That seems perfect...Aside from two minor details...
1. Gil & Co. don't really touch down on Keystone first, they come straight to the End of Time using the 3+ party combo via the Magness alternate dimension.
2. My alt Glenn/Kaeru wasn't supposed to be part of the ZEAL deal (yet at least), I wanted him to stay around in the End of Time for a while, perhaps gaining more information about what exactly ZEAL has been up to. Perhaps talking with other Keystone people that finally make it to the End of Time (if there is any that arrive before Sigma, Gil, & Argus). That way, greater heightening his resolve to do something about ZEAL.
Plus, if Glenn/Kaeru went with Gil & Flea, then they'd eventually head straight to the End of Time when Argus creates his portal. Seeing how I want Flea to be killed (or further detained), it would just be Sigma, Gil & Argus going through Argus's gate, and thusly into the Keystone Dimension...