Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 588166 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2565 on: April 06, 2009, 01:21:45 pm »
I actually bloody hate it when people reply to posts by breaking them up into tiny little quoted sentences and replying piecemeal to everything.

Whereas I quite like it (when it is done well). Certainly, it can be done poorly, such as when the responder doesn't have anything to say and could have really left the entire matter to rest without another word on the subject but didn't. Admittedly, when I write lengthy responses there are many times I have to go back through them before posting to remove such things; there are many things I want to say but they seldom are things that would contribute to the whole.

When done, however, this practice serves the same function as a text citation, only the citation is actually provided for convenience. This gives it an academic feel. Not only can I see what person B said in response to person A, but I can see what exact part of person A's statement they are responding to. It provides a degree of context that makes things much easier to follow. Additionally, if a single responder is adressing multiple posts, this nicely allows one to skim it all for the relevant portions of it.

The practice of breaking up the original post into smaller quotations also has a visal appeal; a large wall of text can be daunting to just look at. Even if the post is several pages long, it is much easier to read because, as the reader, there are convenient breaks of thought that allows one to catch one's breath.

Of course, a quotation should always contain everything that is relevant and nothing that is not; it is an art form that can be bungled easily.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2566 on: April 06, 2009, 04:59:10 pm »
Replying to a few properly excerpted quotes to address specific points is one thing, but have you ever tried replying to the reply to the reply of a post that's simply been broken down into 10-15 different individual sentences so the replier would only have to address each sentence with a sentence, instead of actually addressing the logical points? Every reply to a reply like that only gets worse, especially if the person keeps replying to each and every individual sentence of your replies to their replies.

The end result is that it leads to monster posts with lots of redundant points, circular reasoning, and stupid one-liner wanna-be retorts that don't add anything to the argument. If you don't believe me, just search through all the older argument threads.

Anyway, the real reason I'm posting is that I've gotten even more frustrated with mobile computing. It seems, ever since they introduced technology like SpeedStep to allow CPUs to run at lower speeds when the full speed isn't needed in order to lower heat output and reduce energy use, PC manufacturers have been abusing the feature to design their laptops to run properly at half the full clock speed of the processor, with the expectation that most people won't need to push their laptop enough to run at full speed. As a result, running at full clock speed, even with near idle usage, forces the fan on and generates too much heat.  Actually doing something at full speed will actually fry most laptops within an hour or so.

It's stupid design. They might as well not be so damn misleading and just include cooler processors running at half the speed to begin with.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 05:06:12 pm by Ramsus »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2567 on: April 06, 2009, 07:24:32 pm »
Hey, guess what?

I'm not going to have supper tonight!


Stupid. Fucking. Bitch. Sister.

Aside from walking right into my room when I could be changing and me not being able to do the same to her without being bitched at, she decided that I'm too fat to have waffle fries or something like that. She decides that she'll make my brother some fries. So she goes upstairs and asks my mom if she does. So after confirming this, she goes downstairs and makes fries. My mom tells me over IM that she's having fries, so silly me I think I'm going to get some. Ha. Consideration. What was I thinking!

So the fries are done and I go downstairs. I naturally expect my fair share, but NO. I didn't ask for them. So guess what? None for me! And now she's making it out to be my fault. Because I'm hungry, she tells me to get something to eat. Guess what?

Because the stupid fucking bitch doesn't need anything, NO ONE needs anything!

So we're basically out of EVERYTHING that isn't fucking tofu or Boca Burgers. Meanwhile, my mom and brother are feasting on waffle fries and I'm near tears. And guess what? When I try and talk to my mom about it, she turns me away! Because I get so damn dramatic about everything, I don't need counseling. Obviously, I blow everything out of proportion and it's all in my head. It's not real.


My lack of food and my anger are as not real as the tears on my face right now.

I just can't wait for her to get out of the house. I can't wait until I don't have to deal with her shit. I can't wait until I can go and get a pair of panties without having to knock on a door. Until I can say whatever the fuck I want to say about her without being bitched at. Until I can have whatever I want on my computer and do whatever I want with my room without her saying it sucks. Until I don't feel pressured into eating her healthy shit, or getting food that I don't want so that she can have some. Until she stops trying to make me fat. Because that's what she's trying to do, you know. Either she's trying to make me as sick and skinny and unhealthy as her or she's trying to make me a fatass. That way she won't feel as bad about her being a 'fatass'. Apparently she wants to be less than a stick figure.

God, I could just rip someone's head off right now...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2568 on: April 06, 2009, 11:30:42 pm »
Fried tofu is much better than not eating (slice it into strips and cook some crispy flavor in), and boca burgers wouldn't even be that bad either. Chances are, no matter what your sister makes you eat, it's not any worse than a lot of the stuff I have to eat on a regular basis, so don't feel too bad.

Also, it sounds like a lot of what's causing you to cry is a perceived lack of control over your life. Other people seem to dominate every aspect of your life, while you're simply left to suffer. If that's how your situation leads you to see your life, then you're going to end up more than a little messed up in the head -- maybe even permanently. Check out research on learned helplessness to get an idea of what I mean. Unfortunately, nobody in your household cares enough to help you out, so you're pretty much screwed.

You could try finding aspects of your life that you can control, or that give you more control, even if it means more stress. Part-time jobs are especially great in this regard (just avoid working in fast food). Having a car is another big one. You don't sound like a real go-getter though, and getting a first job can be a real tough hustle sometimes.

Ultimately though, if you can just develop a mindset that gives you a strong sense of control and direction over your own life regardless of the circumstances or the people around you, then you can more calmly deal with the problems of your sister and your household life in general. Not to mention, later in life when faced with hard challenges, you'll be much more capable of overcoming them.

But you're just a teenage kid, so that kind of highly developed mental state is pretty much out of your reach, especially if you're a teenage kid trying to get there on your own. Instead, try not to get too messed up in the head, and when you move out as an independent adult, try to repair the damage a little.

Also, just out of curiosity, what does your sister do to try and lose weight and be healthy?

The key to healthy weight loss is a little bit of strength training for toning and to increase your metabolism followed by a pretty good amount (2-3 miles at least) of somewhat intense aerobic exercise like running to use up energy and burn fat. Repeat every other day, and you can still eat like a normal person (to include some fast food) and still lose weight well into your 20s. If you still don't lose weight, then the next key is to eat just a small amount in the evening and not to eat at night, which, as long as you exercise, works even as you get older. And don't worry if you stop losing weight after that. Anything more will probably lead to unhealthy weight loss, and chances are you've found your healthiest weight at this point, so congrats.

The real reason to eat "healthy" foods is nutrition, so your body doesn't wear out and you aren't as likely to get cancer or diabetes (or gout or something). Furthermore, starving yourself on an irregular basis (i.e. skipping a few meals one or two days a week) actually drives weight gain, as it makes your body try harder to store most of the food you eat as fat rather than use it as energy for the week or so after you suddenly stopped eating.

If you really want to mess with your sister, you ought to take up running to get rid of the stress, while eating the foods you want to eat, and see if you can make her fat by getting her to alternate between eating more of what you're eating and not eating. Then as you achieve her dream image (or at least a better body image than she has), she'll go insane and leave the household feeling disgusted with herself and inferior to you.

And even if that doesn't work, you'd have a lot more physical power and endurance, plus you'd feel better. If you have a hard time finding a place to run, don't forget that you can always stay after school an hour or so and use the track and shower there, and then if you're only a few miles away, walk home.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 11:40:04 pm by Ramsus »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2569 on: April 06, 2009, 11:42:47 pm »
On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, Spam is delicious. Especially fried spam with barbecue sauce. Sadly, my parents think Spam is the devil, so it is not allowed in the house. Farewell, tasty meatstuffs...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2570 on: April 07, 2009, 10:24:46 am »
It depends on what her mood is. She's pescitarian (I think that's how it's spelled, but not sure), so she eats fish and tofu. I've tried some of her tofu. It was actually decent, if not for the squishyness of it. She also obsesses over her caloric intake and her needs in food (no fried, no meat, light light food) to the point where very few places have something for her.

Aside from her eating habits, it's her exercise routine that gets me. She heads down to the gym for an hour or so daily and does a whole lot of strength stuff and cardio. I guess. I dunno. But she used to do an hour of DDR on Standard.

Ultimately, I want to get out of this hell hole. Fitchburg is nice, but not where I'd like to live forever. I want to get a job and do plan on getting an application to the local grocery store soon (I can walk there), I want to get an apartment during or after college, I want to find my own way. But right now, again, I'm basically powerless.

Um... the whole messed up in the head thing... kind of already happened. I do have some mental illnesses to deal with already (Bipolar + Asperger's = FUN), so... fun. I can't wait to get out of here. Though last night I did find some hotdogs. Mmm... hotdogs with honey mustard... amazing.

Current gripe is the fear that I ended the world. I helped a friend join the Compendium because he thought it was so cool and all that. I regret it now. Username 'Glen'. Be nice. He's messed up, too.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2571 on: April 07, 2009, 03:02:38 pm »
I seriously dislike the noobs in my program.
I got to class a half hour before it was scheduled to begin and I was the only one in the room, so I decided to take the time to colour something in photoshop. I get out my hard drive and Wacom, opened photoshop, and got to work. About three other people came in eventually and sat at the other side of the room. Ten minutes before class started, a friend of mine came in and asked if I wanted to go to the bookstore for food. So we go get our food and come back five minutes later. When I get back, about half the class is full, and there's some guy sitting at my computer. He had unplugged my wacom and hard drive and moved all my stuff to a nearby table and closed out of my photoshop without saving. Twenty minutes of work, gone. I know, I know, shame on me for not saving, but this IS a graphics program. You don't just sit down at a computer that is obviously in use and exit all their work.
I really wonder what must have been going through that brat's head. 'Gee, this is the only computer in this row that's turned on. But wait, what's this? A half-finished drawing is open in photoshop? There is a wacom tablet and hard drive hooked up? Someone's backpack is here? Oh, someone must have forgotten all this from last quarter. I'll just take this. Nobody will mind!'
Not to mention the guy from last quarter that put uTorrent on the computers and clogged the servers by torrenting during class. Then there's the people who download and install tons of games without permission, when only three games have been authorized by the teacher and school board. Five of our computers are still out of commission from that virus last quarter!
No offense Falawful, but these new kids pull some really stupid crap. I hope you're not like that too.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2572 on: April 07, 2009, 05:44:52 pm »
That sounds crappy. I go to a technology college, and every room is a computer room. We have to lock our screens if we leave our desk at ANY point because if we don't other people fuck with our settings, like big GAY PRIDE desktop wallpapers, switching the left/right click buttons, flipping the screen upside down, actually deleting or renaming homework files (we don't turn in paper assignments), or just plain shutting down your comp. I hate when that happens, so I always have to remember to lock it.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2573 on: April 08, 2009, 02:56:08 am »
Stupid. Fucking. Bitch. Sister.

I used to butt heads with my younger sister a lot. Trust me, things will get better. Now we are friends.

It depends on what her mood is. She's pescitarian (I think that's how it's spelled, but not sure), so she eats fish and tofu. I've tried some of her tofu. It was actually decent, if not for the squishyness of it. She also obsesses over her caloric intake and her needs in food (no fried, no meat, light light food) to the point where very few places have something for her.

Pescetarian, I believe. What always amuses me is the people that choose that lifestyle for a perceived moral reason, as it seems hugely hypocritical to me. If they believe that it is more moral to eat one animal, but not another, then how is that any different from what the rest of us typically do? At least vegetarians are consistent, I respect that. Since I'm going through veterinary school, I feel that at some point I should really become a vegetarian for what I feel would be a moral choice. But I get some moderate health issues if I don't eat meat, and I have trouble supplementing my diet effectively. Every time I have tried it, I have had to stop for one reason or another. Kudos to people that can keep it up.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2574 on: April 08, 2009, 08:42:02 am »
I used to butt heads with my younger sister a lot. Trust me, things will get better. Now we are friends.
Now, here's the thing. She's not my younger sister. She's 20 years old.


Current frustration is... I dunno. I feel lost, I guess.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2575 on: April 09, 2009, 02:04:50 pm »



Someone stuck some cologne under my nose. I sniffed it. It was strong. I said it smelled like my dad, because it does. Then, guess what? My eye started twitching. I don't know why, but OH MY GOD IT HURTS.



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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2576 on: April 09, 2009, 06:00:49 pm »
Try holding cold water cupped in your palm up to it.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2577 on: April 09, 2009, 06:23:58 pm »
It's actually much better now. But god, it hurt when it was happening.

Right now, I'm kind of addicted to Vocaloid. I can't get enough of hearing computers sing crazy songs, nor can I get enough of making them sing. But the thing is Vocaloid is in Japanese (CANNOT READ) and costs money (THAT I DO NOT HAVE). And torrents hurt my computer's soul...

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2578 on: April 10, 2009, 12:33:30 am »
I have a friend who is almost more than obsessed with Vocaloid, and then she got another of my friends as if not more into it who now wants to buy one of them which I don't get because she doesn't even know Japanese.  What frustrates me is when they're together it's all they talk about.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2579 on: April 10, 2009, 02:25:13 am »