Author Topic: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread  (Read 14076 times)


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2007, 06:12:27 pm »
Dorino village residence - 600AD - all 4 NPC's text is messed up

Denadoro Mts - 600AD - no Tata at the start, some freelancers didn't call their friends when they should have
« Last Edit: June 15, 2007, 06:56:12 pm by Triwen »


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2007, 12:13:47 pm »
I went into the Magic Cave, and left to give Frog magic, and when I came back, The magic Cave was sealed up again, I couldn't do anything about it. Also, Frog says something at Medina Square even when he's not there.


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2007, 04:07:44 pm »
Well, I'm trying to spend my silver points in the tent and it says I don't have enough.  Yet, the man outside the tent says I have 1026 points...


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2007, 03:36:50 pm »
Well, I'm trying to spend my silver points in the tent and it says I don't have enough.  Yet, the man outside the tent says I have 1026 points...

I bet that's just that while the data used for stoing silver points was expanded to 2 bytes the check is still only done for 1 in the event code.


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2007, 03:37:33 pm »
Well, I'm trying to spend my silver points in the tent and it says I don't have enough.  Yet, the man outside the tent says I have 1026 points...

That would be because I forgot to import Bekkler's Lab TF Import, or include the "newer" one.  :x
I remember forgetting this now. HOPEFULLY, at some point I can make a patch or something to fix these bugs. (though I can't promise when, seeing as I have WAAAAAAY too much "life" on my hands here)


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2007, 03:30:08 pm »
The so called herbs on Denadoro actually give you quartz.


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2007, 06:05:13 pm »
Quartz can make a substitute for Jadeleaf for the chef at Leene Square.


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2007, 02:11:39 am »
Ok, so I've played through the hack up until the point after Chrono dies since I'm a completionist. No need to shoot me for that. I'm going to make a list of all the little blips I saw along the way, separated by era. I'm also sure that most of these things have already/will soon be fixed, but it's always good to see if something flew off your radar.

  • Hunting range>> The "2x feather/horn/fang/etc" items are not redeemable at the trading hut.
  • Hunting range>> Defeating the nu will cause a very glitched message(Names off some inventory items if you look closely) and cause the game to freeze permanently. (Fast forward and multiple tested)
  • Forest maze>> About 1/10 times, the "leaves blowing in the wind" animation will be a light blue color. Not sure if it was planned or not.

Dark ages/Zeal:
  • No problems thus far, since not much expansion has been made here.

Middles Ages:
  • Manoria Cathedral>>It might just be me, but it took a long time to figure out the newly implemented event starting switch on the chancellor before having the four nagas attack you. Even if it was on the readme, many new players wouldn't catch it. Probably a bad habit of mine to not talk to NPC's, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
  • Dorino, North residence>>I'm sure you are trying to set something up here that's not finished yet. Every NPC in there speaks garble, and sometimes sets the screen black permanently. The Naga-ette bromide event does not work as well.
  • Magic Cave>>Before defeating Magus, if you leave from the cave, the event resets and the way back in is sealed as before frog opens it with the Masamune. There was no way to trigger the event to happen again, so it became a forced reset.
  • Magic cave, the passage through the heckran cave was very creative, I must say. Problem was, when I went to save, it said that I was in the millennium era. Also, the place is just a clone of the cave, so I'm hoping it's a work in progress.
  • Cursed woods>>The expansion looks nice, but there are a lot of layering and tileset errors, such as certain kinds of grass not being able to be walked upon from a certain direction, as well as trees you can walk over.
  • Defeating the Nu here causes no problems.
  • Giant's Claw>>After getting the rainbow shell and returning to guardia castle, the epoch stays at the giant's claw entrance! Another forced reset.

  • Millenial Fair>>The new games are wonderful, but the silver points you win from them seem to not be redeemable at Bekkler's tent. The NPC in front tells me I have well over a thousand, but I still can't play any of the games unless I win point from the pre-programmed games. Also, thanks for upgrading Gato!
  • Millenial Fair>>The chef who wants "jadeleaf" accepts the herb "Greenleaf"(aka the quartz item) found at the Deandoro mts. small error, easy to fix.
  • Guardia Castle>>Cannot do the trial of the king sidequest since the rainbow shell diddn't work.
  • Medina, Post-magus>>The square plays the same event since the event switch was not turned on/off after Magus joined the party. The result is a bunch of blue imps walking around and then the same dialog as the old event, paired with a permanent game freeze. Forced reset.

  • Death Peak>>The map is totally fubar'd. All you see when you get in are tiny squares of the tileset panning across the screen on a black background. Thank goodness the wind is there to take you out since you cannot move when you get in.
  • Geno Dome>>Same problem as death peak. This time it is a forced reset, since there is nothing to take you offscreen.

Besides all that, it's really good! I'm sure there are plenty of reapeats before my post, but I haven't read the thread yet. I can't wait for the next update. :)


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2007, 08:59:40 pm »
OK, so I FINALLY got to play a little tonight, and I got to 2300 AD.

Here are some errors that I found.(Well I think they are errors ><)

After receiving my Silver Point Card, and it said You have Obtained it..., there is a blank text box screen that follows. Not a huge bug at all, but something to be polished up.

I don't know if this error was on purpose or not, but during the Black Jack game I didn't get to see the dealer's first card. I'm not sure if I'm right on this or not, but don't you get to see it in traditional Black Jack? 

Another little tiny bug, is when Lucca is explaining the time Paradox. At the end there is a another blank text box. Also, I know I'm not supposed to report typos, but this one is pretty big. It reads: Bur history has changed. Obviously it's supposed to be But history has changed.  (Bur it's cold in here.)

I think I may have also found a glitch during the dragon tank fight. Once the wheel was defeated little Z's, like when you are asleep, appeared where the wheel was. Also I don't know if this a glitch or not, but when I defeated the wheel I also defeated the body at the same time. Now I don't know if this is a glitch or not, because it may have just been a coincidence on hit points of both parts. I was using fire whirl so it could have been that.  Just something to consider.

That's all I have found so far. I am really enjoying the game up to this point.
The extra cut scenes and dialog make it much better than the original!
Great work you two! Wish I could have done more. Hopefully I'll get the chance to!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 09:02:00 pm by Glennleo »


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2007, 04:50:25 pm »
the Z's for the wheel could be because when lucca gets the "Zonker '38" it puts EVERYTHING to sleep, no matter what. It's a nice idea but it's a bit over powered. You can fly through with no difficulty if you just stick with it.


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #25 on: June 29, 2007, 06:41:59 pm »
the Z's for the wheel could be because when lucca gets the "Zonker '38" it puts EVERYTHING to sleep, no matter what. It's a nice idea but it's a bit over powered. You can fly through with no difficulty if you just stick with it.

Yea, but the Z's were still where the wheel used to be. Once something dies, it can't be asleep can it?

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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2007, 11:24:50 am »
My big complain about Chrono Trigger + is the formatting of text. The indentation of text is not consistent and it's really hard to read.

Some dialog box looks like (using example text, not actual text from the demo)
NPC: I'm so happy I
could scream.

and others use the correct indentation
Gina: You were so excited about the
   Millennial Festival that you didn't sleep
   well, don't you?

The 3 space indentation only use one byte, so use it ;)


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2007, 09:55:06 pm »
Alright this isn't a bug so much as my own stupidity.  I got to 2,300 A.D. and after I fight the robot in Arris dome I have to put in the code L R than A. On my Rom thats like A Z and D but it doesn't work >.< my rom is Snes9x do I need a different one?

But yea,  I didn't post this only to waste your time! I did find a bug that I don't think anyones mentioned, at least I think it's a bug. After I came back from 600 A.D. and went to the fair the slot machine appeared (which is so cool by the way) I got something like 333 silver points, than I went to the tent of horrors. The lady outside said I had 333 silver points but when I went inside Norstein Bekkler said I didn't have enough silver points when I clicked 80 points.

Anyway, great work!


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #28 on: July 01, 2007, 09:15:32 pm »
After finishing the End of Time part, I found another error.

The Mirage enemies IMO are waaaay too tough. It took like about 10 or so Slashs just to kill one. I don;t know if this is true for all the Mirages in 2300 AF, but the ones after the Guardian Bit in that area were extremely strong. I avoided them after that first battle.

I also think the Zonker 38 should be removed or tweaked greatly. It is 100% Sleep, at least in this demo, and is overpowered. As long as I attacked last with Lucca it was ridiculously easy to win any battle. That's how I slaughtered the Guardian Bit. I replaced it with the Plasma Gun just to make the game more challenging.

Also the Acids and Alkalines were weird. I get the reds being immune tt fire and whatnot, but at that point in the game all you have is slash. No other moves hits above 3 or 4. Any chance you could make it so laser spin or something hurts them more?

That's it for now. Off to Heckran Caves.


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Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« Reply #29 on: July 03, 2007, 12:06:06 am »
Got the 65000000 B.G. Only error I found was the White Monster Guy in Denardo Mountains, didn't talk to you like he should. He normally gives you a tab of some kind if you bug him enough.