Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 605242 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3090 on: June 23, 2009, 09:54:46 pm »
Feel free to air that complaint whenever you wish. It's a crime how ignorant and insensitive many men are about basic female facts of life, and I wonder just how many could accept or get through 2-3 days of pain every month. They can all go to hell.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3091 on: June 23, 2009, 10:05:25 pm »
I am beginning to show much detest towards my family.

The reason being so is that I feel they do not show any signs of attachment towards me. I have a detached relationship with my family, and over time we have attempted many times, every day, to form a better bond. However, it is as if they do not wish to form that bond.

And it bothers me. Very much.

Why can we not just get along for goodness sake? Gah!

Besides, I will never understand why they feel that I am a failure.


Perhaps I am the one who is blind?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3092 on: June 23, 2009, 10:08:28 pm »
Oh, it's more like 5-6 days of pain for many women. :) But it's great to see men who are supportive of airings of female grievances! ZaiChik, I completely agree with your rant; I hate it when it happens to me as well. Usually if it strikes randomly, it always happens on the day I have no supplies in my purse to deal with it.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3093 on: June 23, 2009, 10:10:42 pm »
I will not deny that a woman is much stronger than a man, Zelbess. I do not understand how you women can go through so much pain and misery...especially childbirth.

Willpower? Or life?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3094 on: June 23, 2009, 10:11:09 pm »
Whining about girl things!
How bad are the cramps? When it happens for me, it's like I get punched in the get repeatedly with a big sledge hammer, and kinda that sick feeling like you're in a really fast elevator. It's really not too bad though if I get some pills for it. Motrin works great, except I need to take it a lot. Midol is probably better at blocking pain/cramps than any of the others, except it leaves me feeling really tired and lethargic. I'm still trying to decide which is better; being in pain and still able to get work done, or to be pain-free, but unable to concentrate on anything for more than a second.

That, coupled with a cold that made it nearly impossible to breathe, really cut into the time I had to work on my Flash final. Plus, there was this dyslexic girl in my class who was constantly asking questions, so most of my in-class time was devoted to helping her.

(Zaichik, the code for that spoiler bar is <glow=black,2,300></glow>, but with [] instead of <>)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3095 on: June 23, 2009, 10:12:10 pm »
I am beginning to show much detest towards my family.

The reason being so is that I feel they do not show any signs of attachment towards me. I have a detached relationship with my family, and over time we have attempted many times, every day, to form a better bond. However, it is as if they do not wish to form that bond.

And it bothers me. Very much.

Why can we not just get along for goodness sake? Gah!

Besides, I will never understand why they feel that I am a failure.


Perhaps I am the one who is blind?

TK, please keep in mind that you still are a teen and a lot of teens deal with your issues. I'm sure that when you get older, and when your parents start to realize you're not a kid anymore, they will accept you better. For now, try not to let it get to you!

EDIT: I'll try to remember that. I'll just use it this time

I dunno how cramps are supposed to really feel like. They just make me feel really shitty XD. I take 2 extra strength tylenol as soon as I realize I've started my period and usually I don't have to take any more meds.

As for feeling crappy otherwise, I only have cramps my first day(I think that's true for most women), the rest of the days are just waiting for the bleeding to die down. lol. Because you know the second day is very heavy but the rest of the days aren't.

Also, the few ladies that are here. I recommend alternative menstrual products. Not cause I'm such a huge hippie, but cause it really saves you money. The average woman spends like... up to 200 a year on menstrual products. If you get a sponge or cup, then you just need the initial fee : ). I like my sponge... a lot of women like cups, but I prefer the fluid to be absorbed rather than collected...

And what is even more annoying are blood stains because you know, blood is one of the few substances that will NOT wash off in the washing machine, so I always have to pre-treat it and it's just a little annoying... It's so common too, to get blood on clothes so if I forget to pre-treat my clothes, they'll be ruined if they go through the dryer... at times I've forgotten and I've managed to get the stain a little down, but it never fully goes away.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 10:20:19 pm by ZaichikArky »

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3096 on: June 23, 2009, 10:16:40 pm »
Ah, it's not the "teen" issue. It is literally the fact that they do believe I am a failure.

They see me as a lazy fool who does nothing but use these blasted machines and cannot comprehend what responsibility is. In fact, it is at the point where my grandmother (whom is the leading force in my family financially and house-hold nonsense) has given up on me. Gurg...she won't even support my education now! That and the fact that they refuse to let my stress levels run if it isn't one thing I did wrong it is another. Gah, I'm not the best handyman, but I can get the job done if you give me the chance!

It is not a matter of realizing who I am, but a matter of realizing that I am not worthless. (My, you should hear some of the behind the back talk I hear.)


Was just chewed out for being on here, apparently wasting my time.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3097 on: June 23, 2009, 10:17:58 pm »
I read some scientific fact somewhere that women have more nerve endings per square inch of skin than men, so barring brain and perception differences, similar pain stimuli will be comparatively more painful for women than men. chrono eric might affirm or deny. I can't really find the fact now except in reference to sexual pleasure, so maybe it's totally bogus.

Well, whatever. Menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, glass ceilings, societal expectations to sacrifice life for the sake of the family and exist as a second-class citizen in cultural and civil matters, religious discrimination, etc....there's a huge list of things women suffer and most men are ignorant of or endorse. I've made at least one group of friends enter the awkward zone when I stopped a menstrual joke and brought up just how painful it is and how insensitive most people are. When I'm not fighting religion, I'll be fighting sexism. This world is not fucking fair, and rather than idly complain or just accept the way things are, I'm going to fight the power.

I'm enrolled in a Women's Studies class in the fall devoted to practical and theoretical ways to combat sexism. I can't wait. It's the first like it I've taken, and a perfect way to end my education before I get my graduate degree.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 10:19:46 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3098 on: June 23, 2009, 10:27:01 pm »
TK: Sorry to hear about that  : (. Maybe you should trying talking to them, or at least talking to a friend about how you feel?

Z, you may not like the women's studies class. I know some men who take them, and ok, I shouldn't compare you to this one asshole I knew, but he seriously hated the class a lot because he did not take the complaints of the women seriously.

In one example, a woman was complaining because I guess female soldiers in Iraq have it really hard cause if they're on these missions in a desert, it's really hard for them to pee, and a guy it's easier. Then the guy started debating with her about how the women should just hold it in and if you can't hold it in during a mission, you don't belong in the army... I just find all sorts of levels of stupidity in that arguement... but I'm just saying you should be prepared to defend your position because you will probably be subjected to a lot of "feminist" nonsense that some girls or maybe boys spew in that class.

This is why I tended to stay away from Women's Studies classes. They're great in principle, but some really dumb people with illogical opinions talk too much at times...

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3099 on: June 23, 2009, 10:28:33 pm »
Aye...perhaps I should.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3100 on: June 23, 2009, 10:29:51 pm »
Combating religion, combating religious radicals, or combating specific parts of religion?
Eh, none the less,

In my dorm, us people who hang out in the lobby make racial, sexist, and all other kinds of jokes that anywhere else can and would be taken horribly... and we do it for the fun of it, and because no one really cares.  We'll make a joke about black people to our black friends, and they'll just laugh.  

Mainly because we aren't making fun of those people themselves, we're making fun of the stereotypes (which we all know don't represent anyone accurately).

And about racism or sexism anywhere ELSE in the world or my life, I really haven't experienced it.  The world is seriously a different place than the 1960s.  Either that or I just luck out.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3101 on: June 23, 2009, 10:37:42 pm »
TK: Sorry to hear about that  : (. Maybe you should trying talking to them, or at least talking to a friend about how you feel?

Z, you may not like the women's studies class. I know some men who take them, and ok, I shouldn't compare you to this one asshole I knew, but he seriously hated the class a lot because he did not take the complaints of the women seriously.

In one example, a woman was complaining because I guess female soldiers in Iraq have it really hard cause if they're on these missions in a desert, it's really hard for them to pee, and a guy it's easier. Then the guy started debating with her about how the women should just hold it in and if you can't hold it in during a mission, you don't belong in the army... I just find all sorts of levels of stupidity in that arguement... but I'm just saying you should be prepared to defend your position because you will probably be subjected to a lot of "feminist" nonsense that some girls or maybe boys spew in that class.

This is why I tended to stay away from Women's Studies classes. They're great in principle, but some really dumb people with illogical opinions talk too much at times...

If anyone does that, I will verbally fuck them up. I'm ready to decimate and use the full power of my presence to unleash a torrent of passionate, beautiful idealism upon Dark Age idiots. I'm in the springtime of youth, and I'll be refreshing like a spring breeze to that class. I have budding genius oratory skills, and combined with being 6'7", I can really be a spellbinding, heroic, imposing force. They're going to have to contend with fantastic liberty wrapped in piercing charisma if they want to air their medieval sexism. I'm almost always the best presenter in every class I touch, so it's high time to put that to use improving the human condition.

Combating religion, combating religious radicals, or combating specific parts of religion?

All religion, or better put, all faith and irrational belief.

We'll make a joke about black people to our black friends, and they'll just laugh.  

As innocent as it sounds, there are usually one or two idiots in the group who are taking it seriously, so be careful.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 10:40:19 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3102 on: June 23, 2009, 10:39:30 pm »
6'7, damn you are huge XD. But yeah, I'm sure you won't be hesitant to verbally slap them around quite a bit. I don't usually like arguing for the sake of arguing, but it's better than letting verbal diarrhea run its course.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3103 on: June 23, 2009, 10:40:25 pm »
The main thing that bothers me about my period is that I can't take pain relievers. :( I have an auto-immune condition that effects my liver, so basically any drug that is metabolized through the liver I am not allowed to take. Drugs like Tylenol and Advil are hard on a damaged liver, so I basically have to grin and bear it. I was put on birth control to help with the cramps, and it helps tremendously but I can only be on it when my blood tests come back within a normal range for various clotting factors, like platelets, prothrombin time, etc. Auto-immune conditions often cause clotting issues, and birth control increases clotting as well. I've had to go off of birth control a few times because of it. :( Stinks!

Also, hang in there, Temporal Knight! You know you are not a failure. :) I've been through some very rough times with my family as well, and I found that you can never underestimate the importance of your friends. Turn to them; they will support you! If you can't find support from your family, perhaps turn to a trusted teacher or school counselor. When my family situation was very bad back in high school, I turned to my teachers and friends and they were completely there for me. Just know you're not alone and that you probably have more support than you even know! In the end, it's how you feel about yourself that matters. You are your best ally, and do your best to keep reinforcing to yourself what you already know: that you are not a failure and that you are certainly not worthless. Hang in there!

As for Zeality... why can't there be more men like you in this world?

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3104 on: June 23, 2009, 10:43:44 pm »
It's hard not to idol Zeality, isn't it?  :lol:

I put up with much racism where I am from. Between being in the south of the United States and me just being accepting of others, it's a cannon to the face.

I don't know a minute that I do not hear a racist remark about Mexicans or African Americans or any other racial group that doesn't seem right to the Caucasian race. *shakes head*

And than you, Zelbess and the others. My friends are my "family", I suppose.