Author Topic: Lavos' umbilical cord  (Read 3876 times)

Radox Redux

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Lavos' umbilical cord
« on: June 18, 2007, 05:49:10 pm »
I've searched for this and I can't find anything on it, so:

I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts concerning a possible cord connecting Lavos and the planet together. Taking into account that Schala in Cross, at one point, states that Lavos (or at least the comet that fell to Earth) would be to the planet, what a Sperm cell would be to an Egg cell. With the result the Lavos we fight in Trigger, which steals energy of the planet to live and grow.

One thing I've noticed is that the arena that we see inside Lavos' shell has a version of Lavos that, whence killed, is revealed to be set over a whole that the characters jump in for the final battle. Concidering the tubes coming out of the arms of the Lavos connected to this thing, could the thing they jump down be an equivelent of an umbilical cord that connects Lavos to the planet. this brings to min dthe theories that the final battle we see in the game is the Entity, especially when one conciders the fact, that the umbilical cord would lead straight to the Entity (in theory.).

Don't forget that we never see the back of Lavos' shell, so whether he is somehow linked to the planet remains undeterminned. Anyway, just some thoughts. What d'ya think?

EDIT: Just for the sake of referance, this image contains the hole I'm referring too:
« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 06:33:34 pm by Radox Redux »


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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2007, 05:56:22 pm »
This is certainly an interesting idea. I always thought that when the larger inner body of Lavos was destroyed and the bits and core appeared, the battle background appeared because of Lavos' time shifting ability. However the idea that the party passed through the hole left by the larger inner body is completely possible and the various flashing of time periods, especially when the core finally dies, could be to the flashing memories of the Entity. Still, as the party once discusses the idea of ones life flashing before their eyes before death, it could be Lavos' memories flashing before his eyes just as he is dying, so to speak. Still, the idea that this hole and the various tubes lead to something of an umbilical that leads to the planet's core, or at least reserve of 'energy', is still a plausible and interesting point to be explored.


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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2007, 06:04:27 am »
They don't jump into the hole unfortunately.


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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2007, 10:35:10 am »
They don't jump into the hole unfortunately.

No, they don't sadly, but the idea is still fun to ponder.

Radox Redux

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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2007, 02:55:55 pm »
They don't? I always assumed they did, since when you kill the inner-Lavos it was the only place left. Oops.

Still, even if they didn't I still wonder whether it could be some connection to the planet. We don't ever see Lavos' behind, plus the inner-Lavos had tubes on his arms that seemed to be an extention of the one on the floor. Whether they went in it or not, anybody have any theories on what that hole could be, ro what it could be used for?


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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2007, 03:38:17 pm »
Considering his shape and the positioning, it could be where perhaps a spine of sorts ran. Though it could have just been another of the various openings that fed energy into the larger body and inner core. I'm sure if one were to follow the tubes that extended from the body to the walls or ceiling or whatever they attached to there would be similar entry points. Still, one must wonder why they opted to show this hole in the first place instead of cover it with tissue of some sort. I almost initially thought it was just a little raised platform in which the larger body and core and bits stood upon, however considering the pure black of it, it would be presumed to be an actual hole.

In regards to the back of Lavos, I think the shell is shaped like that of a hedgehog. Somewhat like a dome until it comes to the face, or the 'mouth' in Lavos' case. What I'm more interested in is what is /under/ Lavos. What would be revealed if we turned him upside down? Would it still be the thick armor or would it be tender flesh like the hedgehog or certain insects? Considering what we can see of Lavos, it appears he has some sort of short feet or claws which could be used for digging. Another idea is that those 'claws' or 'feet' are actually part of some large chewing mouth as some insects have, located on the bottom of Lavos. It's a far-fetched idea, but always a possibility, no?


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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2007, 08:41:58 pm »
I wouldn't think that there is anything special on the rear end of lavos' shell. After all on the young lavos there is't any thing there. But it is possiable that something could have grown there as lavos aged. And as for the hole the only two things that make since is posiably the end of the spinal cord, but that is unlikly our spinal cord along with all other huminoids end at the base of our back, which is where there hole seems to start. I think that it is an exit for waste after all lavos was not 100% efficient.


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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2007, 11:23:01 am »
I agree with the Lavos death flashback things. His ineer forms operate much like a TV or a PC. When you pull the power cord, there is still a split second that power is going from the disconnected cord to the PC before it turns off. What if the swirly stuff during the Core battle was the power from the cord? The locations and times could be his memory slowly flashing before him. The reason he lasts longer than a PC is that he has time powers, and is slowing himself down to preserve his life. In example, he is stretching out the PC's split second into probably several hours, in an attempt to gain revenge, then make a new cord to the planet/Entity. So without the cord plugged, Lavos could probably move faster than light, but being slowed down made him go at 'human' speed. As for vengeance, remember that Lavos wanted revenge in Cross, which is why he wants to destroy spacetime. Lavos knows he was dying, and wanted to take Crono and company down with him, or at least kill them with enough time left to make a new umbilical cord to the Entitiy.

Does this make sense?


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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2007, 05:45:21 pm »
As for vengeance, remember that Lavos wanted revenge in Cross, which is why he wants to destroy spacetime.

This would assume Lavos is sentient(what I think, too), but it could also be "just" instinct, meaning it wouldn't be any kind of revenge.


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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2007, 11:07:32 am »
Yes, it works either way. Lavos could be sentinent, and just wishing to take down Crono since Lavos knows it's (he, she, it?) dying, and wanting to make sure Crono never sees the light of day for it. Or it could be instinct. Get rid of the threat that wounded you, then rebuild the nest.


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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2007, 08:53:18 pm »
On the subject of the location in which you face the core, note how the location is named "tesseract"

From Wikipedia:

In geometry, the tesseract, also called 8-cell or octachoron, is the four-dimensional analog of the (three-dimensional) cube, where motion along the fourth dimension is often a representation for bounded transformations of the cube through time.

The name of the loaction suggests a fourth dimensional space in which one can move through time freely.


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Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2007, 07:52:05 am »
On the subject of the location in which you face the core, note how the location is named "tesseract"

From Wikipedia:

In geometry, the tesseract, also called 8-cell or octachoron, is the four-dimensional analog of the (three-dimensional) cube, where motion along the fourth dimension is often a representation for bounded transformations of the cube through time.

The name of the loaction suggests a fourth dimensional space in which one can move through time freely.

The location in which you face the Core is not the Tesseract. It's just Lavos'... core, with some funky timewarping effects. The Tesseract is the location in which the Devourer of Time is fought in CC, but it's the Japanese name; Honeywood and/or Kato decided to name it "darkness beyond time" in the English translation.

I think Geiger did name the Lavos Core location "Tesseract" in Temporal Flux, but that doesn't make it official or true.