Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 602334 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3885 on: September 07, 2009, 05:49:41 pm »
Don't forget to go to the doctor within 24 hours! He'll make you aaaalll better.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3886 on: September 07, 2009, 05:51:58 pm »
(Replying to Lord J)
Suck.  That's a nasty thing to get over PAX weekend. :(  I think I had that coming back from LA over the summer.  Have you entered the delirium phase where forms become indistinguishable and your speech is essentially reduced to incoherent half-thoughts?  (Because that's actually kind of fun.)

(^That really did happen to me.)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3887 on: September 07, 2009, 07:04:11 pm »
damn that sucks j. but you get to sleep and do nothing for a while!

my sister tore out one of the pages in my favorite book. she htought it was blank so she took it out to draw on.
the side that wasnt blank had the ending to the book on it.

on my to do list: 1. kill sister
2. buy sister's corpse a drawing book.
3. buy a new copy of that book.
4. put all books that i care for under digital lock and key.
5. set digital lock so that if my sister tries to get in it will incinerate her.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3888 on: September 08, 2009, 07:03:33 am »
please excuse the doublepost but this is just plain suck.
its two minutes before i should be getting up and getting my brother and sister up for school. i have already been up for three hours. why?
motherfucking NIGHTMARE.
see this chick i talk to regularly is like 'Hey Buckbutt you should totally check out this game Clock Tower. I think it's right up your alley.' so im like 'alright then so long as i get to kill shit'.
so i download the rom (because im a bad person) and put it into zsnes.

 :shock: :shock: :shock:
at two in the morning im lying in bed, having been woken up by a nightmare involving a guy with giant scissors coming into my room and cutting me up to bits. i turn on the light and start reading a book (because i motherfucking love books), then as soon as i htink my mind is clear i turn off the light and what flashes into my head.
the thought of some starving old man coming into my room and eating my leg, of course.
and after that?
giant fleshy purple baby thing of doom eating my leg.
and then?
hiding in a box from some demonic lady but then getting shot.
and after all of this?



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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3889 on: September 08, 2009, 07:33:31 am »
I don't know why, but I guess I'm lucky in that I never get nightmares. Just somewhat disturbing dreams sometimes. Feel better, undead one! I was going to copy you and get a Flarion (actually I like that the best) but I figured that I wasn't cool enough for one of those, so I got a different one. Oh, and I fed yours a bunch of times too. I didn't know what to feed it, so I hope I fed it something you liked.

I worry that Lord J gave me whatever he has, so I've been trying hard to boost my immune system. I'm happy I finally found that nose medicine. I don't know what I'm going to do when it runs out! I wish they didn't pull it from the market. I'd known about the dangerous effects of it months and months before it was pulled >_>;

Uh anyway, I hope that I don't lose my sense of smell!


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3890 on: September 08, 2009, 12:43:25 pm »
As for the sad state of feminism, its mostly a PR problem...

To an extent, but a more fundamental problem seems to be complacentsy. Uboa mentioned in the Sexism thread that there was a woman who viewed intolerance to sexism as something that can be afforded. One might wonder where the sentiment of "give me liberty, or give me death" went: one might well say that one can never afford to give up one's humanity, or to willingly let others take it.

There is a problem in that there is a difference between "give me liberty or give me death" and "give me liberty or take away my means to eat tonight." It is easy to be high-minded when one's possible future death remains only a long-term possibility. It is far more difficult to defend the cause when the negative results are very immediate.

This expands beyond just the women in the trenches. If one happens to grow up in a fairly nice area, it is easy to conclude that racism and sexism doesn't still occur merely by the fact that one hasn't yet been exposed to it. I happened to grow up somewhere that was fairly homogenous. There were individuals of other ethnicities in the area, but there were also no overt indications that they were discriminated against. Perhaps they were, but the appearance was that they were not. I have subsequently moved to Texas where the racial divide is thick enough that one can develop seasonal allergies to it. If it's a low paying manual labor job, 90% of the workers aren't white (depending on the exact job, it may be primarily blacks or primarily Mexicans). If it is a well-paying service job, 90% of the workers are white (with Asians making up 8% of the remaining).

One might think, then, that if  growing up away from inequality allows individuals to believe that it doesn't exist, growing up inside of it should do the opposite. Yet last I checked, Texas isn't on the top of the equal-rights movement. This is partially because when you live with something every day, for your entire life, it seems normal. There are parts of the world where death-by-wolf/leopard is common, where it is expected. People try to remain safe, sure, but the very concept that people needed not be preyed upon is utterly foreign to them.

As headway is made, headway becomes harder to make. What was once real and next door is now far away and easily ignored. And what is in our own home is just how things are.

Actually, on the matter of ESP-*runs to get his Psych textbook*

Quote from: Truthordeal's Peer Reviewed Psychology 101 Textbook
But in all fairness, there have been some reliable observations of UFOs and some scientifically sound evidence for telepathy(source). Readint the scientific literature on these two topics, one has little choice but to conclude that some of these experiences have some validity. Remember, open skepticism is the hallmark of science. If there is scientifically sound evidence for something-even if it is difficult to explain-and it can be replicated, then we have to accept it.

Haha, just got done reading/studying that chapter. Hooray for college!

And for Youth! But that's unrelated.

A distinction should be made in that there are indeed some "legitimate" occurrences of the "paranormal," but that often refers to the fact that the experiences weren't hoaxes, not that they were actually paranormal in nature. Project Blue Book is rather famous in this regard. A number of UFO reports that they investigated were hoaxes. The majority of the reports were misidentified natural occurrences. And then a small percentage of reports remained unresolved. Those cases are considered "legitimate" in that they were not hoaxes, but that doesn't necessitate that they were UFOs. It doesn't preclude that possibility either, but evidence "for" paranormal events largely remains in the "unknown" category. Things happen, the people relating them are telling the truth as they see it, but the actual occurrence remains uncertain because the people relating the events aren't all-knowing.

The usefulness of ideas like lunar orbit comes from their ability to explain past, present and future minimalistically; they illuminate the past, help understand the present and have predictive power. Investigation of 'paranormal' conjectures like ESP invariably doesn't explain at all, but just tries to prove the existence of some phenomena. They don't deserve scientific treatment because they're not scientific hypotheses...

To be fair, humans had to first prove the existence of DNA before we could prove that certain genes were could cause heart disease. A lot of "research" into the paranormal isn't scientific, but that doesn't preclude the possibility of scientific research into those fields. Various "paranormal" phenomenon could be tested scientifically. Let's design an experiment right now to test for telepathy.

Let us have two rooms separated by a reasonable barrier (sound proof, light proof, etc). Let us have two individuals who had not met each other previously. We introduce them, give them a certain amount of time together (30 minutes perhaps), and then separate them into these two rooms. Hypothesis: person A will be able to produce information relating to person B's thoughts without a mundane information exchange.

Person B is given a set of pre-established "thoughts" to focus on. Mostly likely these would be simple yet intellectually or emotionally engaging (possibly a few clips of war atrocities). Person A attempts to then record what Person B is experiencing.

Of course, we need controls. Person A might not actually go past the meeting stage. Same with Person B. The pre-established "thoughts" might be non-engaging (tax forms, perhaps). Neither the individuals nor the individuals recording the information is aware of which are the controls and which are not (double-blinded). Let us also have some individuals not meet the other person first and just go into a room directly. And let us have some rooms that are not next to each other but rather in other buildings.

Give the results to a statistician. If there is a notable difference between the controls and the variables, double check the procedures. If the difference remains, give to a colleague to confirm. If the differences remain, publish. Next step is to hook the two up to machines to see if there is unusual brainwave activity, or something to that effect. Once the phenomenon has been identified, it can be examined and we can attempt to explain it.

Sure, there is little to no evidence suggesting that telepathy exists. But scientists are supposed to approach topics in an unbiased manner, so that isn't a relevant factor.

Someone at Amazon had a neat summary of the book "Mother Teresa: Final Verdict"...

Sounds like an interesting book, and it has now been added to my reading list.

EDIT: Edited for spelling
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 03:56:06 pm by Thought »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3891 on: September 08, 2009, 01:34:16 pm »
In retrospect, my psych book is rather stupidly vague and obscure on the matter. I have no idea what they refer to as "legitimate scientific evidence."

Still, I like the supernatural aspect of the natural world, so I'm willing to put a little faith into the evidence they mentioned.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3892 on: September 08, 2009, 02:46:28 pm »
its two minutes before i should be getting up and getting my brother and sister up for school. i have already been up for three hours. why?
motherfucking NIGHTMARE.

What'd I do? :?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3893 on: September 08, 2009, 03:00:36 pm »
Apparently you haunt the man's dreams....


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3894 on: September 08, 2009, 03:02:33 pm »
its two minutes before i should be getting up and getting my brother and sister up for school. i have already been up for three hours. why?
motherfucking NIGHTMARE.

What'd I do? :?

You are just like Darkrai the pokemon. You can't help giving people nightmares!


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3895 on: September 08, 2009, 03:34:30 pm »
(with Asians making up 8% of the remainer).

That would be 80% of the remainder! ; )

Before I continue, I’ll say that I was using a different notion of the paranormal  than you (i.e., ‘outside science/logic/etc.’), which simply seems to be the potential undiscovered of nature. Indeed, I don’t even accept the premise of the paranormal/supernatural, so I’m fighting off my turf here and so you might yet be able to corner me, but let’s see how run with this.

To be fair, humans had to first prove the existence of DNA before we could prove that certain genes were could cause heart disease. A lot of "research" into the paranormal isn't scientific, but that doesn't preclude the possibility of scientific research into those fields. Various "paranormal" phenomenon could be tested scientifically. Let's design an experiment right now to test for telepathy.

First off, as our physics gets better, the bar for a paradigm shift climbs, meaning that time must be factored in and thus the comparison may be invalid simply because the bar was lower. Further, the explanations supplanted by ideas like DNA were often arbitrarily conjured to explain a single phenomenon a priori, and had no predictive power or reliability. However, let’s assume your analogy isn’t wrong because of that.

Sure, there is little to no evidence suggesting that telepathy exists. But scientists are supposed to approach topics in an unbiased manner, so that isn't a relevant factor.

Actually, that’s bad scientific practice. If one’s hypothesis has repeatedly been ‘proved wrong’ by the trend of significant data, one should reform the hypothesis, not keep repeating to get favourable results. In the case of the paranormal, these studies are often pathological science or refusal to accept that an idea just doesn’t fit.

Anyway…your study. Let’s say we have a correlation inexplicable by anything other than probability. We think this is a new fundamental phenomenon. Then we’d repeat to reduce the probability that the phenomenon is just an uncommon yet expectable outlier. In that case, we would either repeat several times and prove that we’ve found such a new fundamental phenomenon (which never happens with the paranormal) or we would find that we couldn’t repeat our result. The key thing is that all the analogies you-plural have made fail because lunar orbits and DNA and the rest were all borne out (because they weren’t bullshit somebody pulled out of their ass). That’s why it’s exasperating (and worrying and in a way insulting and disrespectful) that…five people now…seem to be implying that mechanics is a hypothesis equalled by the paranormal. It’s exasperating because it’s so obviously rubbish caused only by social influence as opposed to true curious enquiry. It’s worrying because people are even giving credence to the ridiculous. Further, I know that if I were to walk up to any of you on the street preaching about the four elements and how I can explain scientific observations with the idea, you'd realise my craziness and yet can't see you do just the same with the paranormal just because it has more social credence. It’s insulting because it equates brilliant, working ideas from centuries of human progress to unconsidered premises that only survive as parasites on the social consciousness. It’s similarly disrespectful and again insulting and disrespectful because the wishy-washy idea of tolerating all ideas is antithetical to knowledge and curiosity; it’s only by accepting that some ideas are valid and better and some invalid and awful that one can pursue curiosity and make any claim to knowledge. Mucking around entertaining idle conjectures just isn’t logically compatible with anything other than pitiful nihilism.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3896 on: September 08, 2009, 04:03:30 pm »
nightmare975 you didnt do anything. but dammit scissorguy get the hell out of my head. i couldnt get my mind off of him at work today.
zaichik i fed your thing a bunch of times too. i think it likes suspicious green treats.

we ran out of coffee.
so having been up for three hours and needing a good cup of joe i find that its all gone. where did it go?
my dad's girlfriend's tummy.
apparently she's a caffeine whore. i really hope she doesnt stay long. i need my coffee after work dammit!  :(


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3897 on: September 08, 2009, 04:21:08 pm »
If you haven't played Valenth before, those test tubes gain onevel every time you feed them. At level 100 (I think), they evolve into one of three creatures, depending on what it was fed. There are Chaos, Order, and Neutral forms, and each treat gives a point towards one of those three. Whichever trait is strongest at level 100 decides what form your creature will have. If you want more people to feed them, then go into some of the mega feeding threads on the forums and either advertise, or feed every other creature you can find. There's a "recently fed by" section on your creature's page, so everyone will know you fed them, and feed yours in return. You also get points whenever you feed others to buy things like pillows, level-up potions, name changes, backgrounds, and plushies.
Also, you can only feed each creature once a day. If you fed it a bunch of times in the same day, it won't count for anything.

Anyway, a frustration.. I can't remember what I was going to do today, and I know I had something planned. Kinda odd having such a busy weekend then going back to nothing.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3898 on: September 08, 2009, 05:26:59 pm »
J, you live in Washington, right? I read recently that there's 2000 suspected cases of it at Washington State Washington State the start of an almighty H1N1 pandemic? Good luck fighting it off. Let's see how many Swine Flu veterans the Compendium can accumulate!

ZombieBucky, I know how that feels. The demon face that flashes briefly in The Exorcist has robbed me of countless hours of sleep over the years -- it had to have been the most perfectly conceived "uncanny valley" image in movie history IMO. I once spent an hour online trying to master my irrational paranoia of the face by researching how it was created (it's ten or so frames of a heavily made up actress in the midst of facial expression -- I think she was the actress who spoke Regan's possessed lines), but that just left me with even more images of the damn thing in the back of my mind.  :lol: I believe irrational fears like these stem from some evolutionary response. Like, millions of years ago, our ancestors in Africa may have been eaten by creatures with, uh, painted demon faces and giant scissors...?

Speaking of getting freaked out, looks like funeral science is the new recession-proof industry.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3899 on: September 08, 2009, 05:41:38 pm »
I'm currently frustrated by my brother. I actually genuinely hate the guy. Always acting stupid... Starting pointless arguments...
Also, I hate 2 guys who shall remain nameless because, well, they don't deserve to exist. They go on my facebook status and say racist things to my friends, and then have the nerve to say that I bullied them, which I didnt. Now, if I go and add a post on someone elses status, they say shut the fuck up. They need to be crushed into dust...