I've wanted to start a new band since I got out of high school five years ago, but have had no luck finding a drummer.
Ah, the challenge of finding a good drummer...
Q: Why do drummers have a half ounce more brains than horses?
A: So they don't disgrace themselves at the parade.
Q: How do you know if there is a percussionist at the door?
A: The knocking gets slower.
Q: How can you tell when there is a drummer at your front door?
A: The knocking gets faster.
Q: How do you know when a drum solo's really bad?
A: The bass player notices.
Q: How many drummers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but he'll break ten bulbs before figuring out that they can't just be pushed in.
Q: How many drummers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Twenty. One to hold the bulb, and nineteen to drink until the room spins.
Q: What did the drummer get on his I.Q. test?
A: Drool.
- + - The annoying drums - + -
This guy goes on vacation to a tropical island. As soon as he gets off the plane, he hears drums. He thinks "Wow, this is cool." He goes to the beach, he hears the drums, he eats lunch, he hears drums, he goes to a luau, he hears drums. He tries to go to sleep, yet he hears drums.
This goes on for several nights, and gets to the point where the guy can't sleep at night because of the drums. Finally, he goes down to the front desk.
When he gets there, he asks the manager, "Hey! What's with these drums. Don't they ever stop? I can't get any sleep."
The manager says, "No! Drums must never stop. It's very bad if drums stop."
"When drums stop...bass solo begins."
Maybe these terrible jokes will frustrate some people, haha.