Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 590524 times)

Lord J Esq

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2910 on: May 17, 2009, 09:48:46 pm »
Hm, actually, I'm fairly annoyed at my inability to sit down and play a game the whole way through. This only kicked in recently...

I have that same problem with reading books. As a kid I made it a point of honor that I had always finished reading every book I started. Then I grew up, my tastes matured, my standards rose...and I found myself putting down more books than I finished. When a book disappoints me, that is a significant disappointment indeed, and the commonness of it only serves to elevate my disappointment guessed it...frustration.

By the way, all sorts of people on this site have a legitimate reason to, if not "hate" me, then at least not think very highly of me. I think I like them more than I like the mooks.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2911 on: May 17, 2009, 11:37:12 pm »
Z, that's fantastic.

I guess I have a mild frustration. People are afraid of change because all they know is the same and while the possibility of good things to come from change exists, it's much less attractive than the big bright lights in the sign that says "HEY IT MIGHT GET 100 TIMES WORSE" so that's often the sign they look for.

Revolution is an incredibly rare event because of this exact fact. And that is frustrating. Not particularly right now, but some times, it's incredibly hard to accept.

This frustrates me quite often as well.  I get the feeling this is what's holding America back from being a leader in innovation today.  We had a good thing going on, but we can't seem to let go of our old successes and move on in the fields we need to advance in, like energy, agriculture, transportation, and especially health care...

It's really general, but the theme going on with a bunch of stuff in my life is fear of change. My girlfriend's kind of not been very fun lately and I've been getting bored a lot, she lives with a friend and the friend's mom so I can't go over there, she has to come here, and then we just glue ourselves to the couch and don't do anything. It's really been bugging me lately, but I know it's gonna start a fight if I bring up her being lazy. She doesn't want to ride bikes or go for walks or dance when we go out or anything.

SE and Nintendo and other gaming companies should embrace Homebrew games and other software, and figure out a system where it's legal and they still make money so everybody's happy and we can have our CE.

My bosses suck. My job is easy, the money's okay, they're flexible with my college classes, and the customers are great, but the bosses and their fucking tiny detail micromanagement style is incredibly frustrating. They keep adding things to our menu and they've been changing distributors and I've been there over six months with no recognition other than "You do everything better than everyone else here." If that were true, I'd have a raise by now, for all the added responsibility and my ability to take it all on in stride, but no, I have not even had a review or evaluation for a raise, and as a result, I've taken applications from a few other places to find a new sidejob while I'm at college.

School is going great, actually. I'm just frustrated with the early morning drive and long hours there. Class time is 8am to 1pm and I live 20 minutes away if there is no traffic. If there is traffic I live 45 minutes to an hour away. Damn interstate and terrible drivers who rubberneck whenever they pass by an accident, or a cop who's already pulled someone over, or anything else that's not just road and sign.

My dad remarried recently, which is no skin off my nose, but his political standpoint is still I'm right (wing) and you're wrong. No matter what. I'm an adult in every way except when it comes to political conversations with my dad. As soon as I open my mouth, I'm fucking five years old again as far as he's concerned. Well, guess what dad? Other people felt the same way as me this time. We got Obama in office because of it. And Virginia is now a Blue state. Suck on that! Even my mom, who has voted Republican in every election since she was 18, had enough from Bush and voted Dem this past election. Not that things are looking much different because of it...

On the upside, some new friends and I started a band. I've wanted to start a new band since I got out of high school five years ago, but have had no luck finding a drummer. At another musical friend's party, I met a drummer who's into the same music I am, and we started listing bands one after the other and it's really the same stuff 100%. And I got a synth player! They were just stoked that I already had a bunch of songs finished. So I practiced with them recently and that's the change that I've been waiting for. It's going great, and when I record a demo song in a few weeks, I'll post a link somewhere around here. The anticipation is frustrating though.  :lol:


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2912 on: May 18, 2009, 02:24:38 am »
Hm, actually, I'm fairly annoyed at my inability to sit down and play a game the whole way through. This only kicked in recently; I find myself being hyped up for a game, playing it for a while, loving it, then not playing it again (not for a long time if I do pick it up again). Even games I love to bits or I was really excited for end up being left aside. Pretty irritating.

I sort of have that too...I always have to really try to limit myself to playing only one or two games of a couple different genres (playing more than one SRPG at a time is impossible for me, for example)...With RPGs I usually need something light to break up the monotony of leveling or farming or w/e...A nice shooter or maybe a platformer or some legal goofiness from Capcom's Ace Attorney series...



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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2913 on: May 18, 2009, 11:00:41 am »
Q: Why are pirates usually so illiterate?
A: They can spend years at C !!

That and the only letters they can say are "I" and "R."

Lord J Esq

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2914 on: May 18, 2009, 08:18:18 pm »
That proves nothing. Absent some conjugation problems, "I R" is one of the most fundamental statements of identity and expression. By your example, it remains plausible that pirates are in fact so wise and aware that they need say nothing else!

Technical quibble: Not being able to talk properly isn't "illiteracy." It's "dumbness," or whatever modern politically correct equivalent they've come up with by now.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2915 on: May 18, 2009, 08:44:46 pm »
By your example, it remains plausible that I.R. Baboon is in fact so wise and aware that he need say nothing else...

My frustration: I just spent half an hour of my life watching Hi-5 (for those of you who are not familiar with the show, it basically consists of a group of five fellows jumping around and singing songs to entertain chilren who are sat in front of the TV when mothers are too busy to watch them). The lil' nephew decided to start crying his brains out unless I sat with him to watch...

It also frustrates me that my frustration is so mundane and meaningless. It's just further proof that my life sucks right now.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2916 on: May 19, 2009, 10:31:55 am »
That proves nothing. Absent some conjugation problems, "I R" is one of the most fundamental statements of identity and expression. By your example, it remains plausible that pirates are in fact so wise and aware that they need say nothing else!

Indeed, though no one ever said that wisdom must necessarily include literacy. Given that pirates have spent much time on the ocean, one could even classify them as "old salts." Old salts tend to be wise individuals -- veritable storehouses of insight into the human condition -- even if they don't keep much with the fancy art of drawing words.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2917 on: May 19, 2009, 12:04:57 pm »
I've wanted to start a new band since I got out of high school five years ago, but have had no luck finding a drummer.
Ah, the challenge of finding a good drummer...

Q: Why do drummers have a half ounce more brains than horses?
A: So they don't disgrace themselves at the parade.

Q: How do you know if there is a percussionist at the door?
A: The knocking gets slower.

Q: How can you tell when there is a drummer at your front door?
A: The knocking gets faster.

Q: How do you know when a drum solo's really bad?
A: The bass player notices.

Q: How many drummers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but he'll break ten bulbs before figuring out that they can't just be pushed in.

Q: How many drummers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Twenty. One to hold the bulb, and nineteen to drink until the room spins.

Q: What did the drummer get on his I.Q. test?
A: Drool.

- + - The annoying drums - + -
This guy goes on vacation to a tropical island. As soon as he gets off the plane, he hears drums. He thinks "Wow, this is cool." He goes to the beach, he hears the drums, he eats lunch, he hears drums, he goes to a luau, he hears drums. He tries to go to sleep, yet he hears drums.
This goes on for several nights, and gets to the point where the guy can't sleep at night because of the drums. Finally, he goes down to the front desk.
When he gets there, he asks the manager, "Hey! What's with these drums. Don't they ever stop? I can't get any sleep."
The manager says, "No! Drums must never stop. It's very bad if drums stop."
"When drums stop...bass solo begins."

Maybe these terrible jokes will frustrate some people, haha.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2918 on: May 19, 2009, 12:16:38 pm »
Maybe these terrible jokes will frustrate some people, haha.

Quite the opposite!  :lol: These are great!

Q: What do you call someone who really wants to play drums?
A: A guitarist.

Q: What do you call someone who really wants to play guitar?
A: A drummer.

Q: What do you call someone who really wants to play bass?
A: Misled.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2919 on: May 19, 2009, 12:37:03 pm »
Quite the opposite!  :lol: These are great!
Oh, now you've set me off!  :lol:

Q. Why don't bass players play hide and seek?
A. Because no one will look for them.

Q. How do you know when a bass player is at the door trying to get in?
A. He keeps fumbling around trying to find the right key.

Q. How many bass players does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Just one, but he'll do it too loudly.

Q. How many bass players does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Only one - but the guitarist has to show him first.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2920 on: May 19, 2009, 01:07:24 pm »

Q. How many bass players does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Only one - but the guitarist has to show him first.



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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2921 on: May 19, 2009, 01:43:06 pm »
I don't get it...Isn't the bass harder to play since it's basically the same as a guitar only with struts that are further apart...?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2922 on: May 19, 2009, 01:49:25 pm »
Nah. There's fewer notes, and most bass players tend to be failed guitar players. :p

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2923 on: May 19, 2009, 01:53:19 pm »
Bassist are usually lazy guitarists who don't like to practice, but own a musical instrument so automatically consider themselves musicians. There are exceptions, but not many. They also tend to be less successful with ladies, and even fans. And most rock songs the bass follows the guitar, so he's basically playing a dumbed down version of what the guitarist wrote, hence the "guitarist has to show him first". Nothing against bassists who take it seriously, but there are far too many who do not.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2924 on: May 19, 2009, 02:11:08 pm »
And yet the double-bass is considered a refined instrument while the double-guitar is rather the opposite.