Saj, could you sell plasma or blood? I know that isn't optimal, but it has helped me out in a pinch. Your medication may make you unqualified, however... In many places you can make $50+ per week selling plasma.
Unfortunately, I cannot donate blood. =/ I would love to, even if I wasn't given any money. I've tried, but it usually goes like this.
Nurse-person (reading the form I filled out): "...So you lived in the UK during Mad Cow Disease?"
Me: "Yes."
Nurse-person: "And you lived in the Philippines for most of your life?"
Me: "Yes."
Nurse-person: "And you had malaria at one point?"
Me: "...Yes."
Nurse-person: "And you're anemic?"
Me: "...Yes."
Nurse-person: "Okay, go home."
I don't know if those things would come up if I tried to donate plasma though, so I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!
Don't wanna sound demoralizing or whatever, but I've never had a real problem with that. If they just wanna be friends, I don't push it until they offer me something, and drop any efforts that would say otherwise. Since women tend to be the ones who define the 'yay' or 'nay' of a relationship mist often, if they don't want to go out with me, I still at least try to be friends.
Look at the bright side though, Bekkler. If she's a friend, try to make her as best of a friend as you can. Better to have someone who's not so close as to be a lover but is still positively inclinde towards you than someone who shares a bed but is nothing but irritating. Besides, this gives you a chance to try and find another, and look deeper into yourself to think more about what you want in someone than what you know right now.
Still. It always hurts to have that "just friends" thing happen to you. I've had it happen, and it sucks. Not to mention that, for me, it would be seriously awkward to try and be good friends with someone if they knew I liked them. It would really hurt knowing that they don't like you in that way, and it would hurt even more if they started to show interest in someone else. I'd rather have a good friend than a shitty relationship too, but I don't know if I would want to be friends with someone with all of that awkwardness and (one-sided) sexual tension. I've tried to do that "just friends" thing before, and it didn't end well.