Third, and most retarded: A friend of my step brother's came over here to stay the night after he had an argument with his dad. It was agreed that he would stay here two days before finding more permanent residence. Now he's planning to live here for eight to ten months. I like his cat, but him being here means, on a normal day, we'll have seven people to feed. I'm bad enough at finding food as it is, now he and that other girl are raiding the kitchen at one or two am every night. Goodbye sleep, goodbye food!
Wow, that #* %ing sucks 0_o. I can't imagine how it would be living with 7 people. Why do your parents take in refugees? >_>; I'm an only child and I had to deal with having to share a room basically for one school year of my life and I'm surprised I didn't have a nervous breakdown. But you at least get your own room, right? Something like this would never happen in my family (both parents don't like people and have no friends), but if my mom or dad decided to take in people, I'd be really pissed! You're skinny enough as it is, not fair to make it even harder for you to get food D:.
My frustration:: my roommates annoy me. A lot. They are the anti-me. Really loud, really sociable (which is not a bad thing in and of itself, but when you have people in and out of the suite all the time...), really OMGZZZ YAY THAT IS LYK SO COOL, really--and I mean REALLY--screechy. Think stereotypical sorority girls. Stereotypical popular high school girls. Blond, rich, suburban, lots of clothes, takes-them-40-minutes-just-to-do-their-hair-in-the-morning types. They're all BFFs or whatever (there are 3 of them) and so it's just a little bit awkward. It doesn't help that they have this kind of snooty "why are you even here" attitude regarding me. Well excuse me for not having a place to live and for being thrown into your suite. It's not like I'd choose to live with you anyway. >_<
Ah college. My freshman year, I had a roommate. She and I weren't really friends, but overall we got along because she was a sweet girl and would become a crying mess if anyone had a confrontation with her. My second year I was alone in my little closet of a single dorm (ideal living situation). My third year I decided to move off campus with this friend. I got my own room, but him and I really didn't get along and at some point I really, really hated him. So much for that friendship >_>;. I kind of regret that things couldn't be back to how it was before we moved in, but ah well.
So I've been living with my dad for something like 2 and a half years (one and a half years, I spent in Japan), and it's a very good situation for me. I love my mom, but I don't want to move back in with her for various reasons. Overall, I like living with my dad. He's hardly ever around and the most I have to put up with are his neat freak commands. He refuses to clean the apt and he's the biggest neat freak I have ever met so every week he comes up with chores for me to do. He used to be on my case all the time about how messy my room is, but eventually he gave up and just grimaces and complains if he has to come in my room. He also used to complain because I don't prepare dinner for him, but he's stopped that too considering all he eats while he's here is salad and that doesn't really take long to prepare. His biggest demand is that there are never dishes in the sink. Actually, living with him isn't really a frustration. Just sometimes his patronizing and complaining nature is frustrating. He's been my best room mate by far XD;. Of course, ideally, I'd be living alone, but I can't do that right now.
It seems like since my bf's visiting, dad has gotten more patronizing and offensive, and I think that has to do with him really not liking the bf and having to put up with him while he's around. I'm getting kind of tired of it, though. I don't like to fight with my dad, him and I have very similar personalities and end up not speaking to each other for a while until I give up (because he never thinks he's in the wrong).