Hiya, I just joined the project, frankly I didnt expected this to be so damn huge! , I dont know if as a writer I can be at the level of quality
this project requires, but I will do my best!
anyway, I just came up with some ideas for the council, but I dont know were should I post them, so I will just put them here, please feel free to move it if it belongs somewhere else:
*They are really old, some rumors say that they go way back even since the fundation of Zeal (I know they are supposed to be descendants of the royal family, I will explain that later) troughout the centuries they have been living they have mastered each and every single one of the magic schools of Zeal, but as a counterside effect from both their amazingly big magic power and their old age, all of their five senses have been blocked, they can no longer see, hear or even move, not that it matters since they can feel and manipulate their surroundings using advanced magic of all elements and schools.
* Its existence is meant to be a secret to the common citizen, only the royal family and some key members of the aristocracy (mostly scientists) actually know about them, and if anyone dares to talk about them in public they will be soon executed.
* The oficial story behind the Council is that its members got their amazing powers trough breeding and arranged marriages, but the truth is something way darker, they got their powers by messing around with our old friend Lavos, around year 11700 B.C they found a way for mixing their conciences with Lavos´s, wich already had DNA samples of the best magicians in the history of Zeal, and so is how they got their magic knowledge and their intelligence, notice that while Lavos is under control, its mind is still free and set on his final objetive (You know, become a perfect beign, throw big balls of fire...) but this time it has got crazy, since the Zealians live of his energy and somehow depend of it, Lavos sees humans as their ¨children¨, it has got all maternal on them and will protect Zeal at all cost, also, since the evolution of the Zeal dimension has been greatly different from the others, this version of Lavos is way more powerful and destructive that the one that Crono and Co. destroyed in the Keystone dimension.
Lastly I have a big question:
Gaspar lives in the End of Time, from there you can go to any era that you want to, but the thing is, Lavos no longer exit in the Keystone dimension!, so the Time Gates that crono got to travel trough have been shut down, there is no longer a way of traveling trough time in the old way, so, how exactly wiil Gaspar recruit the Chrono Keepers (is my term, do you like it?) and how will he get out of the pocket dimension? perhaps it has already been answered somewhere else in the site, but I am too lazy for search for it...