Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 602375 times)

chrono eric

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2010 on: February 15, 2009, 04:22:48 am »
Here's my final thoughts on this, and after this I probably won't say anymore about the Shadow situation:

1) Does banning him really solve the perceived problem? What is stopping him from simply creating another account? If he can't do it from his computer, then he can just do it from another. Sure, his ego would be hurt - but the FAIL rank didn't seem to slow him down, now did it?

and 2) This is for the people that honestly wanted him banned. I understand forum rules and etiquette and all that, Shadow never really bothered me although I can see how he could slightly annoy some people. But annoy to the point of being banned? Come on now, if you let an individuals behavior on an internet forum get to you, then you need to raise the bar of what pisses you off in life. I'd hate to meet you in real life, because I can't imagine what an impatient and unforgiving person you would be (edited from a much more vulgar term that I thought was a little too cruel).

In the end, we have this observation - did Shadow post a lot of vacuous posts? Fuck yes. Did Shadow seem to deliberately ellicit hostile responses for the same few individuals over and over agian, derailing countless threads? Hell yes. But he started here posting gigantic images and huge bolded text phrases, and after myself and several others told him to stop doing that - he stopped. After adding the FAIL rank, his post count and vacuous posts did not decrease, but after myself and several others told him to stop doing that - he did improve slightly. He has improved since he first started here, and that's a fact. Is it as much improvement as some people had hoped? Maybe not, but it was improvement nonetheless.

Now, because I am a forgiving individual/not a pompous asshole, my opinion was that we should have given him the benefit of the doubt, especially considering the possibility that he *may* have Asperger's syndrome. I'm not completely sold on that, however, since he only mentioned it after I brought up Asperger's in another thread with regards to Triforce - I have the impression that Shadow latched onto that as an easy excuse for his behavior.

Still, I am not happy with this decision, and I think it really accomplishes jack shit in the end.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 04:25:17 am by chrono eric »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2011 on: February 15, 2009, 04:41:52 am »
I don't think anybody even said that it was going to be a permanent ban, Eric. I would suggest that after a while of cooling his heels, maybe a couple months or so down the road, to unban him and invite him back to see how he does. I mean, as far as I could tell, he's not a bad kid, just prone to annoying certain people from time to time. Hell, we all can annoy people from time to time without even trying to. I do it a lot, lol. Then I tell people to wait until I START trying. it doesn't tend to make them any happier...

Anyway, the basis of this is, Eric, is this wasn't a decision that was made spur-of-the-moment, from what I can tell. It was made over a long period of time wherein Shadow received numerous warnings and was continually watched. Ramsus made a decision when he saw that Shadow was not really making any move to better himself.

And, I have a question for you: Do you think that retarded people know that they're retarded if you don't point it out to them? I mean, seriously, if people never made fun of them and just treated them like normal human beings, the same as everyone else, they would be the same as everyone else around, with no differences. Now, I am not calling Shadow a retard, however asperger's syndrome, and autism are things that make it hard for the person who has them to socially interact with others. But, it's as much the fault of everyone around those people as it is the disease they have, because people treat them differently and they're labeled for it, and they get it into their head that they're different from everybody else and so they keep acting different.

make sense?

What I'm saying is that the way Shadow is, is not fully his fault, but the fault of the people around him, too, treating him differently for his diseases, which is wrong. You have to treat everybody the same, and in this case, anybody else would be subject to the same rules. I would expect the admin to ban me if I was continually making an ass of myself and doing the things that Shadow did.

But, if you think that it accomplishes jack shit in the end, you're wrong, because by being banned from this place, he will think about what he has done and logically work it out in his own mind that the actions he took brought him to this point and he will work harder to fix that.

My little brother is high-functional autism, and I think I had to have been growing up, because he's a lot like me when I was his age. The thing is, I was never diagnosed with it, so even if I did have it, I never knew it, I was treated the same as everybody else, and I overcame it. I know how people with aspergers and autism think, just from being around them and paying attention. They are VERY logical people. Yet, at the same time, for being so highly logical, they can be completely unreasonable at times. trust me when I say that this will do a world of good for Shadow.

chrono eric

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2012 on: February 15, 2009, 05:16:31 am »
And, I have a question for you: Do you think that retarded people know that they're retarded if you don't point it out to them? I mean, seriously, if people never made fun of them and just treated them like normal human beings, the same as everyone else, they would be the same as everyone else around, with no differences. Now, I am not calling Shadow a retard, however asperger's syndrome, and autism are things that make it hard for the person who has them to socially interact with others. But, it's as much the fault of everyone around those people as it is the disease they have, because people treat them differently and they're labeled for it, and they get it into their head that they're different from everybody else and so they keep acting different.

Not really seeing your point here, as he only mentioned his supposed condition several weeks ago (if I remember correctly) and people's reactions towards him and his general posting behavior did not change in any way whatsoever - not for the better, and not for the worse. And treating everybody the same is not ideal. Take Triforce for example - he tries hard despite his condition, should we hold him to the same forum etiquette rules as other members? Granted, Shadow was much worse, but my point remains. But perhaps this doesn't even matter, because as I said-

But, if you think that it accomplishes jack shit in the end, you're wrong, because by being banned from this place, he will think about what he has done and logically work it out in his own mind that the actions he took brought him to this point and he will work harder to fix that.

My little brother is high-functional autism, and I think I had to have been growing up, because he's a lot like me when I was his age. The thing is, I was never diagnosed with it, so even if I did have it, I never knew it, I was treated the same as everybody else, and I overcame it. I know how people with aspergers and autism think, just from being around them and paying attention. They are VERY logical people. Yet, at the same time, for being so highly logical, they can be completely unreasonable at times. trust me when I say that this will do a world of good for Shadow.

- I am extremely skeptical of his claims of having Asperger's Syndrome. He only mentioned it after I brought up Asperger's in another thread with regards to Triforce, in an attempt to help people understand the condition since some people are ignorant fucktards. He only mentioned *possibly* having Asperger's directly after that, and I got the strong impression that he was simply using it as an excuse for his prior behavior since this was post FAIL rank and talk of banning him was in the air.

So, I don't think he will think much about it at all. I think he will stick around the forums as a guest for awhile before registering again from a different computer somewhere, after which he will pick up exactly where he left off. Perhaps there may be *some* improvement. I was the one that noticed when he created the Oxlylinc account and called him out on it, but it was only a matter of time before he was figured out because of his posting habits.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 05:24:41 am by chrono eric »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2013 on: February 15, 2009, 05:36:36 am »
either way, whether he has aspergers or not, being banned from a place you enjoy being will make you think twice about the way you act in the future.

chrono eric

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2014 on: February 15, 2009, 05:40:38 am »
I guess we will see, as he will most definitely return - and shortly at that. Should we start a bet on the timeframe? I bet he'll be cruising the forums as a guest tomorrow, but I'm talking about re-registering. My guess is within 2 weeks. I would say less than one, but from what I've gathered about his home life it seems computer access is restricted.

I've got to catch an early morning flight. I thought I would try to stay up all night, but I'm about to pass out on the keyboard. And of course the bird isn't around when I need him now.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 05:49:28 am by chrono eric »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2015 on: February 15, 2009, 06:51:48 am »
In the end, we have this observation - did Shadow post a lot of vacuous posts? Fuck yes. Did Shadow seem to deliberately ellicit hostile responses for the same few individuals over and over agian, derailing countless threads? Hell yes. But he started here posting gigantic images and huge bolded text phrases, and after myself and several others told him to stop doing that - he stopped. After adding the FAIL rank, his post count and vacuous posts did not decrease, but after myself and several others told him to stop doing that - he did improve slightly. He has improved since he first started here, and that's a fact. Is it as much improvement as some people had hoped? Maybe not, but it was improvement nonetheless.

Well then here's to hoping his further forum education occurs elsewhere...! If he comes back at some time & he's better, what do I care? If he gets over his current w/e-the-fuck, that's fine, but I'd rather not have to suffer through the slow-paced (I personally gave up even editing his posts after a while) learning experience. Betting on when it will occur though seems a little like a low blow...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2016 on: February 15, 2009, 06:55:05 am »
yeah I just gave up arguing about it with him because he kept repeating the same crap. if I wanted that kind of frustration I would have started talking to my wall again.

'sup wall'
'I said, 'sup wall''
'yeah, fuck you too, asshole'
'you know what?'

you get the hint.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2017 on: February 15, 2009, 08:25:17 am »
Reason #593 I've been playing too much CE:

I just dreamed of owning a pet frog.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2018 on: February 15, 2009, 11:37:52 am »
... dude. I'm gone for one day to go and eat at an Italian place (bad idea because it was Singles Awareness Day, but that chicken calzone is so good...) and not only is the one person I actually wanted to kill gone, but Ramsus has returned! Huzzah!

Let's hope you don't do that again, eh? Because it made me sad and things went kind of... crazy. And since Shadow is gone, does that mean I can have Seren set his character on fire? I hope it does... because Aderyn flew elsewhere and can't do it now.

My current frustration is my teeth. They're very sensitive and I can't just chomp right into a Caramel Delite (a Samoa for you uncultured cretins...) because it hurts. And we just got Girl Scout Cookies...

EDIT: ALSO! I hate earrings. Last night I put in a pair of hoops so that it would match my Slytherin getup (silver and fake emerald ring, silver and green shirt, silver and fake emerald earrings), and they went in fine. But you can't sleep with hoops on. So I had to take them out and put in my pearls (fake pearls; they're studs, so that works). But I can never find the back hole with the pearls. I wound up pushing through normal flesh on my right ear, causing bleeding and pain. And now both ears hurt like hell.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 11:55:06 am by teaflower »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2019 on: February 15, 2009, 12:12:49 pm »
Speaking of sweets, what's with those lame-ass flavored chocolates that no one ever likes? Yeah, lets cram some nasty nougat reject along with some marzipan! GREAT IDEA DOUCHEBAGS! Just give us caramel, chocolate & maybe every once in a while throw in a variety of nuts. Maybe a coconut one since apparently there are people who enjoy chocolate along with their wacky tropical nut meat.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2020 on: February 15, 2009, 01:05:04 pm »
Speaking of sweets, what's with those lame-ass flavored chocolates that no one ever likes? Yeah, lets cram some nasty nougat reject along with some marzipan! GREAT IDEA DOUCHEBAGS! Just give us caramel, chocolate & maybe every once in a while throw in a variety of nuts. Maybe a coconut one since apparently there are people who enjoy chocolate along with their wacky tropical nut meat.

I tend to agree with that.  There are a few things that are flavored chocolate, those are decent, but the ones with stuff inside.  *Groan*

Prince Janus

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2021 on: February 15, 2009, 01:18:44 pm »
 I've mentioned this before, but Compendium is quite possibly the only Good Chrono Trigger forum still around. Though I can't say I enjoy seeing this five times every single day

 I am highly disturbed by the decision, as this could be the seed of a new set of policies on the only good CT forum around.

   To put it best, Shadow was a puzzle thrust upon people who aren't good at puzzles. And now you see, whether admittedly or not, that some situations certainly require the skill. ...or am I hallucinating, and Shadow's removal wasn't controversial at all?
 Anyways, congratulations on Ramsus. Someone get him his post count back.

I don't need it

hahahaha sure. TAKE IT.

Speaking of sweets, what's with those lame-ass flavored chocolates that no one ever likes? Yeah, lets cram some nasty nougat reject along with some marzipan! GREAT IDEA DOUCHEBAGS! Just give us caramel, chocolate & maybe every once in a while throw in a variety of nuts. Maybe a coconut one since apparently there are people who enjoy chocolate along with their wacky tropical nut meat.


   Ugh, did you get the strawberry and orange filled ones too? Just give me something cadbury style! That's all mankind desires! Cadbury-style!  Chocolate with white cream inside!

« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 01:29:52 pm by Captain B »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2022 on: February 15, 2009, 01:53:40 pm »
I. Yes, He had Aspergers disease and he mentioned it before 4th triforce piece came back.
II. Everything Chrono Eric said I agree with.
III. Ramsus is cool. Welcome back.
IV. My parents are making me go on a car trip, again.
V. God. Dammit.

Anyways, I'm pretty annoyed with life as of now. And seriously, I felt very odd seeing the rebirth of Ramsus immediately announcing to the world that Shadow is to be banned in a week. Now, whenever I think of him, I think of him floating in the air in front of a weird yet incredibly powerful sharp object, about to be killed by a sharp beaked flaming bird thing.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 12:32:25 am by HyperNerd »

Prince Janus

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2023 on: February 15, 2009, 02:08:22 pm »
about to be killed by a sharp beaked flamy bird thing.

 lol sounds like my girlfriend


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2024 on: February 15, 2009, 02:10:14 pm »
What, Is your girlfriend Kuchiki Rukia? Anyways, I have to abandon Bleach and you guys for a while. Bye guys. I hate the snow...