This person was only ever 'someone you knew', never a friend; just someone passing by, so I wouldn't get hung up on it. There was nothing to rekindle, so claiming to fail at something that never was in the first place, just isn't possible.
I wouldn't say least, not in this case. This was a person (well actually, two people) who I had spent a LOT of time with, and had opened up quite a bit to and vice versa. Someone whom I trusted and who told me things he had never told anyone else. I don't make friends easily and I don't trust easily so these were definitely not people that I simply "knew" or who were "just passing by". That's why I'm "hung up" about it--because I had shared so much of myself with this person and thought I could trust them. And it takes a lot to gain my trust. A
Having a 'friend' these days is just another way of showing a notch in the "i-am-so-popular-look-at-all-the-friends-i-have" belt.
I agree on a wider level, but I don't feel that applies to me as (previously stated) I don't have many friends and I don't open up easily. I have a very, very small circle of friends, and my definition of "friend" is very narrow. These two people were literally two out of four friends that I have at this university, and one has graduated now, so... That's why I'm upset.