Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 583500 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3165 on: June 25, 2009, 04:48:15 am »
pax is n seattle, so not for me this year!!!


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3166 on: June 25, 2009, 05:25:42 am »
I could do it. I'd have to get consent due to being a minor, but I could do it.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3167 on: June 25, 2009, 05:42:35 am »
Quote from: PAX FAQ
Are there age restrictions to PAX?
Nope. But if you're under 13, please make sure your parents know where you are.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3168 on: June 25, 2009, 05:50:40 am »
Quote from: PAX FAQ
Are there age restrictions to PAX?
Nope. But if you're under 13, please make sure your parents know where you are.

Fifteen years sexy, good to go.

Lord J Esq

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3169 on: June 25, 2009, 11:47:57 am »
What websites in general frustrate you so much you want to throw your keyboard at someone? :shock:

Not a specific site, but I don't have much fondness for those "load the ads first, the navigation second, and the content last" websites.

Does anyone get chrono trigger midis from

I used to use that site all the time, and for more than just Chrono music. For many years my midi collection was bigger than my mp3 collection. Admittedly I don't go there much anymore, but a well-made midi can be a beautiful thing. I sound like Cranky Kong, but there was something charming about the constraints on video game music back when it was all programmed from scratch.

I'm not sure why they decided to get rid of all my wisdom teeth(because technically I only needed 2 out) but the oral surgeon highly recommended it so I had to get them all out at once. my bottoms had come in, but my tops were never going to come in.

I had this exact same issue once upon a time: two needed to come out, and the other two were marginal. It was a top-bottom split, which is more typical than a left-right split. The dentist told me that by removing the upper wisdom teeth but not the lower ones, or vice versa, the remaining two won't be checked by their mates, and may grow in unfavorably. Apparently it's important for dental health for the upper teeth and the lower teeth to be able to grow against each other.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3170 on: June 25, 2009, 03:43:37 pm »
Does anyone get chrono trigger midis from

I used to use that site all the time, and for more than just Chrono music. For many years my midi collection was bigger than my mp3 collection. Admittedly I don't go there much anymore, but a well-made midi can be a beautiful thing. I sound like Cranky Kong, but there was something charming about the constraints on video game music back when it was all programmed from scratch.

Exactly. This is the very reason I don't want a Final Fantasy VII remake, because I love those midi quality bgms and polygons-you-can-count-on-one-hand graphics to death.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3171 on: June 25, 2009, 05:35:18 pm »
Also, where in Texas do you live, Zeality? I'm in San Antonio; I noticed there were a lot of Compendium members around the Denton area!

Denton, which has contributed to a few posts in this thread. Although it technically does have a vibrant night life, most of it at least seems terrible; a lot of the music scene seems to be quasi-Christian metal or emocore. I visited San Antonio in 2006, but only really stayed in the Riverwalk area except for a trip a few blocks away to find a renowned Mexican restaurant. I was amazed at how quick the transition from city center to what felt like "dusty barrio" took place. I loved how one leg of the river docked in a shopping mall. I was also told that falling in the river (even if you're pushed) is an automatic night in jail, but I never bothered to fact-check it; I also heard that Austin ships its homeless with one-way bus tickets to SA. What's it like living there?

Quote from: Lord J Esq
I had this exact same issue once upon a time: two needed to come out, and the other two were marginal. It was a top-bottom split, which is more typical than a left-right split.

My orthodontist and a dental assistant both told me that I was going to have all mine out around age 18 or 19. I sought a second opinion, and so far I've gotten away with keeping them. I'm sure almost all the cases of removal are for valid health reasons, but I wonder if any people like me were shanghaied into having them out because it seemed the normal thing to do.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 05:37:56 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3172 on: June 25, 2009, 07:11:51 pm »
Not coming to PAX? Tsk tsk, ZeaLitY. You disappoint me. And what will your fan club say?

Hm, I'm more over worried with the idea that if I go, I'd want a serious Compendium meetup to go on, and that needs proper planning. I also probably have to worry about the money side...

Zephira, Lord J Esq, Radical_Dreamer, Alcyone, and Myself. It sounded like Ramsus and V might be going as well. Getting close to a compendium meetup.

Sounds cool. I don't live like... terribly far from Washington. I would go, but I will be broke by then : (. I like going to cons though... maybe some year when I will actually have money. My stash of money will run out by the end of this summer... I guess 6 months is ok XD. I wish I could find a job that actually... pays >_>. There is a slight possibility over the fall, but it'll just be a stipend so I can't get paid till winter anyway.

EDIT: Today SUCKS. Not only did we lose Farrah Fawcett, but most likely Michael Jackson too. I doubt anyone really cares about Jackson, but I have always adored him. He just has some... problems >_>.

What am I gunna do when all the 80s wildebeests die out? : (.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 07:33:00 pm by ZaichikArky »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3173 on: June 26, 2009, 08:13:31 am »
Denton, which has contributed to a few posts in this thread. Although it technically does have a vibrant night life, most of it at least seems terrible; a lot of the music scene seems to be quasi-Christian metal or emocore. I visited San Antonio in 2006, but only really stayed in the Riverwalk area except for a trip a few blocks away to find a renowned Mexican restaurant. I was amazed at how quick the transition from city center to what felt like "dusty barrio" took place. I loved how one leg of the river docked in a shopping mall. I was also told that falling in the river (even if you're pushed) is an automatic night in jail, but I never bothered to fact-check it; I also heard that Austin ships its homeless with one-way bus tickets to SA. What's it like living there?
I've been to Denton quite a few times! Are you at UNT? I've spent quite a bit of time at TWU for a Women's Choir Festival I participated in. I remember it being quiet and lined with some very lovely Victorian-style houses. I don't think I could live there, though; I'm too much of a city girl. As for San Antonio, there are some very beautiful parts of town. The area outside of the River Walk isn't the nicest, but there are some beautiful suburbs on the north side of town. :) San Antonio doesn't have a very consistent look or feel to it, I find. It's very much like you described, it has a lot of very awkward transitions. I do like the friendly atmosphere and the delicious (and cheap!) food. There's four themeparks and a myriad of things to do, so I really enjoy San Antonio. I don't know much about the nightlife, since I'm not much into clubbing or drinking; I do know there's a pretty good jazz scene downtown, though. As for falling in the river, I never heard of that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. I know Ozzy Osbourne was banned from our city for urinating on the Alamo, so it seems we have a few strange policies in place. :P


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3174 on: June 26, 2009, 10:25:07 am »
I've been to Denton quite a few times!

Huh... I wonder how many other people are in this general area. PAX is a bit far to go for people living in Texas, but there is the Scarborough Renaissance Fair every year that might serve as a Compendium East gathering place (with Pax being Compendium West. Then we can start our own rap labels and start a mock war with each other).

Or Fredericksburg. They have the best pies there, ever. Oh yeah, and fun germanic culture.

EDIT: And on today's random biomedical info update, apparently recent study indicates that a fatty liver can cause a lupus-like disease.

And in today's random ancient history info update, apparently a bone flute was found in Germany, dating back 35,000, making it the world's oldest musical instrument. Take THAT, Egypt and Middle East.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 10:29:48 am by Thought »

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3175 on: June 26, 2009, 01:12:26 pm »
And in today's random ancient history info update, apparently a bone flute was found in Germany, dating back 35,000, making it the world's oldest musical instrument. Take THAT, Egypt and Middle East.
Any idea what process of dating they used to determine that?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3176 on: June 26, 2009, 02:10:26 pm »
Nope. Being a product of a biological process, I'd imagine they'd have a wide range of options for testing the object itself (rather than stuff near the area). Here, have a link:


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3177 on: June 26, 2009, 02:54:26 pm »
Scarborough Faire is fun =D Ive been a few times

my friends are more apt to going, some of them have seasons passes =D

I usually only go once a year.

Daniel Krispin

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3178 on: June 26, 2009, 04:54:04 pm »
Current annoyance: the concept of the Mary Sue.

What a foolish and narrow concept! I happened across this once again today - a 'test' of some sort on the matter - and thought for interest's sake to attempt it with figures in my own rating. Now, as it stands, a score over 35ish is considered painfully Mary Sue... my score on that was in the 70s. Now, I figured, this certainly cannot be right, and rather frustrated me.

So I put in as best I could figure the charactaristics of the great hero of perhaps the greatest (and certainly most influencial) work of Western literature, the Iliad. And sure enough, Akhilleus ranks in the 70s (and, certainly, this is why my creations do as well, as my style is nearest that of antiquity.) I did not do Herakles from the rest of the Greek corpus, but from what I saw of the questions, he would certainly rank in the 100s. In fact, he would probably fit in all the most damning cliches of having killed his family, it not being his fault, and so on and so forth.

Yet the writers of those works penned literature of far more lasting appeal and deeper thought that many that would be technically not be considered Mary Sueish. So something is amiss in the matter.

And thinking about it, my conclusion is that the concept, and any such addeneded quizzes, are narrowly based and biased to a single form of storytelling driven heavily by character (as opposed to, say, story and event, as most of the ancient works were), and more than this characters that are deeply disadvantaged or flawed, a storytelling style that is extremely modern: mostly this is a hallmark of novels (though not all even of those can be classified as it), and more than this of a focus on the vulgar, as opposed to the noble.

See, the ancient writers favoured writing about noble characters, the fortunate and the handsome and all - things which the concept of the Mary Sue finds particularly damning. Their tragedies were based around the fall of people who were highly blessed. And even when there was not a fall, the characters were typically of brilliant in aspect. Unlike we who have this idea of 'inner' beauty, to, say, the Greeks, it was quite the opposite: something that was 'good' was 'beautiful.' The two went in accord, and something that was ugly was something that was evil. Look only to the Iliad: every single character that makes an appearance is of the nobility save the unfortunate (and ugly!) Theristes. Aristotle would say this is because characters such as these have futher to fall, and make better subjects for stories because of that.

The problem is, for thousands of years that was the storytelling style, and it worked. Those works are still read and loved to this day. Yet along comes the novel - which has its own virtues - and the arrogance of the common. This pervades many fields. I see it in, say, the few Archaeology classes. Suddenly it's scorned to look at the great structures and buildings of magnificence, and all thought is bent to the lives of the common folk. Now that might have its virtue, but there is a certain arrogance that has crept into it that the common is really where one's head should be at.

And this is, I think, the very same thought, albeit in literature, that has given rise to the atrocity of the highlighting of the Mary Sue. What is considered good writing of character (at least by the form of the quiz) is that which is of common personality, is unexceptional, does nothing truly great and is deeply flawed. Now, who is to say that that is superior? Why must our works deal only with such topics and write in such ways to be good? It's ridiculous!

In short, if someone can write well, it doesn't matter how much of a Mary Sue a character is. Indeed, some of the most memorable characters in all of literature are such.

As a quick tangent, I think the same holds true for the concept of 'purple' writing. This is thrown around as though it's the hallmark of inferior writing, but from what I have been able to tell, some of the best writers of history have made use of it to good effect. As vulgarity (that is, the common) is lauded over and against the Mary Sues, so here simplicity and utter clarity is held chiefmost. Yet why? Why is that the end all and be all of writing? For Shakespeare, and some would argue him the best of all writers in our language, was said to have tried all styles except simplicity. And Aeschylus, my own dear ancient Tragedian, was by no means clear of diction! I think his phrases are 'purple' beyond anything anyone else could think of. Yet he is a master!

So in both of these situations I am frustrated. What's going on with this?

Let us all lay aside the scornful use of the terms Mary Sue and Purple... maybe they are not the villains we have been told, but instead the highest hidden virtues. Let they who wish read about the doings of fishmongers... but these works they declaim as cliched and inferior are in fact the works of dreams and high flown imaginations, more beautiful to behold and more touching to the soul.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 05:00:33 pm by Daniel Krispin »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #3179 on: June 26, 2009, 05:06:54 pm »
I believe the Mary Sue concept is mostly scorned in fanfiction, where the character will interact with already established characters from video games, television shows or books. Also, when said Mary Sue is shallow or poorly written. I tend to enjoy Mary Sue stories, mainly for trying to put myself in the Mary Sue's shoes. It's every fangirls dream or guilty fantasy, which is why it is scorned so much.