Ahh, deference to statistics. I love it! Yes, with the ratio being pegged (usually) at about 9:1, odds are Magus likes the ladies. I suppose some people might point out all the purple as evidence, or the fact that it's a single guy with a cat, but as purple is my favorite colour and I have a cat, I can explode those myths (purple's not gay, it's regal!).
Bosh with the taking offense! If people tip-toe around PC issues, conversation gets stifled, and that's wicked lame. Besides, if someone had made the implication that gay men make excellent designers and straight men make lousy ones within the context of a sitcom, we'd all have a good laugh. Just because conversation's taking place on the internet doesn't mean we should presume everything is intended to offend, or worse yet, that innocent statements are inherently hateful.