The two-party system is the defeat of America.
Why? Because two means duality, it means rivalry, it means that this one's the good guys and that one's the bad guys and they might switch places any time they want just to fuck with you.
And it's not like other parties don't exist. It's just that those parties are usually so far extreme that the two main one's look tame and even more attractive choices than the others. Combine that with the fact that only a small fraction of the American people vote anyway, and an even smaller fraction of that actually knows what they're talking about when you ask them why did you vote that way.
It's the perfect distraction, a fake war between two sides of a government designed to sit around and do nothing.
My stepmother calls me "Democrat" like a brand name instead of my real name. It's pretty annoying. Yes, I have voted Democrat for the two presidential elections I've been of age to experience, but that doesn't mean I'm a party loyalist, or even a member of the party! Honestly I'd consider myself something between Democrat and Libertarian, but thanks to the two-party system, if I like a candidate in the Libertarian Party, I'm "throwing away" my vote and perhaps allowing an even less attractive runner up to take office. When a voting choice becomes a fight for the lesser of two evils, something's wrong. That said, I feel like Obama is the "real thing" to the extent that I think he believes he's going to do what he promised to do. Whether he'll actually do it all, is unlikely because he's only human. But the point is I think he's trying to give America hope for what could come. Not just democrats. Not just black people. Not just one kind of person or another. But America.