Well, stenir, there's
some analysis claiming that the dimensional split occurred when Zeal fell, which would place it well before the time chronopolis was sent back. Not really the issue for this thread, I think.
"The Sea of Eden became the Dead Sea in the Home World because of the incident 10 years ago at Opassa Beach. Serge lived on in that world, causing the time-line leading to destruction (which Crono and friends nullified) to come back into existence again. In the Other World, where Serge died, the Sea of Eden and Chronopolis remain as is. In other words, the Dead Sea indicates that if Serge lives, the future will probably lead back to destruction."
The quote is from this excellent
article. Essentially, the article states that the area Dead Sea/Sea of Eden is the actual area of the Time Crash, and the borders function like a massive gate leading to the future; that is, in 7600 BC or whenever the Time Crashed cities were thrown back to, it lead to 2300AD, and now it leads to 2300 plus 10000yrs give or take. (Of course, in the Dead Sea, time's been frozen. Again, that's another debate.) When Serge survives in 1010, he somehow causes the actions of the Heroes of Time to be nullified (yet another debate we won't discuss here) and the time in the Dead Sea reflows to show a ruined future, abeit is a disjointed and frozen manner. So the time crash DID NOT happen in Home World; however, it happened in the world it split off from, so the effects of the Time Crash are clearly visible: the massive "gate" surrounding the dead sea still exists, and due to Time Traveler's Immunity, the colonizers from Chronoplis still exited this gate and created and colonized El Nido. This is analogous to Robo still existing at the end of CT even though the timeline that created him no longer was viable.
However--as I was typing this, a new issue showed me its ugly head. As time re-flows, the Dead Sea should reflect the future from the moment its existence started--7600BC or thereabouts. However, residents in El Nido clearly refer to the Sea of Eden changing to the Dead Sea in 1010--Marge does, at least. How could they have observed this? What rules say that the Dead Sea only reflects the ruined future after Serge is saved?
I propose that the article is flawed. It rest on the assumption that the split was somehow retroactive--that is, when the split occurred in 1010, the split dimension had its history reordered. I propose that's not how split dimensions work. That is, each inhabitant of Home and Another were the same person, in the same world, until 1010. This sounds elementary, until you realize that due to the time crash, and event in the future SHOULD effect the dimension's past. Hpwever, for some reason--let's call it Rule 1 of Parallel Dimensions for now--this doesn't happen. The past of a parellel world has immunity from change even in the case of a time crash. I'll flesh it out later--right now I'm very tired. So tear the theory apart, build it up, and for God's sake give it a proper name. I'll be back later, rested, to give it a decent go.