No, I can't. I really can't. Haven't you seen any of my work? I'm just not the careful, planning sort. (I actually did outline this one, BTW, but I still didn't actively plan anything).
I can tell.
You've already established that. Now you're just going for the last word, aren't y'a?
Seriously though, your posts are always so painfully vague and needlessly redundant. Either plan what you're going to say, say exactly what you want to say, say it clearly, and say it once, or learn to just fuck off. For example, "Nice work on the drawing you posted, but the composition is awful. It's completely unorganized. Take advantage of the layers and try to spend some more time planning by outlining underneath it next time. Maybe you're just drawing whatever, but even a few minutes of planning can make a big difference in the end result without significantly impacting how long it takes overall."
Honestly, I didn't even mention the image in my post, so your vague, useless attempt at a critique left me wondering what it was I had to organize better (the drawing board, the image, the news post, or the QuestFan site, even though it's not mine). The context of, "Hey, here's an image. Comment on it," didn't even exist.
Nevermind that I just needed something -- anything really -- to help fill in space with the post; to hell with it if the composition is bad. So I just smacked a character down there on the middle and added a background as an afterthought. My arm is sore, and it's just an Oekaki board image, what's it going to matter? Sure, it's a good way to guarantee whatever I make will be mediocre at best, but that didn't bother me enough at the time.
Anyway, this drawing board is here for Chrono fans to just draw whatever, from shitty doodle comics with inside forum jokes to meticulously crafted masterpieces. If you're going to spend time critiquing stuff on it, try to put as much time planning your critique as you would an actual piece of art.