Fucking Adobe. I can haz version of Flash that works on my system and doesn't have a major unpatched security hole, plz? Sometime this century would be nice.
(For those that don't know, Adobe has decided not to release a 64-bit Linux version of Flash 10.1, leaving me with the choice of either keeping 10.0, which has major security holes, or, well, nothing, since the wrapper that's supposed to let me use a 32-bit plugin in a 64-bit browser has never worked on my system, unless there's some manual symlinking requirement that I missed. Supporting only 32-bit was acceptable five years ago, guys, but those days are long over. Get with the fucking program! And just to add to the fun, Firefox 3.6.4+ appears to hate Flash 10.0, or possibly the combination of the old Flash version and the NoScript extension, I'm not quite sure, but the recommended fix for the symptoms Did Not Work. I have recompiled Firefox four times in the past 24 hours trying to fix this, and in the end, I had to downgrade back to 3.6.3 in order to get YouTube working again. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.)