Author Topic: ||||Cosmic shift 2007-2012 ERA, support earth and its cause on july 17th 2007  (Read 6885 times)


  • Porrean (+50)
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i recently started some groups in my USERname : ProjectoR south

topics include

cosmic shifts
and more!!!

however i havnt attracted enough ppl  to foreward my MASS MESSAGES

please join, id figure chrono warriors here on this board willb e interested in that kind of CRAZY TALK.

if you can join please foreward these links to as many ppl you know.

I have mentioned several aspects of how we will eliminate the human race from this planet if we do nothing. I am not a chemist or Ph.D. in physics. I am sure many of you are not accredited with expansive degrees either but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to resonate with the truth of my words. I am including sites from many of the Ph.D. types for you to further research and confirm what you already know, that we are indeed deeply in trouble. The light beings have told me we can stop much of this harmful behaviour and destruction if enough humans decide that they want to become spiritually connected. It is possible to re-form a grid connection between us that will allow us to realign the energy of this planet and with each other. They have told me that on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time. — 03:11 (3:11 AM) in your time zone — there will be a surge of creation energy which will make our reconnection possible. Please read about this in The Plan. There is hope for a miracle!                                                july 07 2007, cosmic shift, and other very important info******                                     july 17th 2007 light beings and creation energy event. CREATE something                                         ppl unit as ONE all across the world to heal the planet.

<>                                          2012 check under CALENDAR for 2012
<>                               etheric beings and mirror worlds, check stories
<>                   MULTIVERSE and numbers
<>          history and hidden agenda, secrets, and mind control, check HEADLINES
<                                  daily news and earthquake, volcano reports 



  • Porrean (+50)
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i also go under the name OPASSA BEACH on facebook

yay the beach


  • Porrean (+50)
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I'll be sure to send my love ^_^


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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Okay, look, this is all psuedoscientific bullshit. Hell, I wouldn't even call is psuedoscientific!

Come on. Educate yourself on some actual science, not this idiocy.


  • Porrean (+50)
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Okay, look, this is all psuedoscientific bullshit. Hell, I wouldn't even call is psuedoscientific!

Come on. Educate yourself on some actual science, not this idiocy.

I've actually heard a lot about the Earth Grid theory. Either way I believe it's all just a little like praying-- some pray to Buddha, some pray to God, but all in all we're all praying to a higher entity.

Who's to say it's not the same entity? I don't believe all the stuff said on those pages, but I wouldn't mind sharing a nice aura or prayer every now and then.


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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Meh, it's all the same thing: denying and/or ignoring reality, praying to "Gods" or "spirits" rather than trying to educate yourself about how the universe really works. [/mad atheist]


  • Porrean (+50)
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Meh, it's all the same thing: denying and/or ignoring reality, praying to "Gods" or "spirits" rather than trying to educate yourself about how the universe really works. [/mad atheist]

I do wholeheartedly agree with that-- but don't you think it's also good to know both science and philosophy/religion/mythology? ^___^ I just like to know as much as I can of both ends of the spectrum.


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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I do wholeheartedly agree with that-- but don't you think it's also good to know both science and philosophy/religion/mythology? ^___^ I just like to know as much as I can of both ends of the spectrum.
Oh, certainly. I wholeheartedly encourage research of various mythology, especially Buddhist mythology, Christian mythology, Islamic mythology--so few people in the U.S. that are not Muslims are acquainted with this stuff--and so on, so long as one remembers that they are just that: mythology, not fact.

It's when people start researching New Age idiocy and proclaim it as reality that pisses me off.


  • Porrean (+50)
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I do wholeheartedly agree with that-- but don't you think it's also good to know both science and philosophy/religion/mythology? ^___^ I just like to know as much as I can of both ends of the spectrum.
Oh, certainly. I wholeheartedly encourage research of various mythology, especially Buddhist mythology, Christian mythology, Islamic mythology--so few people in the U.S. that are not Muslims are acquainted with this stuff--and so on, so long as one remembers that they are just that: mythology, not fact.

It's when people start researching New Age idiocy and proclaim it as reality that pisses me off.

Oh man, for real. I generally don't accept anything but science as reality. I see religion as an idea, that I don't mind contributing to or dabbling in. I'm at that age where I experiment with new things, anyway! ^.^ But yeah, most new age stuff is just crazy. O.o Hell even 'old' stuff is crazy. (Not talkin' about mormons, nooo... not at all, lmao)


  • Porrean (+50)
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Okay, look, this is all psuedoscientific bullshit. Hell, I wouldn't even call is psuedoscientific!

Come on. Educate yourself on some actual science, not this idiocy.

nah man science and books actually hold back humanity, by forcing proof and evidence...

when in reality, you have access to infinate knowlege and energy thru the etheric....

put away the books, start learning the morph.


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Okay, look, this is all psuedoscientific bullshit. Hell, I wouldn't even call is psuedoscientific!

Come on. Educate yourself on some actual science, not this idiocy.

nah man science and books actually hold back humanity, by forcing proof and evidence...


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nah man science and books actually hold back humanity, by forcing proof and evidence...

when in reality, you have access to infinate knowlege and energy thru the etheric....

put away the books, start learning the morph.
I love this guy.

Chrono Master

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Science = Phisics, Phisics = laws of gravity, Phisics + Calculus = the formulas that go into creating video games
all the proof all of us need to belive in science 'nuff said :wink:


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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nah man science and books actually hold back humanity, by forcing proof and evidence...

when in reality, you have access to infinate knowlege and energy thru the etheric....

put away the books, start learning the morph.
It took me two days to finally get over my reaction about just how stupid this is. I'm a firm believer in a philosophy of no one being beyond redemption, be it ignorance--of any sort--criminal activity, or anything else under the sun...but you're pushing the line, Ro. You are really pushing the line.


  • Guardian (+100)
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It took me two days to finally get over my reaction about just how stupid this is. I'm a firm believer in a philosophy of no one being beyond redemption, be it ignorance--of any sort--criminal activity, or anything else under the sun...but you're pushing the line, Ro. You are really pushing the line.

Wow, Kyronea, and I never thought I'd see the day.  Probably shouldn't think too much of it.  Really, is this a battle even worth fighting?