Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 605262 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2325 on: March 11, 2009, 04:40:40 am »
I am planning on going to a protest about the college fees on Monday, but I hadn't thought of writing to my representatives. Thanks Ramsus.

Should I write via email or snail mail?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2326 on: March 11, 2009, 04:43:48 am »
My dad wrote an email to both Ohio Senators once, and their staff amazingly gave replies tailored to the topic. Took them a long time though. It seems they send a form letter back first, then a more tailored letter, like, months later.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2327 on: March 11, 2009, 05:16:14 am »
I would think both, email would be easier and may get a response fast but a written letter does seem to carry more weight.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2328 on: March 11, 2009, 06:00:29 am »
E-Mail, snail mail, and phone calls.  If you're adamant about a situation, fucking show it, don't just keep it to yourself and friends.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2329 on: March 11, 2009, 08:36:11 am »
Next year, my college is doubling the price of units from 20 dollars to 40 dollars.

To put into perspective: I need to take at least 12 units to keep my insurance, both life and car (fuck you CA), right now I pay 240 a semester. Next year I'd pay 480 dollars, and that doesn't cover the cost of books and other materials either!

So you can see why I think this government is a joke, they'd rather waste money on useless stuff than education, health*, law enforcement, etc.

*I take health back, we're getting socialized healthcare! YAY! *shoots himself*

That is dirt cheap.  Each class is 500 in my world, before books and ancillary fees. 

Speaking of that: Frustrating that I can't vote in the buss pass referendum going on at my uni.  It is either "keep the mandatory 8-month bus pass, for 130ish or eliminate it"  The idea that they would eliminate the bus pass is just fucking outrageous.  Sure it is mandatory and every full time student has to pay the fee...but considering there are 30k students going to this university, with the majority full time, eliminating the bus pass would be a huge burden on the student.  The mandatory bus pass is $130.  Buying the equivalent monthly bus pass for 8 months = $648.  Mind you I haven't been a full-time student in a couple years, so I've been ineligible for the pass, but jesus that is a huge price difference.  Sure, some have cars and don't need the why the fuck does it have to mandatory.  blah

And quit saying socialized as if it is the ultimate evil.  It has its place in this world and in the US, right along side capitalism.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 12:19:41 pm by placidchap »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2330 on: March 11, 2009, 08:57:05 am »
I actually enjoy a bit of cold water after a long, hot shower, Ramsus. Just make sure you didn't chew mint gum before hand. Or else your mouth will feel like it's freezing. Don't know what to make of the college thing though; I'm not in college. I'll figure it out when I get there. And do send emails and letters and phone calls to the people in charge. Things change because of angry people voicing their opinions.

Current frustration is that I always seem hungry. Yesterday, I just couldn't stop eating. Hopefully, the filling breakfast I had (BISCUIT!) will keep me full for a while. As opposed to cereal.

EDIT: Also, the lack of stuff on this computer. I really wanted to watch 'Will it Blend?' here, because too much Blendtec action kills my computer. Which upsets me. Apparently, either there's an elaborate blocking system that only blocks the videos on the site but not the site itself (doubt that) or this computer simply lacks the plugins. And I don't think I can just install them. You need an admin account to do that.

Also also! I gave my story to someone to read. They read part of it, then remembered that they needed to play Webkinz. So they started doing that. I asked where they got to and they said a few pages. I asked if they remembered what was happening.

"Not really."

GAH. The point of reading a story is to remember what happens and to understand it! Maybe it's just because this poor sap is a moron. Probably. Still frustrating, though. I'm a starving author needing feedback and my audience doesn't give me anything other than 'It's okay.'! GAH! What is wrong with it? Anything you don't get? Anything I should cut or add or reword? 'It's okay.' ... need more people reading it.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 09:21:12 am by teaflower »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2331 on: March 11, 2009, 11:27:34 am »
College: it's not just tuition, books, room, and board, but also lots and lots of miscellaneous fees. I remember at my university the fees every semester adding up to be about equal to the cost of tuition.

I had a full-ride scholarship, so I didn't care much, but I remember a lot of parents and students weren't really expecting that much extra cost on top of what you typically think of when you think of as your typical college expenses. I mean, a few hundred dollars is one thing, but a few thousand dollars in unexpected fees your first semester must be kind of shocking...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2332 on: March 11, 2009, 12:35:01 pm »
@ teaflower

At least you're getting feedback at all.

Ever since I posted my story on here (granted it's just the 1st prologue... and I put it in the Submissions section instead of Fanfiction by mistake...), I've seen that the topic was looked at, but not a single reply. Not even an "It's okay"!

Was I too wordy? Did I make my character some sort of Gary Stu? Should I continue?! What does everyone want from me?!!! :x


The most frustrating thing is that I don't know if this silence is a silent okay to keep going or if nobody even gives a shit. Since I'm a pessimist at heart, I usually think it's the latter... :(



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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2333 on: March 11, 2009, 01:52:51 pm »
My frustrations right now are kinda silly xD I wish the mangas I read would put out more than 1 chapter a week =) Bleach and Tsubasa mainly. Bleach is extremely suspenseful right now, currently on chapter 348 The Lust 2. Cant wait to see what happens xD


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2334 on: March 11, 2009, 02:41:06 pm »
To put into perspective: I need to take at least 12 units to keep my insurance, both life and car (fuck you CA), right now I pay 240 a semester. Next year I'd pay 480 dollars, and that doesn't cover the cost of books and other materials either!

What's this about car insurance being tied to school? When I was in California (granted, I left after high school) there was a huge discount if I maintained a B/3.0 GPA, but no threat of losing the insurance. When I moved to Washington, I was with the same insurance company, and I could have continued with the discount if I'd kept my grades up in college. When I didn't, my insurance got more expensive, but it didn't go away.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2335 on: March 11, 2009, 05:23:19 pm »
My frustrations right now are kinda silly xD I wish the mangas I read would put out more than 1 chapter a week =) Bleach and Tsubasa mainly. Bleach is extremely suspenseful right now, currently on chapter 348 The Lust 2. Cant wait to see what happens xD
I guessed the Tsubasa bit, mainly because of the Syaoran avatar that is in that Tsubasa style. Card Captor Sakura Syaoran is kind of gay looking.

In any event, I don't really read fanfiction much, so I can't really say anything about your story, Skylark. I'll check it out soon, 'kay? Before the bell rang, I quizzed the friend on the characters. She wasn't entirely sure who the main character was and her grasp of the characters' names was weak at best. She read about ten pages, then stopped. I doubt she'll ever pick it up again, because of the lack of hawt vampires like Twilight has.


A few frustrations today. Ordered mustard on a wrap. Lunch lady put mayo. Mayo = gross in my mouth. Made me feel like I was going to puke. Sister is crazy. Left me with less than half a cup of coffee because she needed to overfill her cup, then forget about it completely. And now... for some reason, my MP3 player is cutting off bits and pieces of songs. It's weird. It's not like it just skips a part, but it starts about in the middle and even when you start the song over, it just sort of plays the middle part again.

Must investigate.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2336 on: March 11, 2009, 05:29:47 pm »

I woke up at 5:s30 AM this morning, and while I'm at the computer lab at school, I couldn't abstain from Compendium.

Current frustration: I'm tired.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2337 on: March 11, 2009, 06:36:51 pm »
Wow, your MP3 player's crapping out too? :shock:

Ugh... I think I might need to replace mine... with money I don't have because I'm on a budget...

Damn economy keeping my job from calling me back for more work... >_<

Current frustration: Lack of work coming my way.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2338 on: March 11, 2009, 06:39:58 pm »
frustration: having the type of insomnia I've known for over half a decade and gotten used to switched out for a different type of insomnia that I'm not used to.

Instead of the slow-to-sleep insomnia, I now have the type that doesn't allow me to ever fall into a deep sleep. I've now had it for a few weeks and it's facking horrible. I go to sleep and wake up 50 million times a night causing me to wake up tired every morning, and go through the day tired. I am so not used to dealing with this.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2339 on: March 11, 2009, 06:42:05 pm »
Okay, so it turns out the thing needs to be reformatted so my computer can figure out what's up. See, the thing is I have songs on there I forgot to back up elsewhere. Like some of the Radical Dreamers MP3s Z got me. As well as other songs I love. But the good news is it might still be able to work. I'll check it out tomorrow.

Let's hope it's not dying, yes? I love it so much and cannot afford a new one. Um... may I suggest a sleep aide? Though they can be dependent making, they can help. I suggest Melatonin.