Thread Zombie! OH NOES!!!
My friend at school asked me for a music file (A Cruel Angel's Thesis, sung by the girls from Evangelion), so I put the song as well as Time's Scar and a bunch of pictures in a folder on my flashdrive. At lunch today, I then gave him the flashdrive (he let me borrow his NewType magazine to show my sis [IT HAD KAMUI AND SUBARU IN IT] in return) and we went to our next class.
When I got home, my sister revealed to me that last night, while I was asleep, she had taken my flashdrive and used it to bring some of my brother's files over to his new computer. She then accidentally deleted my folder with MY stuff in it. Needless to say, I'm kinda pissed about it. But since she's under the weather... as long as she gives back the NewType magazine, I fear my friend will KILL me if that thing is ruined!