Yes! Like Seroquel!
Oh my god, I'm going to kill people slowly and painfully. Like this douche sitting next to me, calling me a dude. It's fucking ridiculous how angry I am right now.
Today we took the first part of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assesment System, or MCAS. All public schools in Massachusetts MUST take the MCAS. If you do not pass the MCAS, you will not graduate any public school in Massachusetts. I needed to write a long composition essay thing on pride. So I'm sitting with my number 2 pencil, trying to write a decent paper, and I'm about to rip my hair out. You see, the people were being LOUD. They were laughing. They were talking. They were gossiping. They were discussing their papers. The teachers told them to shut up, but they didn't. I had to leave.
Worst excuse for a standardized test.