is it a problem when the same people I would tell the joke to tell white person jokes, blonde jokes, black jokes, gay jokes, and any other type of joke in existance, whilst at the same time, the group consists of blondes, whites, blacks, and gays (Oh, and they tell more of these jokes than I do. ever)
We aren't being asses. We are doing it in good fun. just like the British make fun of Americans, and vise versa.
If the same jokes were taken to a different crowd, yes, the results could/would be bad.
Assholery being involved, intentional assholery, then yes, I think that punishment should be enacted. But seriously, a year? Thats LIFE devastating. A few months at most is what I think should be the punishment, barring that the assholery was limited to verbal, and strictly verbal. I mean, if someone is a "frequent flyer" ass to them, then yeah, I think punishment should be enacted. Very much so.
Jokes about stereotypes that I fit, I personally find hilarious! Usually, that is. The rare case exists where I hear one intended to be an ass to me or my stereotype, and that isn't cool.
Personally, I don't tell jokes to be malicious.
However, in truth, what I fear from this kind of legistlation isn't against joking.
What I mainly would fear would be abuse of the legistlation into stealing a year away from someones life, just for making a comment that gets misunderstood. Something like a "I have this gay friend named John" kind of thing. Not trying to be rude or mean about it, merely trying to add a description and category to the following name. I fear those kinds of statements being taken to court.
The reason? Because of the court case where a robber tripped and got injured while robbing some peoples house. The robber took those people to court and WON a lawsuit against them. These kinds of foolish lawsuits and stuff really bother me.
Anyone understand what I'm saying?
This isn't some game...transfolk are routinely harassed, abused, fired, driven to suicide, or murdered because of their sexual status.
^^ that is pure asshattery, and assholery. TOTALLY not for that. This is the side of the legistlation that I LOVE.