Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 605122 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3120 on: June 23, 2009, 11:31:37 pm »
This is random, but speaking of the LDS religion... I'm currently being harassed by a Mormon guy (that I barely even know or have spoken to) who claims he is "deeply, profoundly and madly in love" with me. Very creepy; he's like a borderline stalker. :( He's definitely been frustrating me lately. I wish he'd leave me alone! He has a very patronizing attitude towards women and believes the ideal woman is submissive and religious. Why he has interest in me, a very independent agnostic with Jewish/Catholic roots, I'll never understand.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3121 on: June 23, 2009, 11:36:18 pm »
Confront him and tell him off, I say! My, to disrespect a lady like that! Dishonor I say!

Do it sternly, yet with passion!


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3122 on: June 23, 2009, 11:36:58 pm »
This is random, but speaking of the LDS religion... I'm currently being harassed by a Mormon guy (that I barely even know or have spoken to) who claims he is "deeply, profoundly and madly in love" with me. Very creepy; he's like a borderline stalker. :( He's definitely been frustrating me lately. I wish he'd leave me alone! He has a very patronizing attitude towards women and believes the ideal woman is submissive and religious. Why he has interest in me, a very independent agnostic with Jewish/Catholic roots, I'll never understand.

First of all, creepy stalkers are not fun...

Second of all, if he is madly in love with you, he'd give you the ability to do whatever you want, not be submissive.

Third of all, if his perfect woman is teh submissive quiet and uberreligious type, wtf is he going to you for anyways?

And so, yes, I will never understand either.  Theres something majorly wrong here.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3123 on: June 23, 2009, 11:42:12 pm »
Oh, my condition wasn't caused by a medication. :) I have a disease that is a form of lupus,

Ouch. But it seems you're keeping it in check and not letting it hinder you, so that's wonderful. Good luck! My friend has rheumatoid arthritis, but she's not letting it depress her or lower her outlook and motivation in life either.

This is random, but speaking of the LDS religion... I'm currently being harassed by a Mormon guy (that I barely even know or have spoken to) who claims he is "deeply, profoundly and madly in love" with me. Very creepy; he's like a borderline stalker. Sad He's definitely been frustrating me lately. I wish he'd leave me alone! He has a very patronizing attitude towards women and believes the ideal woman is submissive and religious. Why he has interest in me, a very independent agnostic with Jewish/Catholic roots, I'll never understand.

In the LDS church, men and women are under massive pressure to get married from age 19 and on. Typically, men go on missions for two years and return at age 19 or 20, at which point they need to find their eternal soul-mate as soon as possible. Likewise, women had better get attached to someone quick, because being even 22 or 23 without being married is approaching old maid status. In marriage, they're sealed for all time and eternity (unless they have a divorce of course, ha), and the female is immediately expected to start producing babies for the faith and become a homemaker who supports the male in all his priesthood endeavors.

It's a very sick mindset, and it's especially screwed up because of the dating rush that goes on and the usual immaturity of the parties involved. It's interesting that he's harassing you, though, because Mormon boys are told to date within the faith and find a nice, wholesome Mormon girl. If someone goes outside the faith, they're either not good churchgoers, or they're absolutely convinced they can convert you.

Either way, ugh. Be careful, and don't hesitate to use legal deterrents if it comes to that. I've known two girls who've had stalkers, one of which whom suffered for two years over it because of his constant harassment. I'm preaching to the choir, I know, but never give them a chance or let them in. Ewww.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3124 on: June 23, 2009, 11:44:30 pm »
I was once followed around by some Jehovah's Witness people trying to get me into their "group".

I swear, not only was I rather disturbed by the occurance, but their cliche' "Join us..." faces made the matter worse.

So I left the store I was in.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3125 on: June 23, 2009, 11:49:49 pm »
I was once followed around by some Jehovah's Witness people trying to get me into their "group".

I swear, not only was I rather disturbed by the occurance, but their cliche' "Join us..." faces made the matter worse.

So I left the store I was in.

Thats pretty funny, =D

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3126 on: June 23, 2009, 11:51:36 pm »
Funny, it might be, but if you were there I would bet my bottom dollar that you wouldn't sleep without some sort of blade next to your bed-stand for the next week.



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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3127 on: June 24, 2009, 12:29:25 am »
Ouch. But it seems you're keeping it in check and not letting it hinder you, so that's wonderful. Good luck! My friend has rheumatoid arthritis, but she's not letting it depress her or lower her outlook and motivation in life either.
Thanks, Zeality! :) If anything, lupus gives me an excuse to show off my brilliant "Lupus Patient (And Rocking It!)" t-shirt.

In the LDS church, men and women are under massive pressure to get married from age 19 and on. Typically, men go on missions for two years and return at age 19 or 20, at which point they need to find their eternal soul-mate as soon as possible. Likewise, women had better get attached to someone quick, because being even 22 or 23 without being married is approaching old maid status. In marriage, they're sealed for all time and eternity (unless they have a divorce of course, ha), and the female is immediately expected to start producing babies for the faith and become a homemaker who supports the male in all his priesthood endeavors.

It's a very sick mindset, and it's especially screwed up because of the dating rush that goes on and the usual immaturity of the parties involved. It's interesting that he's harassing you, though, because Mormon boys are told to date within the faith and find a nice, wholesome Mormon girl. If someone goes outside the faith, they're either not good churchgoers, or they're absolutely convinced they can convert you.

Either way, ugh. Be careful, and don't hesitate to use legal deterrents if it comes to that. I've known two girls who've had stalkers, one of which whom suffered for two years over it because of his constant harassment. I'm preaching to the choir, I know, but never give them a chance or let them in. Ewww.
Lucky for me, the creep is leaving for his two-year mission in August. Here's to hoping he gets shipped somewhere far, far away from me! ;) I'm not surprised about the Mormon obsession with marriage you mentioned; he constantly goes around parading ideas like  "A woman is not complete without a man; marriage is the ultimate happiness!", "You can't accomplish things in life single!"  He has insinuated to me many times that he'd like to marry me when he returns from his mission. It's very alarming, as well as disturbing, because I've told him countless times I'm not even remotely interested in him and don't even consider him a friend. I've told him to stop contacting me, yet I find my inbox filled with messages about how he "can't live without me", and that the pain from me rejecting him has given him a "near-fatal heart condition". (Yeah... and I'm Tammy Faye Baker and originate from the planet Saturn!) I've been ignoring him as well as his messages, hoping it will detour him. They say silence can often speak the loudest, so I'm hoping it will work.

I also find it interesting he's targeted me; I'm very outspoken about my views, and I certainly don't look or act like a wholesome Mormon girl. If he continues to harass me, I will definitely step in and take legal measures to stop him. I'm so sorry to hear about your friends and their ordeal! :(

As for marrying young, especially with Mormons, I never understood the merits of it. I've heard of a lot of Mormon couples getting married and starting a family before they've even entered or finished college, and have no reliable or stable source of income on top of it all. It's like children taking care of children; I find it quite disturbing. I wonder how many of these couples end up in divorce? :P

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3128 on: June 24, 2009, 12:34:16 am »

I also find it interesting he's targeted me; I'm very outspoken about my views, and I certainly don't look or act like a wholesome Mormon girl.

That's probably why. It's the forbidden fruit angle. He wants what he can't have. Plus he's an idiot who can't take a hint.

At least that's what it sounds like.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3129 on: June 24, 2009, 12:39:11 am »
I had a Mormon guy flirting with and trying to convert me for a while (and a Jehova's Witness around the same time, I think they were friends). Maybe they just really like trying to converting or subduing a woman who is an obvious challenge, maybe even for bragging rights.
Next time he asks you, try saying you're the anti-christ or the devil or something.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3130 on: June 24, 2009, 12:56:03 am »
yes, the whole marry-within-the-religion thing is definitley a BIG deal for those people...

Its not as much of a big deal to Christians, however it is still suggested, not because "everyone else is a bad person" but because it would create conflict within the household.

I can especially attest to this because my grandmother, a baptist, married my grandfather, a catholic.  Even with those two religions being close there was a LOT of conflict within the family, or atleast between those two.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3131 on: June 24, 2009, 12:58:27 am »
Zephira and Mr. Bekkler, that makes a lot of sense. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case! Next time he pesters me, I'll tell him I'm not only the devil, but that I also watch R-rated movies, curse, drink delicious caffeined tea and have six piercings. Oh, and I show my ankles and hate babies. Gasp! ;) Perhaps if I got a Chrono tattoo like La Bella, then maybe I could push him over the edge even further, haha!

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3132 on: June 24, 2009, 01:02:18 am »
Don't overdo it now.....*trips*


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3133 on: June 24, 2009, 01:04:51 am »
No worries, just being facetious. ;)
But I might throw in a few of those things for good measure...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3134 on: June 24, 2009, 02:55:55 am »
I hate some file sharing sites list my id along with those  $%*! key words.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 02:59:04 am by utunnels »