Author Topic: Ask Me Anything  (Read 7582 times)


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #60 on: June 05, 2007, 03:44:03 pm »
What'd you think of the first Democratic debate?

I've got a soft spot for New Mexico, but Richardson just avoided the questions a little too much (though he did try to do a 180 later on). Obama seemed under pressure and needy of a cigarette, while Hillary was blatantly and sickingly trying to appeal to general audiences. I am proudly against her campaign; though a female president would be charming and invigorating, let us not elect that person. My charges of power familial control over the presidency aside, I don't like her stances on issues. A couple of Mike Gravel's ideas may not be in the right place, but it was satisfying to hear him call out every Democrat there who authorized the war and exert blame on them for it in addition to W. In the end, Wolf Blitzer is a sucker and time unequal was allotted to each candidate.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #61 on: June 05, 2007, 04:04:02 pm »
What are you thoughts on the theory of Simulated Reality.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #62 on: June 05, 2007, 05:12:29 pm »
What's my biggest flaw?

Hehehehe. As of now, I would like to make that question my own.

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #63 on: June 06, 2007, 04:30:25 am »
Yeah, Lord J, just give us a rundown on the primary members (people who post lotz) and why they suck.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #64 on: June 06, 2007, 10:32:19 am »
And one that doesn't post lotz, which would be me.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2007, 12:26:39 am »
If you're going to give us a rundown on things we could all do better, include your own biggest flaw in the list.  It's only fair.

Also, name some of your favorite games that came out within the last year.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2007, 04:43:02 am »
What are some of your favorite words to use in writing? (I understand this is limited greatly by context, but when context allows, which words do you feel a great joy to use either because of their form or sound or any other quality?)

Oh, beautiful question. But, because it is example-based, it is a question whose answer is too long for me to recite fully. Will you accept the following selective answer?

Also, a disclaimer: You asked about words in particular, but, because of the way I write, it is difficult for me to focus on words without edging toward greater English structure here and there. So forgive me if I seem to veer away from just words.

I enjoy certain sounds above others. I agree with Tolkien that the "-or" suffix sound is one of my favorite, especially if you soften the R to the point of most British enunciation, as well as extend it. However, here I am already getting away from words themselves, and into sounds. (But you did mention sound!) I also like the long "I" sound. I really like the--now, if I post the symbol for this, nobody will know what I mean--the "aw" sound. If you can comprehend the difference between the sounds of the words "pa" and "paw," you know what I mean. I like the "wr-" prefix sound, because to me it gives the excuse for extra richness in the R. Letter by letter, some of my favorite sounds are A, I, J, K, R, S, T, Z, and the soft J (which doesn't occur in English but is like a cross between J and Z). I'm a fan of most diphthongs--and not just because I know what that word means--because of the richness and complexity of sound they inevitably bring.

Moving on from sounds and letters, I enjoy many words on a "just because" basis, like "coin." And there are other words I enjoy on a meaning basis, like "ambition." These two are not mutually exclusive, and some words I like not only just because, but because they have a special meaning too.

Words can also taken on extra beauty in relation to their neighbors. I love long sentences that have a heavy pulse--a lyrical cadence with lots of good-sounding, fleshy words. I also love short sentences with two or three key words that punctuate an idea with the exclamatory force that only a short sentence can bring.

I could go on, and on, of course, but let that suffice as a start, and if you want to ask a follow-up question, please do.

What'd you think of the first Democratic debate?

I haven't watched any of the debates thus far. But from what I've read, I think none of the candidates were as honest, earnest, or visionary as they could have been.

What are you thoughts on the theory of Simulated Reality.

I certainly think it will eventually become technologically possible to fool people into thinking they're someplace they're not, if that's what you mean.

What's my biggest flaw?

Hehehehe. As of now, I would like to make that question my own.

I don't know much about you. At least in this community, your biggest flaw is that you resist being taken seriously, and seriousness in general. Monty Python is great, but I wouldn't want to live in their television show. You? Probably not. Most of the people who have difficulty accepting seriousness usually do so out of either deep insecurity or extreme immaturity.

And one that doesn't post lotz, which would be me.

I think that's enough of that particular question, actually. Besides, in your case, I don't know enough to venture any insight.

But I will give mine, since Hadriel asked: I have a hard time finishing things. Call it sloth, call it perfectionism, call it what you will.

Also, name some of your favorite games that came out within the last year.

Twilight Princess is the only game I actually bought in the past year, so that says something. I'm excited by Spore, but that's not actually out yet. I really loved the early Metroid games, but I have had the hardest time getting a taste for the FPS genre the series has become.

Honestly, though, I haven't done much gaming in the past year--and very little with games that are brand new.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #67 on: June 07, 2007, 01:50:23 pm »

What's my biggest flaw?

Hehehehe. As of now, I would like to make that question my own.

I don't know much about you. At least in this community, your biggest flaw is that you resist being taken seriously, and seriousness in general. Monty Python is great, but I wouldn't want to live in their television show. You? Probably not. Most of the people who have difficulty accepting seriousness usually do so out of either deep insecurity or extreme immaturity.

Oh, but the face behind the laughing mask not always laughs itself.

It is a curious concept you put there. Not to say it is not valid, indeed, to certain cases. (Don't worry, now, I won't start with the 'O but seriousness is just a concept to be played with' thing, this time). Seriousness is not something to be "accepted". It is rooted in the personality of the responsible in a way that it is naturally expressed behind the masks of one's actions, inactions, words and what have you. If there is peace and balance to one's trait, one won't be locked to it, insecurity and immaturity will lose their relevance. The moment one is like water, and yes I borrow that concept from Mr. Bruce Lee, one has composition (security, maturity) defined, yet shapeless nature. Fixed seriousness (much like any fixed thing) is like ice. Throw it at a wall with enough power, and it shatters.

Even more curious is the comparsion you made with Monty Python... The thin layer of seriousness present in their work makes it of a density unmatched. I don't really know of any other person or group of people who have been able to criticize, in a single shot of a movie, a context, the perspective people have of it, the way they represent it and the very critics these people make of it, without having to spit a single 'serious' word.

And please, I'm more of a Steve Odekerk kind of guy, really:
(not to say I'm not a very Monty Python kind of guy, also)


What's my biggest flaw?

Now, I would like to make that question ZealitY's, Ramsus', Radical Dreamer's and Daniel Krispin's.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #68 on: June 07, 2007, 02:38:24 pm »
It's mostly just the one word posts, but I guess there's no helping.

My biggest flaw is easy.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2007, 05:48:00 pm »
My biggest flaw is procrast- you know what? I think I'll come back to this later.


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #70 on: June 08, 2007, 06:21:23 pm »
What are you thoughts on the theory of Simulated Reality.
Do you Have any problem with this on the ethical level?

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #71 on: June 09, 2007, 12:11:02 am »
It's mostly just the one word posts, but I guess there's no helping.

My biggest flaw is easy.
Remember that thread that you made that was about...well, nothing?


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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #72 on: June 09, 2007, 10:24:11 am »
I think ZealitY's biggest flaw is that he doesn't love Sephiroth enough. Reunion shimasuka?

Lord J Esq

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #73 on: June 16, 2007, 02:09:33 am »
What are you thoughts on the theory of Simulated Reality.
Do you Have any problem with this on the ethical level?

Not necessarily the ethical level. I would prefer that people exist in the real universe, where our experiences are based upon physical phenomena rather than simulations of the same. This is on the assumption that no simulation could replace the experiences of the universe until we gain a complete understanding of the universe--at which point I suppose the issue becomes moot, notwithstanding the question of our survival and propagation.

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Re: Ask Me Anything
« Reply #74 on: June 17, 2007, 03:10:52 am »
My biggest flaw is procrast- you know what? I think I'll come back to this later.

I have trouble with procrastination too. And you know what? You are all enablers.