Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 606551 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4635 on: November 26, 2009, 01:12:34 am »

I hate it when the bus arrives up to half an hour late for me, yet I still have to pay full fare.  I pay $20 a week for bus fare, when I could really be saving up.

They say it's for gas money, but the depot should be responsible for its self-induced expenses, which includes fuel costs.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4636 on: November 26, 2009, 03:49:34 am »



Fucking spiritualist idiots, so fucking frustrating...

Zeality, Homepathy is alternative medicine that WORKS, i have tried it out on my own skin and also make some for mylsef,is nature based therefore much weaker then chemical cures we have today, but people have right to choose for them selves i guess.

Why, why why why why why why why why why why why can some people not accept reality, science, genetics, etc. etc. etc.? Yes, to accept science and reality is to accept that the world is not fair. And that's the first step before we try to make it fair. The horrible state of this world should be proof enough that spiritualist karma is an idiotic falsehood.

There IS falsehood among all spiritual communities in every religion that takes details far too seriously. But you cannot insult spiritual people, because there are people who are true, people who accepted reality long ago, and now they are far beyond ''reality''.
Isn't you who cant accept things the way they are?

 Why, why why why why why why why why why why why can some people not accept reality,

WORLD WILL NEVER BE FAIR, right now is not fair u sleep in nice bed while people like you sleep somewhere in the world on bare floor and die because of lack of food while you eat more then you need. It will never be fair because of people who don't care - and there will be always people who do not care, and until it frustrate you - means you didn't accept reality.

What you call reality is what we can messure, touch etc. in one word MATTER. Matter is just about 8% of what exist in the universe (scientist say that) And matter=energy (like scientist say) is just all bunch of vibrations that vibrate on different frequency (that makes it different materials and colors for our perception) - (check stephen hawking - superstring theory)
To make it simple - we are like radio receiver - our senses in material=what u call real world are tuned to one radio station=reality. String theory predicts 11 parallel dimensions in world we know (do we know it??) since from 11 dimensions we can messure and touch 3 dimension of space +1 dimension of time.
The Rest most people can only imagine or some people who say they see ghosts, or believe in afterlife or other things -maybe their radio receiver can capture something from other dimensions -those that exist in same time and space - and can be something we can call 6th sense?
Maybe we say - oh they imagine it - or they just need to believe something cos they don't accept plain cruel reality, but you simply cannot insult them because we cant messure that or touch that - we all have dreams - you cannot take snapshot - so people who have dreams should be considered liars and insulted by those who don't have dreams or those who cannot imagine?
Is scientifically proved brain use same zones and amount of energy to see things (receive impulse form the eye) or imagine things - it scientifically doesn't make any difference to our brain.
Respect of fellow human beings is fundamental, no matter what they believe until is peaceful and unifying. Thats the only way world can be better one day. For me science approve my spirituality, and i look always for ways incommon because all people are different by nature.
Your point of view is ment to divide, not to unify. That is not springtime of youth, that's stupidtime of youth.

Really, though; for someone to say that ugly people deserve it from karma...

First of all we need to think about what is beauty. For most is what you find on cover of the fashion magazine. Most of these models have empty looks - so seeing their face is like seeing nice car -but it ends there - we cannot say -what a beautiful person - we can say - oh nice shaped body or face - but if it doesn't contain something more (soul, personality) - it vanishes in few years and the person who was once on cover of magazine is just ugly. Thats not real beauty. If you think beauty is given by genetics - you are material person.
For others is harmony of body and soul - even unusual beauty. To appear beautiful - perfect body and face is not enough i assure you because what all people notice is also the ''spark'' of soul - something you believe not to have. Even average person can appear ugly or beautiful - depending on his inner state of mind - and that is something not depending by genetics. This is true timeless beauty.

Frankly, I find the concept of karma to be disgusting and insulting..

Sajainta - Can we proof there is karma? No we cannot. Can we proof karma doesn't exist? No, we cannot - but since it disgust you - keep it to your self - because other people have the right to believe what they want, and you lack respect to them by saying this.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 03:53:54 am by Fichi_Zulla »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4637 on: November 26, 2009, 07:08:30 am »
Zeality, Homepathy is alternative medicine that WORKS, i have tried it out on my own skin and also make some for mylsef,is nature based therefore much weaker then chemical cures we have today, but people have right to choose for them selves i guess.

Actually, both natural and synthetic compounds can have equally powerful effects on the human body. Just because something is natural doesn't necessarily mean it is good for us. It doesn't matter how it was made, what matters is what it does to you.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4638 on: November 26, 2009, 08:40:40 am »
Exactly. Radioactive uranium isotopes are perfectly natural, but I don't think anyone would ever accuse them of being good for you. Same goes for snake venom and poison ivy, among many, many others.

However, homeopathy falls into the category of practices that I would consider mostly harmless so long as they are used in conjunction with, and not as a substitute for, conventional medical treatment. After all, the placebo effect is well-documented, so the practice may help some people even if it achieves absolutely nothing on a physical level.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4639 on: November 26, 2009, 09:03:23 am »
Here some expert's content about homeopathy:

Homeopathy follows the Nature's law of cure
Thus, while modern medicine aims at attacking the virus directly, homeopathy stimulates the vitality and boosts the defense mechanisms to combat and eliminate the virus. In this way, homeopathy follows the nature's law of cure.

Modern Medicines for the viral infection
Modern medicine has little to offer for any viral infection except for vaccination which in fact had been borrowed from the homeopathic principle of isopathy itself where the individual's immunity was exposed to diluted fragments of the microbe or the attenuated microbe itself so as to evoke an immunological reaction against that very same microbe when attacked by the latter naturally. Other medicines try to prevent the replication of the viruses but are only partly successful and helpless against the frequently mutating strains of the virions.

Homeopathy for the viral infection
Homeopathy on the other hand has an answer for any condition and any infection because "It doesn't treat the disease in the person but the person in disease," the entire approach being holistic and wholistic if I may say so. Individualization is the most important feature of homeopathy and we as homeopaths draw a conceptual image of the patient and study the psychosomatospiritual dynamics of every case taking the patient's past, present and probable future into consideration. With our theory of miasms that talks about the attributes and manifestations of a particular category of people and similarly by taking into account the person's constitutional type, temperament, and susceptibility, we can predict a lot about the prognosis of the disease in that particular individual.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4640 on: November 26, 2009, 09:19:06 am »
Radioactive uranium isotopes are perfectly natural, but I don't think anyone would ever accuse them of being good for you. Same goes for snake venom and poison ivy, among many, many others.

Alfadorredux,  that's kind of obvious -  snake venoms are used for making synthetic cures too, and even ''real'' medicine can be dangerous if you dont use it appropiately... I never said homepathy can cure cancer, but neither modern medicine have some real cure for it. Still modern medicine has many gaps - especially in treatment of viruses, where instead homeopathy seem to have better and long term effect.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4641 on: November 26, 2009, 09:49:46 am »
Fichi_Zulla, you're the one who claimed "it's better because it's natural" and "it WORKS", not I. If you meant to attach qualifiers to those statements, you should have done so from the start, not moved the goalposts after they were established.

Why do you have such an axe to grind about this? You have no posting history before today, so clearly this, for some reason, is important to you.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4642 on: November 26, 2009, 10:00:28 am »
My posting history does mean something? You mean like who the hell are you to be saying this ??? This shows how poor of judgement you are as a person, having prejudice because i never said anything before.
Dear, i just dont like to post to forums because english is not language i like to use in conversations. I limit myself to read only the forums, but this time things touched me personally, and i cant let anyone to insult things i believe in. Otherwise i have no time to waste arguing about unimportant things you people try to solve each day arguing in frustration thread.
I am one of the 2 friends Zeality is been complaining about - because I am spiritual and believe in homeopathy, karma too perhaps.
I did not say homeopathy is better, i claimed that it WORKS, thats all.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4643 on: November 26, 2009, 10:18:02 am »
Your posting history does not affect your credibility--I never meant to suggest that it did, and I'm sorry if I phrased myself so poorly that you took it that way. I was merely curious as to why it was this topic, rather than the hundreds of others that have appeared on this board since late April, that made you break your silence, and you've now answered that to my satisfaction.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4644 on: November 26, 2009, 12:31:37 pm »
I actually read some forums here since september 2008, i just made membership later in april. I'm glad you are satisfied.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4645 on: November 26, 2009, 02:24:14 pm »
Why, Thanksgiving (in the US anyway) is the PERFECT day to instigate what's likely to become a huge argument between and among friends!! :lol: Welcome to the Compendium Fichi, looks like this could get interesting.

I haven't studied homeopathy in depth at all, but from my inadequate understanding it would seem that it works on the placebo effect principle? Now, there's something, if I'm understanding that right. The only thing I'd fault the scientific community with is not taking more interest in researching and quantifying the mechanisms behind the placebo effect, since it seems to be an intersection between belief and practical results in the instances in which it actually works. But if the success rates of homeopathic and other alternative medicines are statistically below the success rates of traditional medicine, those who oppose homeopathy have a solid point from a humanist perspective.

I'm really awestruck by just how mainstream homeopathy has become, especially given that I've never even researched it at all before the posts here. Did you guys know that Zicam is categorized as a homeopathic medicine? I mean, that's practically a household name in the US as far as I know. I'm pretty sure it was widely advertised before the Food and Drug Administration canned it, at least it was where I live.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 03:06:57 pm by FaustWolf »

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4646 on: November 26, 2009, 06:55:22 pm »
Quote from: Fichi
Sajainta - Can we proof there is karma? No we cannot. Can we proof karma doesn't exist? No, we cannot - but since it disgust you - keep it to your self - because other people have the right to believe what they want, and you lack respect to them by saying this.

Maybe you should follow your own words and show some respect. Maybe there are reasons Saj finds the concept of karma to be bunk, reasons she's talked about that you haven't read yet.

Maybe YOU can't disprove or prove karma, and maybe YOU believe or don't believe in it. But there's no reason to be a dick about it.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4647 on: November 27, 2009, 05:36:49 am »
Mr Bekkler, are you Sajainta? NO? So only dick i see around here is you.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4648 on: November 27, 2009, 01:27:26 pm »
Mr Bekkler, are you Sajainta? NO? So only dick i see around here is you.

Welcome tot he party indeed. I can see we'll get along juuuuust fine.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4649 on: November 27, 2009, 01:28:55 pm »
Hey, now, Mr Bekkler was only trying to say that you are not showing respect for Sajainta's belief when you are clearly seeking respect for your own. Fichi, how can you expect to gain that respect if you begin by rebuking another's belief?