don't forget the episodes with father o'hara! or just matt. or just rickety cricket.
"she told him she'd kiss him if he ate a horse turd. when he did it she wouldn't kiss him and she said it was because his breath smelled like shit."
To keep this on topic, you know what frustrates me? People who say they don't (or won't) like a show simply because they didn't find it on their own and somebody is suggesting it. I'm in a web design class in college and was assigned a group project. Make a website with CSS(nothing new).
So our topic is music and I wanted to do a site on Flight of the Conchords, simply because it's not genre specific, it's universally enjoyable, their fan base is huge and there is a lot of content available (fan art, music videos, photos, clips of the show, clips of their standup act, music clips, etc.) that we could use to build a site rather easily and enjoyably for everybody. The people in my group had no idea who Flight of the Conchords were and even when I showed them one of the funniest songs from the show on youtube, and they laughed their asses off, they still didn't want to admit they liked it. They were all "we don't have HBO" and I was all "that's why I bought the DVDs until I could afford HBO". In the end, I showed the professor "Too Many Dicks on the Dancefloor" and it was decided that we SHOULD in fact do the project on them, which I consider only a small victory, as my team members still want to half ass it.