I have been feeling it would be interesting if soemone writes from the perspective of an enhasian, I know there are already too many Zealians but I think this one is quite different from any other Zealian you may come across, I still need to work out the final details of his story but I think the character himself is pretty much defined like for talking about him.
Hansaad, son of Jasktin The Summoner, one of the most remembered master mages from the last times. Beign the son of a such powerful and recognized magician as his father was, his entrance to the Academy of Najran was right in the pocket, yet what it was in the mind of Hansaad was something wide differen -to join Enhasa, the holy ground, and find in dreams the answers he seek-
You see, Hansaad is sort of a teologist, that would be the best way to describe him and his high interest in religon and philosophical research -Those are his reason for joining Zeal-, yet is a kinda of a rebel, he is just not so happy with the religious system stablished in Zeal, as he says in one of the parts I have already wrote for my chapter:
´´ The gods... I have dreamed of them all... yet none of them provides me with answers.´´
Also what I think is cool about him is the fact that he despises magic (something totally oposite from what is stablished in Zeal culture!) as he think it only twist the minds of man and turning life into a ¨neverending, perversed search for power, first the power over the nature, then over man himself¨. So, altough he is an innate user and a very powerful one , he will use most of the time weapons maded in the Keystone dimension, only using magic when there is really no other way, as a result of this, his true power remains asleep.
It all would start when, in one of his dreams, he is able to have visions from the Keystone dimension (How I still dont know) and other dimensions as well, he then becomes aware of the council and project Zeal , and what they are doign seems really disgusting to him, he is able to see the great perversion in the hearts of the members of the coucil and start wondering in a way to stop them, he comes to realize that a way for achieve this would be to turn into public light what the council is and their sick experiment of messing other dimensions. what he doesnt know is that the council already knew what he was after and have set a group of Nanashis to eliminate him, because he knows too much...
Well, that is basically it, what I still need to workout is how he will finally escape from certain death (as he doesnt have any studies in magic yet he is a innate user, he has no chance of defeating the assasins after him) in Zeal and join Gaspar in the Keystone dimension, as for what I understand Gaspar wont come to a way for dimensional travel until the last chapters of the fanfic, what I tought is that maybe among the lines of the Zeal Agents insurrected soldiers have arosed, and they travel from one dimension to another seeking for a way to stop the council, one of those rebels is the one that rescues Hansaad from death and takes him to the Keystone dimension or even the end of time itself.