Author Topic: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!  (Read 5989 times)


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Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« on: June 18, 2007, 05:40:32 am »
By popular belief, Magus was searching for Schala in 13,000 B.C. after the CT or is it?  All we see in the ending is Magus was flying over a frigid mountain & there's was no clear indication that he was somewhere in 13,000B.C..  My theory is that Magus never return to the Dark Ages(13,000B.C.) but travelled 5-10 years to the future using the time gate when they go on their separate ways in the ending in CT.  If you notice the mountains behind Guardia Castle(you can see a better view of the mountain in Crono's prison break) bears striking resemblance in which Magus hovers in what you see in the ending.  This theory also solves the problem on how Magus ends up in 1005-1010A.D.

I thought of this theory because its meaningless to search Schala in 13,000B.C. for several reason: 1.) Magus already knew that she could be anywhere in time & its less likely that he'll find her there.  2.)Its useless to find some clues there since Zeal already sink in the bottom of the ocean ages ago. 3.)  It's a big gamble to search her in the dark ages in which he didn't have a time machine or time gate to move to another era. I ruled out magic since there's no solid proof that magic can open a time gate.

Everyone knows that only the entity can make a time gate & only it can determine the final destination of the gate.  Its possible that the Entity sent Magus between 1005-1010A.D. to work in the backround & probably fix the temporal anomaly.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2007, 11:24:41 am »
You see the Epoch in the ending, which means it must be 12.000 BC after the Fall(or any other corresponding date), not a year later/earlier or whatever.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 11:29:59 am »
Magus068 makes a good point with the fact that the mountain in the background is very similar to the one viewed in the Guardia Castle Prison Break sequence. However, due to the fact that the ending with the Epoch flying through the sky has it do so in each time period for the game, Magus would have to be seen in 12,000 B.C. for the series of scenes to make sense. This doesn't rule out the possibility for Magus to hitch a ride back into the future later on such as others may have done considering the pictures of the characers in Lucca's Orphanage.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2007, 04:30:41 pm »
Actually.........Magus can travel through Time on his own(by luck that is) using Lavos he just has to stop summoning him before he awakens. Maybe he used it to his advantage so could find Schala. Not to mention there is no point to look for her in 12,000 B.C. after he investigated the last couple of islands and glaciers there was no point to stay. I dought the resources were a problem, I mean he has been practicing the spell for almost his whole life.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2007, 05:38:18 pm »
Actually.........Magus can travel through Time on his own(by luck that is) using Lavos he just has to stop summoning him before he awakens. Maybe he used it to his advantage so could find Schala. Not to mention there is no point to look for her in 12,000 B.C. after he investigated the last couple of islands and glaciers there was no point to stay. I dought the resources were a problem, I mean he has been practicing the spell for almost his whole life.

That seems like /really/ risky way of time travelling. Originally in the Lavos timeline Magus was presumably killed when he summoned Lavos at his castle, thus his sudden disappearence to the Mystics. In the Crono & Co. timeline however his summon was interrupted and he lost control of whatever gate he was using to summon Lavos and was sucked in with the rest of the party. It was pure luck he landed in 12,000 B.C., at least from what I can tell. Considering the amount of time and effort he placed into the initial summoning of Lavos, I don't consider this risky attempt to time travel a very good idea, especially considering that Magus would hopefully have learned that facing Lavos alone would more than likely mean death.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2007, 07:22:57 pm »
Yes, that was an accident.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2007, 10:15:07 pm »
Magus using a "mis-summoning" of Lavos to use time-travel could very well work through the Best of All Possible Worlds theory. Considering that Lavos no longer exists in the pocket dimension in the planet, however, it'd probably require an all-together different spell in order to tap into the DBT to try to summon the Time Devourer, or another of Lavos' siblings and/or spawn somewhere else in the universe, if at all possible.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2007, 01:38:41 am »
That still doesn't answer the question of just how the spell operated. Was it just the magical equivalent of "Messin with Sasquatch?" Or did it operate according to some kind of portal? I don't know about you guys, but the first times I ever fought against Magus, he beat Crono's head in. He wasn't any slouch with Shadow magic. If there's any way to do it, it would seem like Shadow magic would be the way to find out how.

Magus068's theory is interesting. I mean, when they originally made the game (I don't think they had a sequel in mind) it may well have been meant to represent 12000. But afterward? Could they have used little ambiguous details like the vagueness of his location to support the idea of him somewhere else in time.

Thats the real problem with Guile. If they had cut out some of the dumber characters and allowed Guile to be Magus along with all of his sidestory, they probably could have explained this. THAT would be something to find. The initial story ideas for Magus before he was excised and that character became simply Guile.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2007, 11:33:02 am »
Magus068's theory is interesting. I mean, when they originally made the game (I don't think they had a sequel in mind) it may well have been meant to represent 12000.

My apology... I meant to say 12000B.C. not 13000B.C.

You see the Epoch in the ending, which means it must be 12.000 BC after the Fall(or any other corresponding date), not a year later/earlier or whatever.

I've seen the ending but like I said earlier there's no clear indication that the mountain that Magus' hover.  Although the Epoch flies through each correspoding era but that does it mean that Magus has to be in 12,000B.C.? It is only assumed that Magus travel back to 12,000B.C. but has no solid evidence to support this theory.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2007, 03:22:47 pm »
It is implied that he went to 12000 B.C. If there is no evidence supporting a position, it's the idea that he did not go to that era. This is like trying to allege that Schala is some transdimensional mystical demigod or Harle was borne of cheese on the red moon. He has every reason to go to 12000 B.C. to find Schala.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2007, 08:15:38 pm »
You see Magus068, your theory is very good but, you see why would he want to lose his memories? But remember now FATE(remember FATE is alive in this time period) can see and control the future. FATE can see if he will tamper with time and if he dose, FATE can kill him. So perhaps he just wants to look after Schala/Kid, to understand how Schala is Kid, to see if Serge is worthy to marry into the Royal Zeal line, or maybe Belthasar used him as an agent to make sure things go as planed.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2007, 10:44:22 pm »
FATE(remember FATE is alive in this time period) can see and control the future. FATE can see if he will tamper with time and if he dose, FATE can kill him.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2008, 03:23:48 am by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2007, 06:07:13 pm »
FATE(remember FATE is alive in this time period) can see and control the future. FATE can see if he will tamper with time and if he dose, FATE can kill him.

I don't get it. Please elaborate.


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2007, 07:00:31 pm »
a.) Belthasar wouldn't allow FATE to kill his friends
b.) FATE has a history of the timeline Keystone T-1 but is not some omniscient demi-god or something
c.) FATE would have to send Lynx after him to kill him; it's not all-powerful
d.) FATE cares about El Nido; if someone else were messing with time, it's not FATE's concern unless the actions put FATE's existence in danger


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Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2007, 07:49:25 pm »

d.) FATE cares about El Nido; if someone else were messing with time, it's not FATE's concern unless the actions put FATE's existence in danger

Wait a second...if FATE is afraid that alterations to the timeline will prevent its existance...then doesn't that completely wipe out the TTI theory? Or is this a case of picking and choosing to ignore a suspicion versus other evidence?