Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 596416 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4350 on: October 26, 2009, 10:16:03 pm »
im frustrated because i have developed the flu.
im going to just curl up and sleep for the rest of forever, if thats okay with everyone.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4351 on: October 26, 2009, 10:16:34 pm »
with birth pods as the main source of procreation.

Zombie, careful of that H1N1 that's going around.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4352 on: October 26, 2009, 10:24:46 pm »
yeah ill be careful. part of the band at the school has developed it and given that a lot of my baking expertise leads me to fundraisers and such for the band, i should be careful.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4353 on: October 26, 2009, 10:26:49 pm »
No! Spread it! So it can mutate and I can finally kill some REAL zombies! (No offense, I'm just part of the local Volunteer Zombie Defense League, and action is scarce) ;-)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4354 on: October 26, 2009, 10:33:02 pm »
NO! Bekkler, wait!

It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4355 on: October 26, 2009, 10:35:19 pm »
I'm making a schedule for next semester and I am frustrated that pretty much ALL of the courses I need to take are scheduled for either 10:30 or 11:30.  Can we give Saj a break, please?  Please?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4356 on: October 27, 2009, 02:31:24 pm »
RD is wrong. Me and him do have the same goals(at least in those two subjects). I'm not homophobic, and I wait for the day when a homosexual couple can walk down the street holding hands the way hetero couples do today. Me using "gay" in the pejorative sense might seem to contradict this, but it's a far cry from being a "bigot."

You are more than waiting, Truthordeal. You are pushing that fine day farther and farther back. If you sat back and did nothing, which seems to be your preferred way of doing things, you'd actually be doing more for the cause of homosexual equality than you are presently. Your actions are in direct contradiction to the motives you claim. If you cared at all about homosexuals being able to live freely, you would not be actively contributing to the environment that prevents them from doing so, nor would you make such vigorous attempts at defending your actions.

You may not understand this, but due to our history, being called a bigot in the south is tantamount to excommunicating someone from the church in the Medieval days. Even if you're guilty of no wrong(which I think I am), its a label that's almost impossible to overcome. That's probably at the core of my reaction, but I don't apologize for it. You throw the word around like, to use a favorite expression of mine, the husband at a Jewish wedding(I'm speaking of the chair dance, for those of you who don't get the reference).

We seem to have another misunderstanding here. You have somehow come to believe that you are a victim in all of this. That cannot be further from the truth. The reason I call you a bigot is that you actively denigrate a segment of humanity simply for existing, thus contributing to the already unforgivable social atmosphere they live in, and when called on it, call the people calling you on it morons and strive vigorously to defend your actions.

Here you are in his paragraph, trying to make it seem that I'm picking on you unfairly. Let's be clear on this: I am not picking on you unfairly. I am describing your actions to you. I am holding up a mirror, and if you don't like what you see, that doesn't make me a bully or you a victim. It means there may be some shred of you that knows that people should be better than you are now. I recommend that you cease trying to drown out that voice, and begin embracing it. Ironic, that in this paragraph you pretend to be an innocent victim, and then try to throw in some ethnic "humor". This does not help your cause. I have not been throwing around the word bigot, I have been using it to mean exactly what it means. Furthermore, comparing Jewish traditions (the "chair dance" isn't just done at weddings) to casually branding people as bigots hardly helps your argument. You really do like picking on oppressed groups, don't you? Pathetic.

Your use of the word bigot entails that you do not have the sense of humor that I do. I don't use the word "gay" as a railing against homosexuals. Hell, I barely use the word to refer to homosexuals anymore. This does not make me as bad a person as the word bigot implies. Anyone who says different is a jackass.

You are correct. I don't find picking on the little guy funny. I don't find casually comparing groups of already oppressed people to all that I find fault with in the world funny. And I certainly don't find sniveling little bigots, who try to play the victim when presented in stark terms with the realities of their bigotry rather than using it as an opportunity to grow funny.

You are actively making the world a worse place while pretending to care about the people whom you harm, and while pretending that being called out on your actions makes you a victim. You're a bigot, and what's more, you're a hypocrite and a coward.

You have not once in this discussion took any action that disputes anything I've said about you. You rant and rave, but you refuse to give any indication that I have been unfair or incorrect. You seem to want me to ignore and justify your bigotry. Not happening. I'm a fair man though. If you want me to stop calling you a bigot, stop being a bigot, and I'll stop calling you one. Fair?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4357 on: October 27, 2009, 02:59:23 pm »
Very well, I'll explain it this way: You are unfair in your use of the word "bigot," much like your use of the phrase "third world system" when referring to American medicine. These words you so casually throw around are inflammatory to such a degree that you seem to lack perspective on the context of them.

Now, when I use the word "gay" in the pejorative context(i.e., Square-Enix is gay) I don't use it to defame homosexuals; I use it as a term to express discontent with something, much like people do with the words "douchebag," and "dick." I find it to be an innocuous expression; you do not. That is where we are, and even if I call you humorless and you call me bigoted until we're blue in the face, I doubt we'll change each others minds.

I don't think my use of the word "gay" detracts or contributes to anything other than the colloquialization of the English language. Interestingly enough though, I did say, in my first post on the matter, that if the climate of homophobia escalated, I would probably stop.

To wit,

Quote from: Myself
Now, given the recent elevation of the "homosexual debate," if I may use that jargon, maybe I should stop. But I'm not going to change my entire manner of speech overnight to suit some j-hole I met once on Skype and got their contact from it.

Your escalation of the entire matter(calling me a bigot and questioning that I deserve to live here) was unfair. When J expressed his discontent, he did it in a humored way; you acted like a dick.

That is all.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 03:19:53 pm by Truthordeal »

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4358 on: October 27, 2009, 03:33:30 pm »
You are unfair in your use of the word "bigot".... These words you so casually throw around are inflammatory to such a degree that you seem to lack perspective on the context of them.

Now, when I use the word "gay" in the pejorative context...I find it to be an innocuous expression...

Could you be any more oblivious? Are you for real, Truthordeal?

No matter. We'll soon be making it a violation of forum rules to use that kind of language here.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4359 on: October 27, 2009, 03:38:58 pm »
No matter. We'll soon be making it a violation of forum rules to use that kind of language here.

Really?  That's interesting.  What, specifically, is going to be a violation?  I see a lot of people using the word "retarded" to describe things, which could be offensive (I do slip up on this, occasionally).  A LOT of people use the word "rape" inaccurately, which personally offends me a great deal.  Where is the line going to be drawn?

(Not trying to attack anyone or start an argument, I'm genuinely curious.)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4360 on: October 27, 2009, 03:52:52 pm »
Well, with atheists, at least religion will one day be eradicated from the earth as humanity grows wiser.

Evolutionarily unlikely. Would you say that the more intelligent an individual is, the more likely they will be an atheist? The more intelligent an individual is, the more likely they are to be successful, but, alas, the more successful an individual is the more likely they are to have fewer children. Meanwhile, assuming the inverse is true (that theists aren't as smart, and therefore wouldn't be as successful), then theists would have more children, effectively stopping humanity from growing "wiser" to the point where religion could be eradicated.

Conversely, the more children a woman has, the more likely subsequent children will be homosexual. Assuming these trends continue, it is quite likely that in the future homosexuals will easily outnumber atheists. It is quite possible that homosexuality will become more socially acceptable than atheism.

No matter. We'll soon be making it a violation of forum rules to use that kind of language here.

To parrot Sajainta, "interesting" indeed. One can only regulate the words used, not the intent behind them. As long as the impetus behind it remains, new words will be found. Sort of like how some people say "arse" instead of "ass." All banning particular phrases accomplishes is forcing those sentiment to go underground until new terminology can be found. Words, and in particular the sentiments behind them, are far more powerful than rules. While the words are indeed undesirable, this seems to just treat a symptom while the disease rages on, consuming the human race. The fish rots from the head as they say, so my thinking is why not cut off the head.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4361 on: October 27, 2009, 04:14:02 pm »
As a matter of fact, that "we'll soon be changing the rules" is not an official Compendium position; just blustering on my part--although it's blustering I mean to make good on.

Truthordeal has made it clear that he does not perceive his bigotry as such, but as an innocuous expression of convenience. And for the record he didn't actually use that slur here; he merely referred to his use of it elsewhere. So, even if we changed the rules retroactively (which we wouldn't), he wouldn't have anything to worry about.

What's important here is not his feelings but the fact that gays are a persecuted minority and suffer undue hardship as a result of the way they are regarded and treated by others. We have no good reason to protect hate speech on the grounds of freedom of speech. This is a video game community; if we can't make our points without committing bigotry then we haven't got anything worth saying.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4362 on: October 27, 2009, 04:14:40 pm »

You know, there is something I have found amusing during my time here, and especially in arguments such as deal with 'progressive' matters. That is, that the vast majority of you with the basic assumption of a sort of lingering conservativism in the land and that there is a theocratic aura still extant. You are forgetting something important: not everything is America, and not all are Americans.

This has always confused me, and it's caused several differences in opinion over the years. That I come from a far more liberal country than you do is forgotten and, because of that, I think a bias has been set on many of my comments. The basic assumptions and presuppositions I have, the mood of my fellow citizens, is not like that which you see around you. Many of those things you talk about as requiring change, as being socially problematic, are neither so prounounced and, at times, not even extant. Religious manifestation, for example, something I have been taken to task on several times. The presuppositions I have seen within those discussions have been that I come from a culture that is American, in which an overarching Christian majority still pervades the social structure. As such, I am looked down on as someone speaking for a social elite or something like this... a matter which, even were it true in the United States, can hardly assumed the same in Canada. As much as our countries are similar, there is ever so much setting us apart.

Even in this more conservative heartland of the prairies, I think we are already far more along the road that you more liberal minded would wish your own country to be.  

And that's my frustration. I have at times been treated as speaking for the status quo, or some sort of religious theocracy, or the powerful majority, or similar things. Now while that might be true were I an American, I am not, and in this country (and this is yet more pronounced if I travel east or west) my occassionally more conservative viewpoints are in fact the minority, and if I do speak against certain things it is not upholding the norm, but challenging it. I have a perspective that many of you simply don't have.

Even something so simple as this, the supposed right-leaning tendencies of the media. It confuses the hell out of me. I've lived my whole life in a culture in which the national media is predominently left-leaning. Politically, too... we might have elected a Conservative government, but typically speaking, our Conservatives are about as far right as your Democrats are... our Liberal party is yet further left, and the NDP yet a step further out yet. When I speak of left-leaning, it's REALLY left. And this highlights my bias. To me the centre is far more left than it is even to Liberal Americans. But when I talk about left leaning and right leaning, you take that assuming the American standard... but be mindful, it is not. To me a central viewpoint is like your Democrats, or maybe even a trifle right leaning still; to me Republicans are exremely right wing, to the extent that we do not often have in Canada, at least not on a national scale. So whenever an American is minded to argue with me, recall this bias.

Because it does get a bit frustrating for me that by Americans my bias is not being taken into account relative to that of many of you. You speak to me as you would a countryman, but I am not. My view is neccessarially tilted already to the left of yours - that is, if you through your maturation as people have come to see things from a more left-leaning side (as I know several of you have), keep in mind that I was born into a culture that as an initial point holds itself further left than yours.

So that's my frustration today.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 04:20:34 pm by Daniel Krispin »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4363 on: October 27, 2009, 04:16:51 pm »
Well, with atheists, at least religion will one day be eradicated from the earth as humanity grows wiser.

Evolutionarily unlikely. Would you say that the more intelligent an individual is, the more likely they will be an atheist?


I believe it has already been proven true, that the more intelligent you are, the greater the likelyhood of being an atheist.
I have no idea on the validity of this site but it seems to have studies and the like to possibly prove it.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4364 on: October 27, 2009, 04:35:04 pm »
I believe it has already been proven true, that the more intelligent you are, the greater the likelyhood of being an atheist.


Do you honestly believe that the belief in the existence of God is irrational? Of course there are scientists who are strong proponents of atheism. However, in the past, and even today, many scientists believe that God exists and is responsible for what we see in nature. This is a small sampling of scientists who contributed to the development of modern science while believing in God. Although many people believe in a "God of the Gaps", these late scientists, and living ones, believe because of the evidence.

Nicholas Copernicus, Sir Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Rene Descartes, Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, Gregor Mendel, William Thomson Kelvin, Max Planck...

This is by no means a complete list.

As for that link, the numbers seem to indicate that religious involvement is not so much a question of intelligence, but a question of where people fall financially. While it is true that those who have advanced degrees tend to be more atheistic than those who don't, does this correlate with intelligence or just being financially independent?

Case in point? People in the U.S. rate religion as being very important, although it has one of the highest IQ's. However, they also have the highest GDP per capita, which seems to be a more significant factor influencing IQ than religious involvement. In general, one could speculate that those who have a content lifestyle would be less likely to consider their need for God. Why does the United States buck that trend, even though it was founded with a secular form of government?