Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 605257 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2340 on: March 11, 2009, 07:58:46 pm »
I've taken to drinking coffee in the morning after I wake, which I never used to do.

chrono eric

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2341 on: March 11, 2009, 09:18:55 pm »
I suggest Melatonin.

I wouldn't. I would suggest 25-50 mg of Diphenhydramine. You may not get as restful of a sleep as you may need, but you will knock straight out for 8 hours or so. That is just in the short term, if the insomnia condition is as bad as idioticidioms says, then I would suggest going to the doctor pronto to get something better.

I have issues with Melatonin and here is why (ready for another Chrono Eric chemistry sciency post?):

Yes, melatonin is the natural regulator hormone of sleep in the body. However, Melatonin is N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine. The N-acetyl group conveys a great degree of polarity to the molecule, and large polar molecules cannot cross the blood-brain barrier with ease unless they have a transport protein specifically for them or one that they can piggyback on. Additionally, 5-MeO tryptamines are notable serotonin agonists and psychedelic drugs. So notable, in fact, that the famous chemist Alexander Shulgin published a synthesis of Melatonin in his book TiHKAL and several people experimented with various doses in an attempt to obtain psychotropic effects, but to no avail. The subjects didn't even report sleepiness. This is especially interesting considering that 5-MeO tryptamine itself is a potent hallucinogenic drug. This strongly suggests that the Acetyl group conveys so much polarity that significant amounts of exogenous melatonin do not cross the blood brain barrier. The exception, of course, is if there is a receptor for melatonin specifically in the area of the pineal gland where it is naturally synthesized.

Nonetheless, melatonin does seem to induce sleep and promote REM dreaming. It also seems to have other benefits. However, the dosages for each individual seem to vary greatly. Taking anywhere from 3-10 mg of melatonin, I can safely say, does jack shit to me except possibly induce a placebo effect. I've found its sleep-inducing capabilities to be much worse than diphenhydramine, and after taking melatonin for a long term in an attempt to adjust my circadian rhythm - I saw no significant results at all. Other people have reported positive results with as little as 0.3 mg, with higher doses being completely ineffective. Furthermore, I would tend to wake up about 3-4 hours after falling asleep, with no desire to return to sleep at all. With diphenhydramine, I can sleep straight through the night without waking.

I think that the dosage problem with Melatonin is too much of a pain to jack with, especially with insomnia. If you are looking for an effective and short-term sleep aid, diphenhydramine beats out melatonin any day.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 09:22:31 pm by chrono eric »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2342 on: March 11, 2009, 11:46:22 pm »
I suggest Melatonin.
Crazy technobabel.

I suggest you just live with the fact you sleep different then others, I know I do.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2343 on: March 12, 2009, 01:03:53 am »
If Modafinil is ever demonstrated to have no long-term effects, then I might be seriously interested.

chrono eric

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2344 on: March 12, 2009, 01:52:32 am »
I suggest you just live with the fact you sleep different then others, I know I do.

That's the whole point. Everybody sleeps differently, and this reflects a biochemical difference. Presumably, this difference can be adjusted for by taking an exogenous sleep-aid. Diphenhydramine, and whatever else he can get prescribed after seeing a doctor, is so much more effective than melatonin. The dosages don't vary wildly depending on a persons individual metabolism/biochemistry and the effects are predictable - unlike with melatonin. And Zeality raised an important point that even further illustrates the uselessness of melatonin:

If Modafinil is ever demonstrated to have no long-term effects, then I might be seriously interested.

People often get hung up on the world "natural". Melatonin is the body's "natural" sleep hormone. But that doesn't mean that ingesting massive amounts of melatonin is actually good or harmless for you in the long term. There have been numerous (and contradictory) studies into this. My own guess would be that melatonin at least is not neurotoxic because of its limited ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. But studies on melatonin are still in their infancy. Diphenhydramine, constrastly, is a very well-studied chemical.

So why take a less effective and less well-studied sleep-aid where you will have to adjust the dose through trial and error over the course of several days, when you are suffering from insomnia? That doesn't make sense.

And as far as Modafinil is concerned Zeality...very few chemicals that one ingests truly have "no long term side effects". The question to really ask is, "are the potential long term side effects worth the benefit that the drug offers?".


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2345 on: March 12, 2009, 06:05:58 am »
Oh, I wasn't posting that in relation to anything except the discussion of medication. I've already read a lot about Modafinil, including most of the experiences of the peopel who post at that...that site; I already forgot the URL, but it's a catch-all for people to report their experiences with medication.

Supposedly, Modafinil's already being used by businesspeople, writers, etc. and I'd be thrilled to use it once or twice a week to smooth out days with rough sleep transitions (for example, I've got a morning class right after a night class, and I'm almost never prepared for that sudden shift each week). I wish the long-term effects would be discovered already, because the entire thing sounds like the first daring step in removing the human need to sleep.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2346 on: March 12, 2009, 07:24:19 am »
Fuck.  So I was essentially rejected by  :shock: earlier tonight.  I'm not handling it well at all.  I had been bracing myself for this, but it hurts so much more than I thought it would.  Fuck.  It's tough when you see this person 5 nights a week for 8 weeks...and they slowly start to take over your thoughts.  Then throw in the teaser night when she spent the night and we got close.  This fucking hurts, there's no other way around it.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2347 on: March 12, 2009, 09:02:09 am »
I'm going to have to possibly face that in May. Hope you at lesat got some closure.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2348 on: March 12, 2009, 10:50:06 am »
My frustrations right now are kinda silly xD I wish the mangas I read would put out more than 1 chapter a week =) Bleach and Tsubasa mainly. Bleach is extremely suspenseful right now, currently on chapter 348 The Lust 2. Cant wait to see what happens xD
I guessed the Tsubasa bit, mainly because of the Syaoran avatar that is in that Tsubasa style. Card Captor Sakura Syaoran is kind of gay looking.

Hahaha yea I agree completely. Tsubasa is in a different league that CCS =P

Frustration today. . . Alarm failed to wake me this morning, hour and a half late to work. . . Guess I need more than 3-5 hours a night xD


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2349 on: March 12, 2009, 01:45:27 pm »
More novel related problems. I'm trying to get my friend to read my novel again, but she doesn't want to read it. I tried making her a deal; I would read Twilight is she read The End of the Worlds. GOD. To try and continue on about how awesome it is, I try and compare Alex, my little ghostie boy whom I love and obsess over, to the hawt boyz of Twilight. So you know what she does? She googles Jackson Rathborne and is like, "He's so hawt!" She then CLOSES my novel, pissing me off, and starts posting pictures of him in a document.

One of these is a wallpaper, which says, and I quote, 'Jasper 'cause he is so emphatetic'.

... WHAT?!

I'm sorry, but I just looked up emphatetic and it is not in the dictionary. I can understand the 'cause because I frequently use that, but emphatetic? That is not a word!


Except... maybe HAWT TWILIGFT OH EM FUGGIN GEE! language.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 02:03:27 pm by teaflower »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2350 on: March 12, 2009, 02:01:10 pm »
Oh, I wasn't posting that in relation to anything except the discussion of medication. I've already read a lot about Modafinil, including most of the experiences of the peopel who post at that...that site; I already forgot the URL, but it's a catch-all for people to report their experiences with medication.

I'd be quite interested to hear more about this web site, if you can remember anything more.

For example, I'm curious as to if it has a legitimate connection to a research institution. If not, then the quality of the information there could well be no better than a website that is a catch-all for people to report their experiences with UFOs. But if so, it could be a valuable resource for investigating medications before one takes them.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2351 on: March 12, 2009, 03:08:47 pm »
Fuck.  So I was essentially rejected by  :shock: earlier tonight.  I'm not handling it well at all.  I had been bracing myself for this, but it hurts so much more than I thought it would.  Fuck.  It's tough when you see this person 5 nights a week for 8 weeks...and they slowly start to take over your thoughts.  Then throw in the teaser night when she spent the night and we got close.  This fucking hurts, there's no other way around it.

The beauty of the clouds are reserved for those who keep their head up.

I hope you cope well. Rejection is never an easy thing to deal with, no matter how prepared you are. It'll hurt for a while, but it will heal in time. It just means that there's someone better out there for you.
Stay optimistic, stay happy, and eventually the world will all be better again :D


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2352 on: March 12, 2009, 03:35:11 pm »
THERE IS AN EXTREME LACK OF GOOD RPG BEING RELEASED THESE DAYS! my wife is unemployed so I cant afford to buy anything! mgs4 is still not being released on the 360 or pc! Money sucks!

On a good note, Ninja Swords Rule!

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2353 on: March 12, 2009, 05:40:52 pm »

Nice to see another married man around here.  :D

Look up some emulators and go play some old school RPGs.  The 16-bit era was the best... Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, the Tales series, Bahamut Lagoon, Phantasy Star series, etc...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2354 on: March 12, 2009, 08:55:08 pm »
Frustration:I can't ride my bike because my sister keeps yelling at me to do stuff that I could do after I ride, but she b%!ch that she wont let me go. And once I'm done my mom or dad will be home, And they'll make me do stuff so I wont get to ride then and right now I'm too frustrated to go while I have a freaken chance. Plus, this sucks because riding my bike is my passion; it's what keeps me alive inside.