Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 594604 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4995 on: February 19, 2010, 12:18:54 pm »
Seven people showering at morning = cold water, no shampoo.

Their apartment deal fell through (no one wants to take them in apparently), but the girl has decided to move back to California after this school quarter is over, and the hanger-on is going to move in with his brother. Waiting for this plan to fall through, too.

Lord J Esq

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4996 on: February 19, 2010, 01:35:24 pm »

My frustration: Warranted betrayals. My sleeping schedule has been out of whack the past few days, and I was supposed to finagle it so that I woke up bright and early this morning fully charged. Well, I got to sleep at the right time yesterday, but I woke up five hours early. Heroic measures were insufficient to put me back into dreamland. Now I'm up, but in a daze of fatigue. I need to catch a nap if at all possible, and there will be much coffee today, and maybe even an afternoon nap if all else fails.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4997 on: February 19, 2010, 02:03:12 pm »

Here's my frustration:

A cold that has lasted two weeks thus far.  Not that I seriously had to stay in bed because of it, but the fact that I wake up every morning with a slightly sore throat and some nasal congestion is proof enough that it's not going away.  I wake up every morning thinking it will, but it hasn't given in yet.

Stupid cold!

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4998 on: February 19, 2010, 02:31:47 pm »
My nap failed.

:franky BUT I CAN SLEEP WHEN I'M DEAD !!!  :franky

(I told that to myself right after I got up off of the couch, and instead of the usual "Rah, rah!" I ended up contemplating my own mortality. This is what happens when I'm awake during the bright part of the AM hours on a sunny day. I get macabre. Nothing says doom and gloom like a bright sunny morning on the cusp of spring.)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4999 on: February 19, 2010, 11:32:26 pm »
Lakewood, Washington. I've never driven around in Seattle, so I can't make a fair judgement, but I don't know which is worse.

The drivers in Lakewood, or the drivers in Tacoma?

I'm leaning towards Lakewood. :picardno


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5000 on: February 20, 2010, 02:28:47 am »
i hate insomnia.
and being hungry even after a huge fucking supper.
i cant sleep (and i have work early in the morning) and im hungy, but if i eat then i wont be able to sleep extra and then ill be groggy while stocking shelves. and they have me handling the big heavy things.
good news in all this: if i do good tomorrow, theyre considering moving me from stockboy to electronics rep. :D


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5001 on: February 21, 2010, 11:11:10 pm »
It really, really fucking annoys me how people of the opposite sex can't be friends without seemingly everyone else assuming that they're dating or at least romantically / sexually interested in each other.

I have a really good guy friend (I'll call him Shane for clarification) whom I spend a lot of time with, and people keep thinking that we're going out and--once they realize that we aren't--think that we both just have massive crushes on each other.

Is it that absurd for people to imagine two people being friends without wanting to have sex with each other??  Is it really that hard??  I feel really sad for the people who keep assuming that we're dating.  How sad to believe that sex defines our life so much that males and females cannot be friends with each other.  It makes me really angry to think that some people are that shallow and that judgmental.  Shane has already gotten the "Uh...are you guys dating?  Doesn't she have a boyfriend?" from a few people and it's massively irritating.

There is only one person whose opinion matters, and that is my boyfriend.  Fortunately for me, I have a boyfriend who is not prone to jealousy and is not insecure about our relationship.  The one thing I am worried about, however, is that people will see me and Shane hanging out so often and think that I'm cheating on D, emotionally and / or physically.  That is NOT something I want to be labeled as.  But at the same time, for those who think, fuck you?  Sorry that I'm not so sex-driven that I feel the need to jump the bones of every guy I'm friends with.  D knows I would never cheat on him.  He trusts me completely, and vice versa.  He has good female friends and I have no problem with that.  Friendship crosses all kinds of differences, and that includes gender.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5002 on: February 21, 2010, 11:36:35 pm »
While it is true that you can be friends with someone and not necessarily want to have sex with them, those other people probably find it hard to imagine that there is zero sexual chemistry of any kind and of any amount between you two.  That kind of thinking I can understand.  Right now, I have plenty of female friends (kind of lacking in the male friend department at the moment though...), but only one that I absolutely would not have sex with, even under the influence of ridiculous amounts of alcohol.  She isn't ugly, its just her personality removes the sexual element somehow.   Everyone has fleeting, meaningless sexual thoughts about their opposite sex friends (assuming straight ppl of course) so it really isn't a big deal.    Or maybe women can just turn that off more easily than men, who knows...

But you are right, its really the bf's opinion that matters - if he is okay with it, to hell with everyone else.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5003 on: February 21, 2010, 11:59:35 pm »

When it comes to having a group of friends of the same gender, it becomes great news when it turns out that one of them (up to all of them) have a potential relationship with someone of the opposite sex.  What frustrates me is this...

Some groups of friends treat it like it's a race to see who can get laid first!  It's stupid!  To them, sex is the goal of their relationships.  Friendship and fidelity take back seats to wanting to be the Alpha Male of their little circle.  At that point, the one guy who decided to save his virginity for the one he truly loves is somehow the bottom head of the totem pole and the group punching bag for sex jokes.  Alienation, anyone?

Unfortunately, I've been in those kinds of buddy groups, and let me tell you: I am sick and tired of hearing them talk about how they sometimes get a booty call from their "girlfriend" that they decide to have as a cohabitant to their apartment ("cohabitant" being the operative term).  

Thankfully, I've moved on and found new friends.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5004 on: February 22, 2010, 12:22:59 am »
Genesis I am happy my friends treat it a different way.

We think of it as a alright man way to go thing. Nobody is lesser or better for it in our group, which makes it a friendly group.

There are some kids out there that LIE about it to make them seem cool. One in particular at my school that we have called out and laughed at because Lying about it is worse than anything... He is a douche and thats the end of it, don't judge me lol, you don't know this ass-dick-prick-ballsack-ass-doubleass-dick... lol.

Anyway, I think I got my point across.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5005 on: February 22, 2010, 05:13:55 am »

When it comes to having a group of friends of the same gender, it becomes great news when it turns out that one of them (up to all of them) have a potential relationship with someone of the opposite sex.  What frustrates me is this...

Some groups of friends treat it like it's a race to see who can get laid first!  It's stupid!  To them, sex is the goal of their relationships.  Friendship and fidelity take back seats to wanting to be the Alpha Male of their little circle.  At that point, the one guy who decided to save his virginity for the one he truly loves is somehow the bottom head of the totem pole and the group punching bag for sex jokes.  Alienation, anyone?

Unfortunately, I've been in those kinds of buddy groups, and let me tell you: I am sick and tired of hearing them talk about how they sometimes get a booty call from their "girlfriend" that they decide to have as a cohabitant to their apartment ("cohabitant" being the operative term).  

Thankfully, I've moved on and found new friends.

That always pissed me off so much.. that I ended up saying that I actually got laid... so they would stop annoying me.
 Everyone was like that. But when I said I wasn't a virgin. People treated me different in the group. I was too mature since I had to repear a year when I moved overseas.
I don't see sex that important right now. I do know that some of my female freidns likeme as more than a friend. I just can't decide which.
 So I rather keep those as freidns and find somebody else for me to not ruin those friendships.

I am right know in a group where all off them are still virgin and don't seem to bother or compete much. It fells better that way.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5006 on: February 22, 2010, 11:43:20 am »
While it is true that you can be friends with someone and not necessarily want to have sex with them, those other people probably find it hard to imagine that there is zero sexual chemistry of any kind and of any amount between you two.

That is largely because that is how we are raised, not because that is how we are.

Guys in particular (I say guys because, being one, this is the gender I am most familiar with) seem to be raised to constantly have their "femdar" going. We're supposed to notice women more than men (cause if not that'd be totally gay) and we are supposed to be easily able to classify them into groups that are attractive (that is, attractive in the popular sense, not necessarily ones that the guy himself finds attractive; that usually is in its own category).

It might be supposed that this is due entirely to peer pressure, but that isn't exactly true. The media that children consume often reinforces this point. I remember watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and it seemed like all the turtles had a thing for April. Gargoyles? Goliath and Demona were clearly a pair, with the other male characters obviously not as important (cause if they were important they'd get their own gal). ReBoot? Bob and Dot, Enzo and AndrAIa. Cecil got Rosa, and you TOTALLY know that Edge had a thing for Rydia. Crono and Marle, Donkey Kong and Candy Kong, Cloud and Tifa, Tidus and every female character (but mostly Yuna), Randi and Purimu, Optimus Prime and Elita One, Link and Zelda, and so forth, and so on. All the cool guys get girls, and if a female character shows up, you know she's going to end up with the hero cause that is just what happens, regardless of if they have anything in common, regardless of if she's even said a word yet, so obviously we're supposed to get girls too, by mere fact that they're female. Personality? What, you mean like Smurfette? Um, sure I guess. What are you supposed to do with them? Dunno, the credits always roll before they get to anything interesting. But that is what puberty is for, to fill in the gaps.

Learning to turn off one's femdar is a necessary step in being able to have friends of the opposite gender. Unfortunately, it is not something that all guys learn to do. This creates a barrier between the genders that is detrimental to both. But it is a learned behavior, and so it can be unlearned as well.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5007 on: February 22, 2010, 05:42:54 pm »
"Femdar." Hrm, I hadn't heard that one before! I disagree with you though that attraction is a learned behavior that can simply be turned off. Indeed, I think presenting it like that makes it even harder for people of either sex to learn to distinguish between preferred sex friends and preferred sex potential lovers, because it denies or at least ignores the fact that sexuality is a fundamental component of our nature, way more than simply a product of social learning. So they'd be trying to turn off their attractions and would be constantly frustrated that it doesn't work. There will always be attraction in an individual to members of their preferred sex(es), in many cases if not most. There's nothing wrong or bad with that; it's okay for "just friends" to be attracted to one another. There's nothing wrong or deceptive about that kind of a friendship. It's also okay for mutually attracted friends to develop a sexual relationship (absent social limiting factors). The key to maturity is to choose when to act and when not to act on one's attractions. Like just about all other aspects of maturity, good judgment is the entrance test. You don't have to treat someone you find sexually attractive as a prospective sexual partner. I think that's closer to what you were trying to say--and none of my comment here is to imply that I disagree with you that our society (and probably all societies) oversexualize pretty much everything. I merely wanted to note that attraction--and this is true for most humans, not just males--is deeply intrinsic to individuals and not just a condition of society. It is a condition of nature too, presenting in individuals not simply as a result of behavioral learning but also, more significantly, as a product of the libido.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5008 on: February 22, 2010, 09:47:41 pm »

Fucking idiot apologists. Fuck Buddhism and fuck it to history with homeopathy, phlogiston, and every other faith and pseudoscience.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5009 on: February 22, 2010, 10:00:51 pm »
i recently got very very very angry at my sister. she and i were havign an argument about i dont even know what. she kicked me, so i decided to punch her. but she ducked and instead i hit the fridge.
i broke my hand.
it hurts. i cant work for a while. and it is hard as all shit to type.
never punch your little sister. or even try to. your hand will break. horribly.