What do you mean there's no more Chrono discussion? There's fanfic contests coming up, a Dream Splash, a whole ton of stuff planned. Not to mention the Pocket Dimension Theory just got dismantled, so Analysis is going to be pretty busy finding a way to fill that. And of course, there's fanart, and Mysticalpha's comic. As long as there are still fans and fanworks, the Chrono discussion will never die. That's really the biggest reason I come here, most of the General Discussion topics just aren't as interesting as the Chrono polls, analysis, fanart/fiction critiques, news, etc,.
I guess my frustration would be people expecting there to be more unrelated discussion on a fan forum. This is a Chrono forum, of course there'll be more Chrono discussion than other stuff. It's like going to a MAC convention and trying to start a debate about Windows products.
Not that there's anything wrong with General Discussion, sometimes it's quite entertaining, it's just not supposed to be the main focus.
And that's where the best thing about forum comes in; if you aren't interested in the political threads, don't read them. Just mark them read, or collapse the Gen Disc forum completely and pass right over it.