Engineering it outside the body is possible, but not right now. We don't have the technology, or the money, or the means. And even if we had those things to do research on it, it would take a while before people started using it. And even longer for people who need to do it and people who are poor can do it. This sort of thing will be for rich people who don't want to have a baby inside them.
Here's another point against this, though. Pregnancy within the mother (or father) is good for the child. It bonds the child with the parent and then makes it less likely for the parent to eat it. And even if we found a way around that, there's the issue of breast feeding. That bonds the child even more to the parent and vice versa. In the latter stages of pregnancy, all sorts of hormones rush through the woman's body, causing her boobs to start milking. By not going through pregnancy, a woman doesn't do that. Even if we found a way around that, why would a woman who has her child born in a laboratory and not from her want to have the kid suck on her boobs? That hurts, too!
Again, even though we could do it outside the body, women would still go through it. We kind of need to have those eggs in us, and we kind of have to discharge them to make babies happen in a lab. And that kind of makes our uteri swell up with blood to feed the baby. And when there's no baby... ha. Again, if we stopped that, we would not be women anymore, really. We would be a thing. We don't need most of our womanly parts, and ultimately guys won't need them either. Humans will simply be... things. No male, no female. We will become asexual creatures, better off dividing than meeting with another member of our species.
... good for basement dwellers.