I made this reply to the GBA topic, but I wanted to ask if anyone had comments on my idea.
Chrono Trigger may appear on DS, it is a possibility. Allow me to share my views on how it should look.
1. 3D graphics or remixed 2D ones (ala Final Fantasy 1 and 2 for PSP), with the same feel as the SNES game of old. Im talking slightly cartoonish for 2D, or Cross-esque for 3D.
2. If its gonna be 3D, better have the same top-down perspective at 3/4ths. I dont want a Megaman Legends pivot system. Its 2007, we dont need pivot.
3. Top Screen gameplay, bottom screen inventory/battle commands. I cant stress this enough. I want to be able to tap for Frog's X Strike while watching Magus blow Lavos's head off. It would make Active Battle mode fun, instead of frustrating.
4. Bring back Kato and make it longer. At least Singing Mountain and Zeal Dungeon. At least those two. Maybe also add some cutscenes to explain some Cross things.
5. I may get hate mail, or praised for this one. MULTIPLAYER. Or at least deathmatch. Imagine thinking your Lucca-Robo-Frog team kicks everyones ass, then being humiliated by some other guys Magus-Crono-Ayla. Or Co-op. Have the first player control the party members and have other players control their own party member in battle. That headset thing with my brother's pokemon pearl thing would be great.
Imagine walking through Tyrano Lair and facing the Black Tyrano. Your freinds would offer some advice as the battle starts, then talk you through commands. Then your freind gets hit hard and shouts for help, while you throw him a Mid-Tonic. Hearing his thanks, your other freind cues you for a Dual Tech, in which you both tap your screens simultaneously and deliver a crippling blow. The good old DnD playstyle, getting with some freinds to kick the crap out of Lavos.
6. Ultimate Weapons. Big Big Bosses. Things that can wipe the floor with you even if you are at **. The game was too easy, and nothing that powerful at the end save for Lavos to stop you. Give us a really hard monster. Seperoth, Ultima Weapon, Chaos, Culex, Kefka....Cmon SE, dig out some Final Fantasy cameos for us to kill and loot.
7. Animated cutscenes, and voices for every text in the game. Cmon, I have seen several games get bad marks due to nothing but text. Examples include Zelda: Twilight Princess, FF10, etc. Just some voiceovers.
If these things get put into a DS remake, I think it would be a guaranteed bestseller. It might even get Cross remade, or even Crisis done. What do you think?