Is it really a stretch to think that it could be achieved through magic?

I mean really, if you're going to wield the destructive power of a supernova, I don't think absolute zero will be giving you that much trouble.  :wink:


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #96 on: October 17, 2004, 02:13:03 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
1. I think more of the "Ultimate" Spells of Trigger should be incorperated somehow...

Lightning's Luminaire
Water's Hexagon Mist
Fire's Flare
Shadow's Dark Matter
Physical's Grand Stone
Magic's...damn what was that Ultimate Magic attack that Lavos used? Something Star? I've forgotten...

ALthough compared to Supernova & Hypernova, a Flare is somewhat smaller...I still think it should be noted...

If you'll reread my original spell list (back a page or two), you'll notice that I included all the CT ultimates as level 3 spells (with the exception of Dark Matter, which was bumped up to level 4 and renamed). This is to show how far above the CT crew's magic ZEALian magic can go.

Quote from: V_Translanka
Also...Absolute Zero? Although it sounds cool...It's just...Not possible...The closest mankind has gotten, I believe, is Cryo-Freeze (or something), which is like a hundreth-thousanth degree off of Absolute Zero...

One word: Magic.


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #97 on: October 17, 2004, 02:17:02 am »
Oh, and Grand Stone is too physical to be a ZEALian magic spell (at least, in my opinion). Dreamless, on the other hand, would fit as a level 4 attack spell, but its non-elemental, and I haven't been given any indication that ZEALians use any non-elemental attack spells.


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #98 on: October 17, 2004, 05:50:39 am »
I think Absolute Zero should be a possible feat by Zealian Mages(the higher ups anyway)  0 Kelvin is the temperature that atomic particles stop moving, and therefore stop existing, it would be like an instant death ice spell.

It's a bad idea to try to fully explain magic, we should just leave it as the physical manifestation of one's will.


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #99 on: October 17, 2004, 04:35:52 pm »
Quote from: Leebot
Oh, and Grand Stone is too physical to be a ZEALian magic spell (at least, in my opinion). Dreamless, on the other hand, would fit as a level 4 attack spell, but its non-elemental, and I haven't been given any indication that ZEALians use any non-elemental attack spells.

ZeaLitY had an idea for a few spells involving temporal magic, which would definately be non-elemental.

An enchantress would use any number of spells to fool a victim into believing they were being maligned - which I suppose would be "non-elemental". In fact, virtually all enchantments fail to correspond with a particular element.

So yeah, there shouldn't be any problem with Zealians using "non-elemental" spells. If anything, they're the only people who should be using them as Keystonians with magic tend to be bound to a particular element. (At least, those granted their powers by Spekkio.)


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #100 on: October 17, 2004, 09:53:20 pm »
Hiya, I just joined the project, frankly I didnt expected this to be so damn huge! , I dont know if as a writer I can be at the level of quality
this project requires, but I will do my best!

anyway, I just came up with some ideas for the council, but I dont know were should I post them, so  I will just put them here, please feel free to move it if it belongs somewhere else:

*They are really old, some rumors say that they go way back even since the fundation of Zeal (I know they are supposed to be descendants of the royal family, I will explain that later) troughout the centuries they have been living they have mastered each and every single one of the magic schools of Zeal, but as a counterside effect from both their amazingly big magic power and their old age, all of their five senses  have been blocked, they can no longer see, hear or even move, not that it matters since they can feel  and manipulate their surroundings using advanced magic of  all elements and schools.

* Its existence is meant to be a secret to the common citizen, only the royal family and some key members of the aristocracy (mostly scientists)  actually know about them, and if anyone dares to talk about them in public they will be soon executed.

* The oficial story behind the Council is that its members got their amazing powers trough breeding and arranged marriages, but the truth is something  way darker, they got their powers by messing around with our old friend Lavos, around year 11700 B.C  they found a way for mixing their conciences with Lavos´s, wich already had DNA samples of   the best magicians in the history of Zeal, and so is how they got their magic knowledge and their intelligence, notice that while Lavos is under control, its mind is still free and set on his final objetive (You know, become a perfect beign, throw big balls of fire...) but this time it has got crazy, since the Zealians live of his energy and somehow depend of it, Lavos sees humans as their ¨children¨, it has got all maternal on them and will protect Zeal at all cost, also, since the evolution of the Zeal dimension has been greatly different from the others, this version of Lavos is way more powerful and destructive that the one that Crono and Co. destroyed in the Keystone dimension.

Lastly I have a big question:

Gaspar lives in the End of Time, from there you can go to any era that you want to, but the thing is, Lavos no longer exit in the Keystone dimension!, so the Time Gates that crono got to travel trough have been shut down,  there is no longer a way of  traveling trough time in the old way, so, how exactly wiil Gaspar recruit the Chrono Keepers (is my term, do you like it?)  and how will he get out of the pocket dimension? perhaps it has already been answered somewhere else in the site, but I am too lazy for search for it...


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #101 on: October 18, 2004, 02:29:17 am »
Er. The Council is pretty much a setup, arranged deal. We really don't need anything added to them at the time being.

The Council emerged to oversee Zeal's experiments on time and other dimensions. That's already been established. They aren't some long pre-existing organization from an era beyond the creation of Zeal. And while between the members of the Council, they've got masters of all the schools of magic, no one person could ever hope to achieve that kind of power.

The members of the Council might own a shop or be a member of some powerful aristocratic family - only the royal family knows for sure. Needless to say, their senses are quite intact. As for their age, no one in Zeal is much older than ~1000, for immortality hasn't even been around for that long.

The Council's power stems from its oversight of temporal and dimensional research. Not Lavos. There are no dark pacts with Lavos, as he is not the focus of this story. His only role here is to have his energies channeled by the Mammon Machine. That's it.


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #102 on: October 18, 2004, 07:44:58 pm »
Quote from: Symmetry
Is it really a stretch to think that it could be achieved through magic?

I mean really, if you're going to wield the destructive power of a supernova, I don't think absolute zero will be giving you that much trouble.

Yes, it is a stretch, because absolute zero is a kind of absolute impossibility as long as there is any heat in the surrounding area (or is it the universe?). All things connect one way or another, so having that absolute temperture would be a physical impossibility...


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #103 on: October 18, 2004, 07:55:16 pm »
I remember reading in high school science classes that a needlepoint's worth of energy from the sun would incinerate everything in 60 miles.

No idea if its true. But we're talking magic here. A supernova exposed to one point on the planet isn't exactly realistic either.


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The World of ZEAL/Keystone
« Reply #104 on: October 18, 2004, 08:53:02 pm »
Everything to do with magic is a physical impossibility; "Absolute Zero" is just one more aspect of it. We're also shooting pulsars past the party and creating black holes (without sucking up the earth), and then making them mysteriously vanish. We're blowing up stars and miraculously only harming the enemy. As if that weren't enough, we also send them straight to hell. My point is that level 5-6 magic is meant to be over the top and impossibly powerful, with the laws of physics being conveniently ignored.