I may be wrong, but I've heard that she was only removed because a bunch of people reported her.
I guess it's hard to avoid with that demographic. I stopped expecting people to play fairly in online games a few months ago when I finally realized that most of them are a bunch of utter derelicts.
Yeah, unfortunately these situations fall victim to a majority rules mentality. While I do feel that what happened to her wasn't fair, I also feel that her going into a community and openly placing herself into the "hey I'm different!" profile wasn't smart. It opened her up to harrasment in a community that was ready to dish it out, whether deserved or not.
While not exactly the same, it's similar to painting a confederate flag on your car and driving through Harlem. What it represents to everyone is different, but in that community, they're going to have one strong perception of what it means, and won't react kindly.
I know that's a stretch, but the point is valid. If she went to a forum of friendly, non-harrasing open-minded individuals and identified herself as a lesbian a kind reaction would be expected. However, she went to a community with random assorted individuals and did as such, and following Murphy's Law some of those individuals were assholes. By one stretch of Microsoft's terms of use they contrived a violation on her part, and thus the unfortunate results.
The bottom line is, if harrasment is a forseen conclusion, avoid opening yourself up to it.