Author Topic: Ask Me Anything  (Read 7585 times)

Lord J Esq

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2007, 03:32:21 am »
No question too personal eh? Ok, when did you first, if ever, have sex? And, what is your view on the current state of the CC Forums?

I'll let you come to your own conclusions on the first one. As for your second question, I think I've already touched on that subject in this thread.

I'd like to advance my own interests by asking about your position on the death penalty, American imperialism, and eugenics.

While I think it should be applied more sparingly than it is, and with an even greater burden of proof in every case, I am in favor of the death penalty. Actually, what I'm not in favor of is life in prison without the possibility of parole. To me that seems the crueler fate.

American imperialism is a buzz phrase of the left. I don't buy it. I'd buy hegemonic, though. In previous years I thought it was a good thing that America led the world, but more recently I have come to learn just how dangerous that is when a bad government is in power. I also think the American people on the whole have become too conceited and laden with feelings of superiority and entitlement that are not justified, leading me to wonder whether or not our hegemony is a good thing even under a good government. America is not the same country it was fifty years ago, and I'm still trying to figure out what that means, exactly.

As for eugenics--which is a policy of selective breeding based upon genes or traits--it's a nonstarter. It's a scare word. It's like asking a person how they feel about Nazism. Who would want to waste energy on discussing such an emotionally loaded concept? Having said that, I would note that we selectively breed thousands of species already--to useful effect. The distinction most people would make is that every other species on Earth is a resource (an arrogant premise), whereas humans are an end product (wishful thinking). That isn't true, which by itself makes eugenics a wide open question: Can it be used for human good? However, that isn't the only egg in the batter. There is also the issue of how much of our intrinsic "humanity" can be limited purely to genetic makeup, to the exclusion of environmental circumstances--and that's a tough cookie. I would imagine that, except for people who carry genes that make it likely their kids would be born sick or handicapped, we can't split up nature and nurture in the human equation, which means that any policy which treats only one and not the other, is not going to work well.

Medical doctors already do terminate a number of pregnancies where the child is grossly deformed or will be very ill in life. Many individuals who have debilitating diseases have sterilized themselves so as to prevent reproduction. And all of that has its place in a grander framework of good medical policy: When is it medically responsible to allow a person to have a kid? But I would also prefer a concurrent social policy that addresses the other question: When is it socially responsible to allow a person to have a kid?

Finally, all of this has to be balanced against civil liberty--which, to put it pragmatically, is our license to mess up, make bad choices, screw around, be less than our potential, and fail. If eugenic policies were made on the assumption of ideal people and ideal children, it would be tyranny all over again. People have to be free to mess up, at least to some extent, and we have to factor that into our social engineering.

On the whole, it makes me think that eugenics is not a good idea at this time, given the incompetence of government and the lack of supporting social policy. But I am not opposed to it fundamentally, provided that it is considered in the larger context of human wellbeing as I have laid out.

Me wanna ask too!!11!

1st: You sometimes dropped that you have a girlfriend. Are you still together? How have you meet?(a bit romance, please :) because I love real life stories like that) 

2nd: What do you think about Germany?(Wooo, what a lame one) And please, don't say we have no's not funny anymore when Americans and Brittains explain every joke towards us because they don#t think we understand them...because it's fun...and we have one...
I know this is a wide question, so just write about what comes into you mind first
(and for info, but I'm sure you already know: Nazis don't exist anymore, nowhere, because I'm sick of hearing how we are all Nazis, even though they don't exist any more...some ex-Nazis are still living thou)

I haven't spoken here on the Compendium about my romantic life because it is neither here nor there. It isn't responsible for me to drag friends and love interests into my own affairs here or elsewhere, and any forum populated mostly by immature young men is definitely not a worthwhile place to talk about these sorts of things. But, yes, I do have a girlfriend. We met a while back, on Craigslist of all places! She is a nice person.

As for Germany, well...what do I think? I wonder quite a bit about reunification, and whether it is fully complete or still ongoing--and, if so, how. I wonder about the German economy, because Europe's economies are not well-represented in United States news media, and I feel poorly informed on that interesting subject. I also wonder about German culture, and what sorts of things define "Germanness" in the cultural sense. Here in America the stereotype is fast freeways, good beer, and loud dance music. But those sorts of stereotypes aren't worth much to me, and so I remain in the dark.

Germany has an astonishing legacy of industrial prowess, mechanical and artistic brilliance, and cultural progress. Indeed, Germany got ahead of itself so badly that we had a world war. Then the German people produced a savior who caused another world war. At that point the Germans suffered the indignity of fifty years of separation, and have since emerged as...what? Hopefully a better people, but that's for you to say more so than me.

Indeed, you should have asked me about America, and I should ask you about Germany. But, there you have it. My opinion on the Germans is that they are one of Europe's finest.

P.S. nice to meet you Lord J esq


Can you explain the event when an electron "splits", I guess is the right word, during super positioning?

If I understand you correctly, nope, I'd have to look it up. I am familiar with the concept, but not well enough to teach anybody about it. Here's a link:


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2007, 03:38:40 am »
Okay, here's one question: Is it allowed for any of us to create one of these "Ask Me Anything" threads if we ever feel the need or wish? I don't really feel like ever doing it since I doubt anyone has anything they really want to ask me, so I am simply asking for the sake of everyone else.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2007, 03:44:21 am »
Okay, here's one question: Is it allowed for any of us to create one of these "Ask Me Anything" threads if we ever feel the need or wish? I don't really feel like ever doing it since I doubt anyone has anything they really want to ask me, so I am simply asking for the sake of everyone else.

Golly, I didn't think of that. But sure, if anybody seriously wants to create a thread like this, they're welcome to do so. If it ever gets out of hand (unlikely), then we'll look at it again.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2007, 03:51:15 am »
This sometimes happen on other forums as the "Hot Seat". Random forumers are selected to be interrogated on a variety of subjects by curious friends.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2007, 04:10:10 am »
Well, I don't think everyone that goes to prison believes that life without parole is worse than death.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2007, 04:51:15 am »
Well, I don't think everyone that goes to prison believes that life without parole is worse than death.

It isn't their place to decide. Under my standards, anybody deserving of the death penalty is a pretty unsavory character. But you're missing the point, which is that, if the death penalty is rare and life without parole is nonexistent, then most people who go to jail can hope to eventually be freed.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2007, 09:32:45 am »
Golly, I didn't think of that. But sure, if anybody seriously wants to create a thread like this, they're welcome to do so. If it ever gets out of hand (unlikely), then we'll look at it again.
This sometimes happen on other forums as the "Hot Seat". Random forumers are selected to be interrogated on a variety of subjects by curious friends.


Well, perhaps we could do what Zeality suggests, and use this one thread for everyone who wants questions asked of them. You could have it for another few days, then, say, Zeality gets it for a week, then Ramses or whoever, and so on and so forth. That way we avoid excess clutter.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2007, 10:11:22 am »
Actually, before that starts, I would like to ask Lord J about that tomato thing. Pardon if its an annoying request, but I laughed my ass off at that picture of the cat eating the tomato, and  I've seen the tomato comments floating around a lot.

Hope that didn't come off as an "immature" comment, but I actually am curious.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2007, 10:16:26 am »
Actually, if no one objects, I'd like to volunteer to be the first subect of this "Ask Me Anything" thread. I have A LOT of stuff to get off my chest, and I'm tired of being a member of this Compendium and no one knowing shit about me, its depressing. I promise to behave.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2007, 12:17:25 pm »
Indeed, you should have asked me about America, and I should ask you about Germany. But, there you have it. My opinion on the Germans is that they are one of Europe's finest.
This would have been boring, wouldn't it?

Our economy is...well...not the best one might say. We still spend a lot of money to rebuild the east(eastern Germany, that is). Funny thing is, even Politicians tell foreigners to not visit the east, and not because it's poor, but because people there don't like foreigners. And we have a very high unemployment rate, but that shouldn't be anything new to anyone, even though we got the lowest number of unemployed for over whatever years(forgot the number). And no money, like, new depts every new year(except the last one).
A few sentence about what is going on atm:
Our "Mehrwertsteuer"(I'm not sure about the english word, but it's the tax you pay on goods which is already in the prize) was raised from 16% to 19%(except food); tobacco became even more expensive; out state still got an agreement with the church that they are allowed to do courses ins school; school is still free(except for private ones), yet our education least in Hessen where I to hard compared to other federal countries; we still have this military service where everyone has to go if he is not doing a civil job and much more I'm to lazy to mention...Oh, and most Righties are still stupid like a marshmallow.

And: Did you know that you guys have stolen our Ex-Nazi Scientists? That was evil. Well, not stolen, but you took them for your own purposes(you=US and A) after you have won.
Btw, that Austrian wouldn't have caused the second WW if England an France would have acted earlier...I hate those people saying it's only our fault...damn appeasement politic, too, and italian for that matter. I mean, we where lying on the floor already, and they were still kicking us, how long did they think this would go on? Of course we accepted a psychopath like he was if we would just get back to our feet(for most people it was work/food, others needed someone to follow blablabla). And we = Germany's People from the past.

Wait...Am I allowed to answer in this Thread even though you are the one who is supposed to answer stuff?  :lee:
Well, I just had to say that stuff once, hope no one thinks bad of it.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2007, 05:07:06 pm »
Our "Mehrwertsteuer"(I'm not sure about the english word, but it's the tax you pay on goods which is already in the prize)

VAT - Value added tax

Wait...Am I allowed to answer in this Thread even though you are the one who is supposed to answer stuff?  :lee:
Well, I just had to say that stuff once, hope no one thinks bad of it.

This is the Chrono Compendium.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2007, 05:52:10 pm »
It's funny how this topic's first post utmostly contradicts the topic's title.

Assuming my previously posted question won't be answered, it would seem that the statement that counts is the one on the first post. So, practically speaking, this thread is one big nasty farce.

Edit: SCRAMBLE!  :lee:
« Last Edit: June 01, 2007, 07:32:52 pm by cupn00dles »


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2007, 06:11:06 pm »

If I understand you correctly, nope, I'd have to look it up. I am familiar with the concept, but not well enough to teach anybody about it. Here's a link:
Thank you for the link, still don't quite get it but someday I will.

three Questions:
1. What is your favorite story?(novel, movie, comic, Etc.)
2. What country or providence do you live in, And how is the weather?
3. How often do you eat fast food?

Lord J Esq

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #28 on: June 01, 2007, 10:29:19 pm »
Actually, before that starts, I would like to ask Lord J about that tomato thing. Pardon if its an annoying request, but I laughed my ass off at that picture of the cat eating the tomato, and  I've seen the tomato comments floating around a lot.

Hope that didn't come off as an "immature" comment, but I actually am curious.

Somebody on the Compendium called me a tomato at one point, just being silly. I said "I am not a tomato," and cuppanoodles decided to make it his life's work to prove me wrong--sometimes in very humorous ways. That's pretty much it.

Actually, if no one objects, I'd like to volunteer to be the first subect of this "Ask Me Anything" thread. I have A LOT of stuff to get off my chest, and I'm tired of being a member of this Compendium and no one knowing shit about me, its depressing. I promise to behave.

Time waits for no one! Go create a topic and let loose.

Wait...Am I allowed to answer in this Thread even though you are the one who is supposed to answer stuff?

Yep. =)

three Questions:
1. What is your favorite story?(novel, movie, comic, Etc.)
2. What country or providence do you live in, And how is the weather?
3. How often do you eat fast food?

1. This might be a cop-out, but my favorite story is a novel that I'm writing. However, putting that aside, your question is a very subtle and intriguing one. To ask me my favorite story as opposed to asking me my favorite work in some medium (i.e., movie, book) is, frankly, provocative. I don't have a ready answer, and will have to think about it.

2. I live in the city of Seattle, Washington State, USA. The weather this week has been hot, but on the whole Seattle is part of a climate called "marine," which is my favorite type of climate in the world: Cloudy, wet, cool, and mild. Part of the reason I moved to Seattle some years ago was for the climate.

3. Ah, geez. I'm found out! When I was a kid, we didn't eat fast food terribly often. In college, I ate practically none. It was a mark of pride for me to say that I'd gone two, three years without touching a McDonald's anything--and it was true. But last year I undertook a pseudo-philosophical campaign to gain weight, and, in addition to having access to a car (which hadn't been the case in my college years, for the most part), I now eat fast food a few times a month--once or twice a week. In "prolific" weeks, I'd say I eat fast food three or four times. However, I love to cook or to sit down at a real restaurant, and most of the time that is what I do.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2007, 10:47:35 pm »
On the topic of fast food, I used to eat fast food once every couple of months, but now that I work at McDonalds.... :oops: