Smashed fingers suck. Back aches suck. You know what sucks more than that?
Your hand being crushed in your brother's chair.
Last night, my brother accidentally made the data corruption bug in SC3 activate, so we had to start over. But he was joking about my KH2 files, so I went to tickle his sides. His side squeezed my hand into the side of his chair, leaving a nasty bruise. It hurts to type...
You know what sucks more than that, though?
Sharpie on your face while you're trying to sleep.
Last night, my older sister decided to draw on my face with a Sharpie while I slept. Of course, she says she didn't do anything wrong because I, in my sleeping state, apparently said yes. So I woke up in the middle of the night to the sensation of being really really hot and the smell of Sharpie. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I then went into the bathroom, threw a little tantrum because she was laughing and saying she didn't do anything wrong, and scrubbed my face clean. Of course, after all the Sharpie was off my face, I notice that in my scrubbing I caused some weird scratch or burn or bruise on my face right under my eye.
Wonder what the kids at school will say about that...
Normally, I'd send this via PM to Z because I know I can trust him, but I don't flipping care anymore. You see, she reads what I do here and anything bad about her I get yelled at for and have to go back and delete. And even if I delete it, it still haunts me.