To Nerd - One of my teachers in college...a VERY well respected Professor made an argument that "ain't" might as well be in the English language as correct grammar due to its frequency of use. But yeah, I could see how that would bug ya. Gotta remember kidz from da hood have a lot more going on for them. Think they want to go to MIT as well? Of course not. I think I've been watching too much of The Wire, methinks. You're in middle school, so you're probably a liiiiitle too young for the rather heavy show (not meant to be a slight to your age, just a rather depressing show most times), but you could relate to the vid I posted somewhere in the most recent pages of the WTF check out the link thread. About the kid getting hooked up to a COPY machine and thinking it was a lie detector. NOT Bubbles going through Hamsterdam. That would fall into the "you're in middle school and really just shouldn't watch this" column. But yeah...main points in all of that are 1)I love The Wire and watch too much of it. and 2)You're gonna deal with jabronees everyday, try to take the high road when ya can. It sounds selfish, but sometimes the best thing you can do is take care of you, and you alone.
Man, I hope that made sense.
To Justin - I'm with you. I re-read a play I performed last year - The Pillowman. Written by the guy who wrote and directed the film "In Bruges." Sweet film. But yea as I read I had to stop many many times due to me bawling everywhere. This was last night. And the play itself is very moving, and for personal reasons linked with some dark issues in the play there is even more of a deep feeling. But in spite of all this, there was a relase that I needed. And it sounds like you needed it too. It might not be clear to you now, but your body is telling you that ya need a release. Hope it all falls into place for ya.
Feelin' pretty is, as it has been for weeks now, dealing with
