The Ant Farm Theory, I call it! God is that little kid who bought that ant farm, we're his ants.
He may have given us what we need to survive, but that little kid doesn't think about the ants' lives, thoughts, dreams, prayers, etc. And he sure as hell doesn't care about whether they believe in him. Why would he? It wouldn't have any effect on him at all.
(He is gender neutral in this sense, and could be replaced with she just fine if you prefer. I don't care, and he probably doesn't either.)
The Ant Farm and the Domino Rally Effect are what I would call the extent of my religious "belief". Domino Rally, as in a semi-intentional big bang. There's a chain reaction set up that leads to life, and beyond, and all it takes is the finger to push down that first domino, then they all come crashing down one after the other, and we're right in the middle. It works if "God" is a force comparable to gravity or friction, without conscious thought or any solid plan.
(As far as I know I made those terms up, but they very well may be used for something else, I have no idea.)