Author Topic: Music, SPCs, and Sounds  (Read 6156 times)


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Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« on: July 09, 2007, 03:17:21 pm »
Ok. I REALLY like Sacred Forest song so I'll put all needed songs here.

DancemasterGlenn, I need a few more songs for some areas...

Valley of the Giants (65,000,000 B.G.)'s a screenshot of a version I did long ago..

this needs some kind of theme "prehistoric remix"

I need a "void" song (think of some wickedly crazy techno mix) :twisted:
this will be for the Cleft of Dimensions one of my "work roms" I have parts of 'the Cleft' done and I normally used "World Revolution" because THAT is a wicked SPC - so maybe something along the lines of that... (throw some choir intrument into it!  :D like Dancing Mad in FF6!

I would like another Manoria Cathedral style chanting song...

We also need "epic boss battle" (even higher up bosses like the Kraken or Quezacoatl)

Epic boss battle: for ... ...can't say much now, but think like an evil version of Crono - can't really go into it more right now... he he.. I'll just say he uses Void Magic (unlike the Void Mage 'Flea', this guy uses the power of the state of emptiness). Song is called "Edge of Eternity" -- so a trippy space techno battle theme kind of like the Lavos Core Battle in CT.
I'll leave it up to you to make these however you want as long as they follow those basic guidelines.
Your work is awesome by the way, it's music to my ears!
« Last Edit: July 09, 2007, 03:22:42 pm by Zakyrus »


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2007, 05:49:02 pm »
I'm really glad you liked my song... I'll get to work on these new ones as soon as I can. I got in a car accident Sunday morning, so things are a bit hectic. I'll keep in touch.

By the way, how long has this CT+ thread been here? There's so much information! You guys are doing an amazing job.


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 06:43:34 pm »
Well, the actual project has been around for several years, but it didn't really get kicked in the pants to start going full steam and be refined and all that until I joined, and that was back in, what, February?


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 07:36:08 pm »
Well, the actual project has been around for several years, but it didn't really get kicked in the pants to start going full steam and be refined and all that until I joined, and that was back in, what, February?

Sounds about right to me. I joined up I think March/April.

I'm really glad you liked my song... I'll get to work on these new ones as soon as I can. I got in a car accident Sunday morning, so things are a bit hectic. I'll keep in touch.

By the way, how long has this CT+ thread been here? There's so much information! You guys are doing an amazing job.

Sorry to hear that. Hope everything turns out OK.

Tell me about it. I had to play catch up recently. It isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. K and Z are workaholics lol.
Nah, they aren't. I'm just lazier than most ><.


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2007, 07:32:34 pm »
DancemasterGlenn, I hope everything works out.


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2007, 07:43:17 am »
I hope DancemasterGlenn is ok. Haven't seen him reply yet.


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2007, 03:41:11 pm »
He hasn't been around since July 11, so...


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2007, 08:31:33 pm »
He hasn't been around since July 11, so...
So he either skipped town or has had other issues keeping him from being on.

Either way, it's not good.


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2007, 11:56:38 pm »
He hasn't been around since July 11, so...
So he either skipped town or has had other issues keeping him from being on.

Either way, it's not good.

I hope he's alright. His music ruled! Though I have NO clue how we'd even translate .mid to .spc at the moment - it's beyond me.


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2007, 01:57:39 am »
Hi eveybody...

I'm sorry to have worried everyone with my absence... things have been really crappy the last few months, and I should have posted something before now. Suffice it to say that summer was not at all good, and now I'm back working my butt off in school. I haven't had a chance to run through all the forum posts as of yet, but one did catch my eye... Kyronea quitting. I'm sad to see it, and I'm not going to pry. I just wanted to say that you did a really good job, and I truly enjoyed talking with you about this project. I hope things in your life are going okay... but essentially, I'm sorry that you've decided to leave the project, and I'm sorry I wasn't even around when you decided to.

Needless to say, I'm really, really busy now, and it would seem we're not sure as of now how we can put midi files into this hack... but I'm attempting to devote some time every week to composing, and if anything I write fits the song styles that you need, I will be posting them. Assuming the project is still going to continue (like I said, I haven't had a chance to check the status of the project yet). Again, I'm really sorry, but things have been really crappy.

I'll do my best to be here more. I hope everyone else is doing well.


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2007, 08:21:15 am »
Hi eveybody...

I'm sorry to have worried everyone with my absence... things have been really crappy the last few months, and I should have posted something before now. Suffice it to say that summer was not at all good, and now I'm back working my butt off in school.

Yeah, my summer sucked too. I got almost nothing done.

Needless to say, I'm really, really busy now, and it would seem we're not sure as of now how we can put midi files into this hack... but I'm attempting to devote some time every week to composing, and if anything I write fits the song styles that you need, I will be posting them. Assuming the project is still going to continue (like I said, I haven't had a chance to check the status of the project yet). Again, I'm really sorry, but things have been really crappy.

I'll do my best to be here more. I hope everyone else is doing well.

Don't worry take as much time as you need. I'm sure it'll be a while before anyone makes a music editor for CT. At times it may seem like this project is going slow, however I put too much time for this project to not contiune. The only way it would quit is if the world ended. (It's hard for me to get online sometimes, but hopefully in a month or two I'll have that fixed and I'll be around ALOT more.)


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2007, 09:48:44 am »
Don't worry take as much time as you need. I'm sure it'll be a while before anyone makes a music editor for CT. At times it may seem like this project is going slow, however I put too much time for this project to not contiune. The only way it would quit is if the world ended. (It's hard for me to get online sometimes, but hopefully in a month or two I'll have that fixed and I'll be around ALOT more.)

This is really good to hear. I'm so glad this project woin't be coming to an end like so many other fan prjects seem to do. Hopefully I can get a fix on my school work sometime here soon, so I can spend what little time I do have left to help out whenever I can.

Keep it up Zakyrus. Don't let the dream that is CT+ die!  :)

EDIT: Oh. I got your e-mail this morning, but I had to go to class at 7:45 so I'll take a look at it when I get home around 7:00 or so.


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2007, 10:04:46 am »
Thanks Glennleo.  :D

Yeah, there's no way that this is coming to an end. I've been doing it for almost 3 years now. Though most of the work seems nearly as transient as I, most of it has gone through so many revisions as I didn't know what I wanted to do or add, other than an enhanced Millennial Fair and expanded North Cape which those two ideas caused all this. Funny how an idea can become a great idea.  :shock:

I am making a CT+video of some new Zeal Cutscenes (Kyronea's text with a few modifications that make it sound like a little 'darker') I am going to use it for "Dream Splash I - Zeal" if Zeality lets me.  8) It never said anything about videos! But it's all Zeal stuff so I don't see why not. Plus I was going to enhance those cuts anyways might as well get really into it. 

Due to enhancing those cuts for the I am getting a surge of motivation. Though I have to go back to my house (Lan Party is over!)  :x I won't be on for maybe a week or so. However, if I get "the Trial" (and maybe the Prison!) chapter(s) re-mastered then I'll make another beta test.  :wink:


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2007, 10:18:14 am »
Sounds great man. Glad to hear some good news as of late.

With Kyronea quitting, and people leaving the site everything felt really down around here.
I'm just glad the CT+ sub forum is jumping, and it always brings a smile to my face.

Can't wait to see that video, and play the new beta!


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Re: Music, SPCs, and Sounds
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2007, 04:44:01 am »
Hehe. 886 posts as of this post and rising!  8)