God I hate my sister sometimes. You guys know that I'm sick, right? Yeah, it's been my frustration since Saturday. Today I was hungry, so I went downstairs and made some chicken. My sister was already in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal. My chicken is, like, 20 seconds from being done (albeit gross, microwaveable chicken is a godsend when you're sick and hungry), she's standing right by the coffee maker and coffee, so what does she do?
She asks me to make coffee.
Oh, it gets even better! She has me run downstairs to get her gym shit, when I should be in bed, makes me help her find her sports bra even though I can barely talk, and is still a little bitch.
My brother is worse. Routinely, even though he's sitting in the living room (right next to the kitchen), if someone is going by, he asks them to get him a soda or a Lean Pocket or something like that. Yesterday, I can't talk, so I sign out to him to please bring the empty jug of water downstairs and bring me a fresh one. He says no.
Only my mom seems to understand that someone is sick around here. And what's worse is they keep making me laugh.